Chapter 8: Chains of Love, Andromeda and The Sailor Guardian of Love

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"Shun had the Same Dream like the other Saints, Queen Serenity Told the story of Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion but told Shun to find,
"Princess Venus" and he can find Sailor Moon."

"After the Incident at the Park, The Boys and the girls went to the Arcade."
I am sorry that had the Happen guys, I am just glad everyone was ok said Makoto."
No you don't have to apologize Makoto, you didn't suspect it to happen said Shiryu, I am just glad the Sailor Guardians Showed up to deal with it said Seiya."
What about those Guys in the Armor? Said Usagi." Oh yeah!?, Them too said Seiya, not trying to Reveal about bringing a Saint.

"So Rei is your Grandpa gonna be ok?,
After what happened? Said Shun."
Yeah he said he would be fine, we took a bus to go back to the Shrine and get some rest, he's so persistent too on going alone as well said Rei."

"Then a Car drove by them outside, in the Car was Haruka Tenou, Michiru Kaiou, Setsuna Meiou, Hotaru Tomoe and Chibi-Usa."
Hey Bun-Head what your up too? Said Haruka." Are these boys friends of yours girls? Said Michiru seeing Seiya and the others."

"Uh sort of, do you guys know Usagi? Said Seiya." Oh guys, this is Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna and Hotaru and Chibi-Usa she is my Cousin said Usagi."
Usagi are you ok, if Chibi-Usa have a sleepover with Hotaru tonight? Said Setsuna."
I think it's ok, I'll ask my mom and dad when I get home, so they know where Chibi-Usa is said Usagi."

"Ok then, see you around, and it was was knowing you guys said Haruka as she drove off in the Car."
They went inside the Arcade, and Play some games for a bit, Usagi was Playing Sailor V, Until she Rage Quit."

"Ugh come on!!!!, Stupid Pegasus! Said Usagi." I am not surprised someone name themselves "Pegasus" on this game said Seiya."
Seyia? Said Usagi." Yes what is it? Said Seiya." Are you Pegasus? Said Usagi."
Seiya was Shocked thinking she meant him being the Pegasus Saint."
Uh maybe? Said Seiya."

"What! How did you get that High-Score! Tell me! Said Usagi."
What are you talking about I never played this "Sailor V" game before! Said Seiya."
Then why the hell did you said "Maybe" said Usagi."
I don't know I thought you meant something else! Said Seiya."

"They Begin Arguing."
Rei Signed, "We Just can't have enough arguments can we? Said Rei."
Come here kitty, kitty said Motoki Furuhata."
He was trying to get Luna down from one of the Cabinets as she somehow got stuck up there, of course she was "pretending".

"The Boys Came over and Saw Luna on the Cabinets, Luna what are you doing up there? Said Usagi." Meow said Luna as she jumped Usagi knocking her over on to Seyia."
Aghh! Said Usagi, Whoa! Said Seiya."
Seiya picked her up."
Um hey are you alright Usagi? Said Seiya." Uh yeah said Usagi blushing."
Seiya Blushed too."

"Usagi is Luna your cat?, You called it my it's name? Said Shun."
Oh yeah I guess sort of said Usagi."
She hangs around here a lot though she isn't that much of a troublemaker said Motoki." Yeah, I am sorry she caused you that much trouble said Usagi." Oh don't worry about it said Motoki."

"Why's there a Crescent Moon on her Forehead? Said Shiryu."
Oh that...... It's a Crescent Bald spot! Said Usagi." This Annoyed Luna as her face expression could be seen to the other Saints this confused as if "Luna understood what Usagi had said."

"Afterwards they soon Left for the day."

"The next day, Minako wakes up late."
For "School", agh I am late for school! Said Minako." Minako rushed to get ready."
Artemis! Why didn't you wake me up!
Said Minako."
Artemis was Tried beacuse he was up last night helping Luna on why Pervious villains were attacking again."

"Minako Rushed out the door."
Huh what? Said Artemis."
He looked at the Calendar as it was October 31rd on the Weekend,
"Halloween party at T.A Girls Academy with Shiba Koen Public Middle School".

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