Chapter 16: Unlikely Alliance

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Benito Mussolini, Duce of La Nuova Italia, reborn from his death, was looking through his window at the Italian soldiers preparing for war, with Anchovy behind him. Anzio had joined Mussolini as soon as they got the chance, and Anchovy had married Mussolini just like Maho and Hitler. La Nuova Italia had occupied half of Africa alongside the New Reich, but being much weaker in power, Mussolini did everything Hitler told him to do, as an invasion would result in their ultimate destruction. Additionally, it is known that the Würstchen Schutzstaffel had terrible methods of torturing and killing people,  and he didn't want to end his new life like that. However, the only purpose Adolf Hitler kept him alive was because of the ALKS, and Italian research for the Führer. If they had no more purpose for him, La Nuova Italia would be completely wiped out by the New Reich. 

"Miho, it looks like the St.Gloriana ship is there. Should we get closer?" The Oarai and Kuromorimine school ships had been searching for the HMS Ark Royal for a few days, and finally found it in the sea. The Zuikaku and Graf Zeppelin got closer, and found blood and corpses on the ship. Miho and the others ran into the St.Gloriana ship, but they were way too late. Puddles of blood covered the deck, with bodies that were distorted and broken in unimaginable manners. Miho sees what looked like a cross sticking out of the deck and ran to it and found her friend, Darjeeling. She was impaled by metal rods and had major modifications done to her body, but she was still alive when all of the torture happened. After checking the entire ship, the Kuromorimine, Saunders and Oarai students gathered on their ships. Facing the HMS Ark Royal and the thousands of deceased souls, they silently prayed for the tortured souls to progress to the afterlife.

"Goodbye, Darjeeling and everyone from St.Gloriana. We will never forget all of you. The killers will be made to pay with their own blood." Miho looks off into the distance. More people were going to die, and there was nothing she could do to prevent it from happening.

"That was an order! Ahlewurst's attack was an order! We had moved three panzer divisions and 79 000 soldiers into Kalinin, Leningrad, Pskov and Smolensk, but the Würstchen Schutzstaffel needs to attack and take out the enemy air base! Now we need to get the Luftwaffe's support, but they are fighting the Soviet and Chinese airforce! The countries of the East are not to be underestimated, for they can overpower us once we fail even a single step!" Adolf Hitler, having been informed of the Würstchen Schutzstaffel's attack, was extremely angered and started ranting.

"Mein Führer, it is important that we finish KMS Neues Deutschland immediately. With the Nishizumi's aircraft attacking the Malay Archipelago, Neues Deutschland will get around the Eastern front, and attack from the top with 32 000 troops and a few hundred tanks, and the ESE will have no way to counter a second strike from their rear. There is still a week for us to finish construction, and once it is done we can attack." Luftwaffe commander Hermann Göring proposed his idea to the Führer, but it made him even more furious.

"F your idea! All our ships and the ALKS will attack from Japan and reach mainland Asia, then we'll crush our enemies! Feel my pencil of doom!" Hitler throws his pencil of doom at the table, cracking it in half. Since the Führer was in a rage, his generals left the room for him to cool down, as an angry Hitler was the last thing they wanted to argue with.
Meanwhile, Deutschland had came to see the KMS Neues Deutschland.

Meanwhile, Deutschland had came to see the KMS Neues Deutschland

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