Papa (Kim)

47 3 2

Prompt by : IsThatACookie


(Kim's POV)

I tugged off my helmet and chucked it on the ground.

Qualifying had gone really really horribly.

I was starting at the bottom of the grid. I'm sure my team was pissed off as well, because none of this was their fault. All credits for today's mess up went to me.

Addie picked my helmet up and rushed behind me. And for a moment, I felt kinda bad.

But then I picked up my pace and made my way back to garage where I shut myself in my driver's room. I needed to cool down before I hurt someone.

Addie thankfully got the gist and left me along till the end of Qualies. Max topped the grid, followed by Charles and Lewis rounded up the top three.

By the time the last car pulled into parc fermé, I was feeling much more level-headed.

Which was good. Because then Addie knocked on my door and told me it was time for the pre-race conference.

I bit back a wave of panic. All twenty drivers attended the pre-race conference. It was always after the interviews of the top five grid drivers for that weekends.

I checked my watch and sighed. The latter conference would be ending soon.

Addie helped me wash up and get changed. And then we headed down to the open area where the conference was being held.

I took the seat farthest from the eyes of the interviewer. I didn't want to have to answer any questions.

Soon, the other drivers started filling in the empty seats. Charles was seated between Lewis and Max right at the apex of the semi-circle. As was customary for the top three of the evening.

Charles caught my eye and I offered him a tired smile. Immediately, questions rose on his face, but I looked away before he could voice them.

Soon, the conference had started.

It began with Charles and Max and Lewis discussing their track positions and if they felt like they could improve on anything, which of course all three had to comment on.

There was always room for improvement.

That's what we drivers lived by.

One by one, all the drivers were asked similar questions. Including me. I just shrugged and gave the interviewer a vague-as-hell answer.

And then another round of questions followed. I didn't pay much attention to these ones, but from what I could tell, they were slightly more personal.

I zoned out till it was my turn.

"So, Kim. We have a bit of news on the block. Regarding your lineage. When were you going to tell us you were the grand-daughter of Niki Lauda?"

I nearly fell of my chair.

No, scratch that. My grip actually slipped and I toppled off the spinny, high-chair.

"Kim!" Mick Schumacher reached out to catch me before I could hit the tarmac.

"Are you okay?"

"Yep. I slipped." I muttered, settling back into my chair. "Thanks for the help."

Mick nodded, but he didn't look too happy.

"So, back to our question." The reported continued, pretending like I hadn't almost face-planted seconds ago.

"Is it true that you are indeed a descendant of one of the greatest racing legends of all time?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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