Chapter 4: Targeted

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The Jatkosota Panzer IV Ausf J fires at Anglerfish team, blowing off a part of their Schürzen. With the rest of the tanks engaging in battle against each other, the two Panzer IVs were going into a duel. Both tanks reversed back, then charged at each other. Their turrets were turning quickly and ready to aim. Miho places her hand on Hana's shoulder and whispers, 

"Hana-san, aim for the gap between the turret and hull." 

The Panzer IV Ausf H fired at its enemy, the shell penetrating the gap and the section blew up. Smoke flowed from the engine and the white flag popped up. 

The rest of the Jatkosota tanks continued attacking the Oarai team, with the KV-1 taking down the Hetzer. The Vickers 6-Ton were both out, as well as one T-26. Just as the tanks turned to the Panzer IV, a shell from the back hit the KV-1 and it was taken out. The Oarai StuG III then charges out from under the snow, camouflaged just like the match against Pravda. With the KV-1 out, the T-26s and BT-42 turned and fled in different directions. The Jatkosota StuG III Ausf G, unlike the rest of its team, attacked the Oarai StuG III. With the two assault guns firing at each other but missing due to their turretless guns, the rest of the Oarai tanks left and chased the BT-42, which had two T-26 protecting it. The BT-42 fired at the Porsche Tiger's tracks, but without the strongest tanks protecting it, the Jatkosota team was losing. 

Current tank count:

Oarai: Type 3 Chi-Nu, Type 89B, Hetzer eliminated. Porsche Tiger tracks damaged. Char B1 Bis, M3 Lee status unknown.

Jatkosota: two Panzer IV Ausf J, two Vickers 6-Ton, KV-1, three T-26 eliminated.

With their opponent's most powerful tanks eliminated, the Oarai tanks attacked the remaining Jatkosota tanks. The Mark IV was subsequently taken out, along with another T-26, but it did nothing to change the situation of the battle. Oarai had two tanks facing off against one T-26 and  the flag tank, BT-42. 

The two StuGs were firing at each other, but as their guns were unable to turn and aim properly, they were either missing, or merely scratching the armor. Realizing the situation, Caesar uses what Carpaccio had taught her, and the StuG moves back, before heading to their opponent's right. The assault gun quickly gets behind its opponent, and fires at the back, causing the white flag to pop up.

Meanwhile, the BT-42 of Jatkosota had its tracks disabled, and before Mikko could put the steering wheel on the tank, the Oarai tanks shot it together, destroying the BT-42. Oarai girls Academy had won the semi-finals.

The next day, the Oarai team went to watch the battle of St.Gloriana vs Pravda. The St.Gloriana team was using 1 Churchill, 9 Matildas, 4 Crusaders and 1 Cromwell, while Pravda uses the same tanks they had used against Oarai before: 7 T-34/76, 6 T-34/85, 1 KV-2 and 1 IS-2.

Midway into the battle, the Crusader platoon was obliterated, as well as the Cromwell and two Matildas. Pravda had lost three T-34/76 and two T-34/85, and the rest of their tanks were going around the St.Gloriana tanks. The British tanks were atop a hill, and the Churchill was in the center. The KV-2 was leading the assault now, with the Matildas' shells ricocheting from its armor. Every shot fired by the powerful 152mm gun sent dirt flying into the air, along with the occasional barely-struck tank moving away in fear. There was two T-34/85 as well as the flag T-34/76 behind the KV-2, and the IS-2 was leading the rest of the Pravda tanks to the back, in order to ambush the Churchill. After a long battle, the Pravda team had 1 IS-2, two T-34/85 and the T-34/76 flag tank left, while St.Gloriana was down to their Churchill and two Matildas. With slower tanks on their team, the St.Gloriana team decides to retreat. Just as the Churchill appears around a corner, the IS-2 broke its tracks, then its 122mm gun turns to the British flag tank's turret. At the last moment, a Matilda blocks the path of the shell, taking the blow and being eliminated. The other two British tanks shoot the IS-2, and it was out as well. Both T-34/85 came out and fired, but their shells bounced off the Churchill. 

"Look there! The flag tank!" The Churchill turns its gun and fires right into the gap between the turret and hull of the T-34/76, eliminating it.

"St.Gloriana Girls College has won the Semi-Finals of the Winter Continuous Track Cup!"

With the Semi-Finals having ended, the Finals were going to start tomorrow. It was going to be Oarai Girls Academy against St.Gloriana Girls College.

"There is a large storm forecasted to come tomorrow. The Sensha-do match of the Finals will be postponed until next week due to the weather." Miho Nishizumi reads out from the newspaper.

"That means our match is going to start next week? Thats good, we have time to prepare." Anzu says as she puts a potato into her mouth, "Class dismissed!"

The Sensha-Do club left the meeting room and went off to do their own things. When Erwin and Rommel were sitting at a bench by the sea, watching the sunset, a hand covered in a cloth clamped over Erwin's mouth. Erwin took a breath then realized there was this scent in the air... too late. She closes her eyes and fell asleep, the drug working. Rommel turns after hearing the commotion and pulls out his pistol (which was miraculously kept inside his coat even after all this stuff happened) and points it at the person who drugged Erwin, but another gun was pointed at his head from behind.

"So you see, if you didn't want to come with us nicely, we're gonna do it by force. And your dear Riko Matsumoto here, is going to pay with her life should you not comply with our terms. So, will you become the instructor of the University Select Team, or let this girl here bear the consequences and die for you? Oh, and you won't get away. We'll have adequate evidence to report you for murder. And for someone like you, without a passport or any identification, I presume it's not gonna end well."

"You bastards... okay." The person holding the gun to Rommel's head lowered the pistol at hearing his words, but Rommel had tricked him. Faster than anyone could think, the German general swings an elbow back, hitting the gun-wielder, as she clenched her arm and steps back in pain. Rommel kicks her in the stomach and slams her onto the floor. The other girl who was holding Riko captive tries to pull out her gun, but Rommel was faster. He shoots her in the head and her body falls backwards, off the schoolship and into the sea. A wisp of blood lingered on the surface for a moment, before the ocean waves washed it away. Rommel turns to the other girl lying on the floor. Kneeling down, he whispers in a dangerous tone,

"Now, promise me you won't tell anyone of what happened here. If you do, I shall personally make sure you will die a painful and long lasting death. Have I made myself clear?

"Yes... sir. I won't tell anyone of what happened today." Rommel nods in approval and let her off. Before the girl could take a few more steps, a gunshot sounds and she fell to the floor, a bloody hole on her head. Rommel turns in surprise to the assailant, and he found Azumi standing there with a pistol, as well as multiple university gunmen like the ones who tried to capture Riko.

"What? How are you..." Before Rommel could finish his sentence, Azumi fires a tranquilizer dart at Rommel. The man fell to his knees, then fell asleep as the drug enters his body.

"Take him and that girl there. Clear the body as well. We mustn't let anyone know what happened here." Azumi commands to the soldiers behind her.

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