Race Car (Niki and Kim)

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(Kim's POV)

I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes. Today, was the first day of the summer holidays!

I jumped out of bed, and ran to get ready. From downstairs, I could smell pancakes and coffee, which meant Nana and Papa were already up!

Quickly, I changed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and ran next door.

Barging in, I shook the figure on the bed awake.

"Novvaaaaaaaaaaa!" I whined, trying to wake her.

My 7-year-old sister groaned from under the sheets.

"What is it, Kim?"

"The holidays have begun! Wake up! We have so much to do today! We have to go clean up our cars so we can use them!"

"I can't join you! I'm going to Lauren's house for a sleepover, remember?"

"What? Oh."


"Wait, what time are you leaving?"

"12 o'clock, in time for lunch."

My excitement returned.

"So come on then! We can enjoy ourselves until you have to leave!"


Nova sighed and dragged herself out from under the covers.

"I'll meet you downstairs."


I dug into a stack of pancakes that Nana had made for me, layering on the maple syrup. I wasn't a big fan of sweet stuff, but maple syrup was one of the things I loved.

After me, Papa walked in with a bright smile on his face.

"Good morning, Kim!" He said, ruffling my hair.

"Good morning, Papa. How are you?"

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm fine too."

I took a big bite of pancake.

"So, what are we doing today?"

My grandmother shook her head.

"Don't encourage her to speak with her mouth full, please?"

Papa sighed and nodded.

"I know the rules, don't worry."


I swallowed my pancake.

"Yes, so today... We have to clean up the cars, right? So we can race?"

"No, we don't have to clean up the cars."

"What? Why?"

"Because, I got Johnathan to do it for us! All we have to do is race."

Johnathan was like Papa's personal assistant. He was very friendly, and I liked him a lot. Johnathan had a husband who'd come over somethimes, as well! His name was Antoni and he too, was very friendly.

My eyes widened at Papa's statement.

"So, we can go and race, immediately?"

"Immediately after breakfast, Hun." Nana said from the kitchen.

Papa laughed.

"Yes, darling, we know. Why don't you join us outside, now?"

"Just one more pancake. I'll join you in a moment."

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