Chapter 49

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Back at the main tent we all stood around.
"Do the saviors know yet?" Rick asked.
"No, they think she's on watch all night. Once morning comes they're sure to notice." I told him.
"She could be dead already." Maggie spoke.
"Arat wouldn't go down easy or without a fight. She has to be out there somewhere. If we don't find out what happened to her. We're done. I'm sorry but I'm sure as shit not losing anymore of my people!" I shouted at them. Slamming my hands on the table.
"Question." Jerry spoke up. "We get the perp. Then what happens?"
"She's my person. I decide what happens to them. And they'll fucking pay." Rick sighed.
"Everyone team up. We're out there till we find her."

I went with Maggie and Daryl. Neither of them liked me much but he was the best tracker and Maggie always had good intuition. We found some walkers along the way, one with a home made arrow in its chest. Daryl took one look at it and stood up.
"I know who took her." He said.
"Wait. What. You do?" I asked. He just nodded and off he went. I followed them for a few hours before we came to a brick building. We walked around the side to see the people. It was the ocean side girls.
"Did you take Justin out with that thing?" Daryl asked Bea.
"He killed my husband." She spoke. I looked at them all in front of my. Arat on the ground In front of them. I could tell she was scared and my blood was boiling.
"Please," Arat said looking over at Daryl and Maggie.
"They got a reason?" He asked.
"We've all done shit" Arat spoke with a crackled voice.
"People will find out." Maggie told them.
"She's the last one. After this it's over." I looked to Maggie.
"You're not going to agree to this bullshit are you?! She is one of my people and she has been one of the saviors who have been on board this whole time!" I shouted. The girl started to go on about how her family found this place. How there were kids and families here at one point.
"They murdered my mother. She shot my brother right here! They took everything. Because they could." I felt for her. I did. My Arat was one of my last friends. Someone I considered family.
"Please." Arat cried. "That was before. We're not like that. I'm not like that anymore. I've done nothing but follow what you have told us. Listen to Prudence and Rick. I'm one of you. I want to be one of you." She said with tears down her face.
"Did you do it," Maggie asked. I turned to Maggie then Arat.
"I had to. Simon would have killed me. I didn't want to but he said if I didn't. I'd be left dead like them!" Arat spoke. My fists clenched.
"Simon was a fucking power hungry dick." I spat. "He went against Negans orders behind his back all the time. I can guarantee Negan would have never plan the death of children or women who couldn't fight." I cried to her and Maggie.
"He was only 11! And tell them. Tell them what you said to him!" The girl shouted.
"Please!" Arat begged.
"What did you say?" I asked her as I took a few steps toward her. "To a child Arat... what did you say?" Arat looked up at me with eyes full of regret the looked back down.
"No exceptions." I let out a small gasp. "Simon. That's what he said." She cried. I looked to Maggie and Daryl as they slowly started to walk away.
"Wait. Guys. No. She's changed. Obviously she was just following orders to save her own life I -" I was cut off my Maggie looking me dead in the eye.
"If you want any chance of Negan gettin out you best be on our side of this." She told me. My eyes widened as I looked back at Arat.
"Prudence. Prudence please please!" She begged. My eyes welled up with tears before I turned my back. Arat screams for me to help quickly hushed by the sound of a stake through the back of her head. I felt my knees go weak and I fell to the ground. I gripped the grass and sobbed. I loved her like a sister. She always looked out for me since the day I joined the saviors. But this Oceanside business was before my time. I didn't know her then. The woman I knew would have never been so cold. But the proof was there with those heartbroken women. After a few moments I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Daryl.
"We gotta go." He held his hand out and helped me to my feet. I took a few long deep breaths before I followed him.
The sun was coming up and I was just following them in a daze. They were talking but I didn't hear any of it. They looked back at me then forward. I took it as I had to hurry it up.
"I loved her you know." I spoke up. "Like a sister." I could feel their eyes on me. "Oceanside. That was before my time at the sanctuary. I didn't know her then. But- the pain in those women's eyes. The coldness Arat had back then. If that was my child. If that was Jenny. I would have done the same thing." I told them. Maggie looked at me and nodded. I understand her side of this. And where she was coming from. I really did. "But. That doesn't make her death hurt any less." I cried as I started walking. Daryl offered a small pat on my back as we walked.


We got back to camp. The saviors were all gone. I knew they would be. I didn't blame them one bit. Rick must have seen me as I made my way to my tent because he followed me.
"You alright?" He asked. Not knowing about Arat yet.
"No Rick. I'm not. My people are gone. They don't want me. I couldn't protect them. Not how they wanted or needed. I was a shitty fucking leader and them abandoning me proves it." I cried to him. He looked down at me and sighed.
"You did what was right. A way to move forward. They didn't want it. And that's on them. You need to do what's best for you and your daughter." He told me. I stood there and cried a bit more before calming down. A mix of losing my whole community,even Liz, and Arat dying. I couldn't do it.
"It doesn't feel like the right thing." I sniffled. Ricks hand lifted my chin to look up at him.
"You're doing what's best for your girl. That's all that matters." He told me in his gruff voice.
"But now we have no where to go."
"Now that's a lie. You have a place at Alexandra."
"No one wants me there."
"I want you there. You're a good person Prudence. You've provided that to me and slowly. You're proven it to others." I smiled and leaned into the warmth of his hand.
"I hope your right." I pulled away and smiled at him. "Thanks Rick." He nodded and walked out. I took a few breaths before registering he invited me to stay at Alexandra. I'll be near Negan all the time. I won't be able to touch or see him but he'll be there. Finally some good fucking news. I composed myself before making my way to Jenny.

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