Chapter 3: Who Are The Sailor Guardians?

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"Sailor Moon?, That's What She Called Herself? Said Andromeda Shun."
Yes, and there was this other girl who was wearing the same outfit but in Pink and Sailor Moon Called her "Chibi Moon" I then saw them Transform and Summon An Other Pegasus, and Then they Defeated this Monster that was called a Lemure from what I overheard, and then by the time you guys Showed up they left said Pegasus Seiya."

"They Seemed to Have Done Stuff Like This Before But I've never seen it before said Pegasus Seiya."

"You Can Say That About Us too, This Is all knew to us, but When we were coming to where you were we saw Four other Girls that Matched the Same description as Sailor Moon as you just said coming towards this way said Cygnus Hyoga."

"They May have been friends of her,
If they are around, then maybe they might know something about Saori or The People Who Kidnapped her? Said Cygnus Hyoga."

"You May Be Right Hyoga, Let's Just Hope if We Do see them again we can get some answers on them, I want to find out who Sailor Moon is said Pegasus Seiya."

"Dragon Shiryu, Found a Mirror Fragment on the Ground in the same spot, Ayatoriko The String Expert was Destroyed by Super Sailor Moon's Moon Gorgeous Meditation."

"He Didn't Tell The Others About it, But Kept the Fragment with him."
He believed he could tell them later once he found out if The Fragment may have been Connected."

"Hey I Think I May Have an Idea, How About we Look into who Sailor Moon is, whatever Saori was looking into may lead to something one why they say "She Knew Too Much", We just might be able to found out who Sailor Moon is or whatever her companions called themselves said Dragon Shiryu."

"I agree with Shiryu, let's look into what Saori was looking into, then we can found out who Sailor Moon is said Andromeda Shun."
Right, let's just hope we don't get the Attention of the one's that have Saori right now said Cygnus Hyoga."

"You Guys Found Anything? Said Phoenix Ikki." Ikki? Said Andromeda Shun." I Lost the Monster I was chasing said Phoenix Ikki."
Nevermind that, Will Go Back now, right now we have to find out who Sailor Moon is, will tell you on the way back sense you just got here Ikki said Pegasus Seiya."

"The Saints Left."

"Back with Super Sailor Moon and Super Chibi Moon." They Transformed back into Usagi and Chibi-Usa Tsukino."
Chibi-Usa how did you know I was there? Said Usagi."
Well Your Mom Sent me to look for you, you didn't came home right away said Chibi-Usa."

"You Got a Point, Mom's Gonna Be So Mad, No Wait Extra Extra Mad Jeez what I bad Night or Day to Go Home too!? Said Usagi annoyed but very tired and they want to complain that much like she always does."

"Usagi, Chibi-Usa! Said Sailor Mars."
Guys You Showed up said Usagi."
Did you deal with it, without us!, Talk about Wasting everyone's time! Said Sailor Mars."
So What Even Happened? Said Sailor Mercury."

"Usagi Explained What Happened."
Saints and a "Pegasus Mentor Punch"?,
That Makes no sense, sorry Usagi said Sailor Venus."
No I am telling the Truth, Chibi-Usa You tell your part of the Story! Said Usagi."
Oh well, I did see what she was talking about, and I don't know what happened but I know she is telling the Truth, even if sometimes Usagi does lie I can vouch that she's telling the truth this time said Chibi-Usa."

"Hey When I Ever Told a Lie to You Guys! Said Usagi."
Usagi Don't Change the Subject,
We need to find out who these "Saints" are, and we may have to do a lot investigating, but will pick it up tomorrow sense it's the Weekend,
So let's not waste anymore time, Usagi's mom is not gonna be happy if Both of you guys are gone said Sailor Jupiter."

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