Chapter 13: Pride of an Empire

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After stocking up on even more tanks and supplies, the KMS Nishizumi set off on its next attack to take down its new opponent: a giant fleet of European navy ships heading for the New Reich in an attempt to destroy the invading Nazis. Even now, the occasional rebellion or military squad attempted to fight back, but their futile attempts only met with death. Hitler, after finding out about global warming, had ordered for the entire Africa to be covered in plants. Africa and part of Europe had been burnt down completely by the flammenwerfer troops previously, and the ashes served as perfect soil for the new plants. In Asia, only the Eternal Soviet Empire were still fighting the nazis, with all the other countries either destroyed, or kept to themselves and didn't dare to fight back. New factories were constructed in the scorched towns, and more tanks and equipped soldiers came out of them like an endless supply line. The nazis could clone soldiers to fight for them, but due to the lack of knowledge in this area, clone soldiers were not used in numbers.

Adolf Hitler was pacing in his room, looking at the files of the KMS Nishizumi. The New Reich used up 1/9 of their total resources for this ship, which would become the greatest ship anyone could make. The Nishizumi weighed 147000 tonnes, even heavier than the Yamato, and was armed with two 1-meter cannons, as well as five 520mm split-shell guns and six 380mm sturmtiger cannons. The split-shell gun is another creation of the New Reich, a shell that would split up into many splinters that strike the enemy with deadly accuracy. Along with these main guns, there were many anti-aircraft guns and secondary armaments that could fire at enemies which got close. On the left of this battleship was a landing deck for aircraft to land and take off, making it a multi-purpose ship. It also had radar to detect enemies, a magnetic field to automatically destroy enemy torpedoes, and a coating to avoid magnetic or auto-aim missiles. There are multiple landing bridges for the tanks on it to land, and below there is a u-boat docking area that could accommodate up to five u-boats. This was truly a vessel of war, and the pride of this empire. Better than Bismarck. But he wasn't satisfied with this yet. He will never be. Himmler steps into the room and Adolf Hitler asks him,

"Reichsführer Himmler, have you watched this anime called Demon Slayer?"

"Yes Mein Führer, what would you want?"

"I want that power. A gun to transform cities of humans into demons that will only obey my command. Now, regarding the world teleporter which had been developed a few days ago, I want that immediately done. When it is completed, we'll be able to travel into fictional worlds and bring whatever we need! This will give us the upper hand against the Soviets!" Himmler exits the room to carry out the Führer's order. 

Within a few days, the New Reich was done with the world teleporter. Hitler had gotten a team of the elite soldiers serving as his bodyguards previously, and they would go into the Demon Slayer world and bring back a demon for the Reich's newest weapon. The team of soldiers headed through the portal and into a forest.

"Mein Führer, this is 01. We are looking for targets. I believe we should wait until night time, as demons are afraid of the sun. Wait a minute, I hear voices." The team leader raised his anti-biotic gun that could dissolve cells. He moved through the forest and found two people. One of them was a boy who was polishing a black katana with his back facing him. The other was a girl, but she had a strange aura around her. Adolf Hitler, who was watching from a camera mounted on the soldier's helmet, asked for a scientist to pass him a thermal scanner used by the Nazis to find enemy snipers. After scanning the girl seen in the camera screen, the scanner gave no results. She was not human.

"Get her!" The nazis burst out of the forest armed with demon-capturing equipment. Tranquilizer darts were fired at the girl, but they had no effect. "I guess we have to use this now!" The team leader throws a glowing cube on the floor, and the entire world was transformed into a cube with flashing colors. The girl looked at him, as they were the only people left in this world now, having been transported to a pocket dimension. She prepares to attack, but the world turned dark and black tentacles wrapped around her body. Struggling to escape the tentacles, she activates her demon powers, but they were useless in this dimension, which would only follow its creator's commands. The Nazi takes out a white pistol and shoots her in the head, but no bullet came out. Instead, a cloud of concentrated gas shot her in the head, and she fell asleep. He removes the pocket dimension and sees the nazis dealing with the boy. Seeing the girl being carried by the nazis, he yells and swung his sword forward, cutting off a soldier's head. The rest of the soldiers opened fire at him and he was covered in bullets, and they exploded inside him, causing a crater in the place where he stood. In the house behind them, the gate opens and some people come out.

"Who are you? We are demon slayers, stop right now!" 

The team leader gave a devilish smile to the demon slayers.

"We are soldiers of the New Reich, and this girl is needed by our Führer. Soldiers, open fire!" The Nazi soldiers fired rocket launchers and machine guns at the house, killing everyone and blowing up the building. They ran back to the portal and goes through it, back to the New Reich. Hitler and his officers applauded these soldiers when they saw the girl. "Mein Führer, we have captured this demon. Her friends, which were humans, have been eliminated by our guns."

Adolf Hitler gave order for the scientists to bring the demon girl away and begin the construction of their new weapon immediately.

"The New Reich will have enough strength to eliminate the Soviets for once and for all! All those prisoners we have caught can be converted to deadly demons which only serve me. The Soviets will never expect this!" 

Back on the St. Gloriana school ship, Kay and Darjeeling were watching a war movie together. Darjeeling turns to her girlfriend and asks,

"Kay, would you like to watch Demon Slayer? I heard that it is a good anime,  I believe we can watch it together." The two lovers kissed each other, then Assam came into the room.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt your romance but Miho Nishizumi is here! She needs to talk to all the school commanders, and Chi-Ha-Tan as well as Jatkosota have came to our alliance." Darjeeling and Kay walked out to meet Nishi and Mika, the commanders of their schools. 

"Other sensha-do schools have been joining our alliance against the Nazis, and there are more smaller schools on the way. This way, we'll be able to fight off any enemy that attacks us. Anzio, BC Freedom and Pravda have all refused our requests, but we won't force them. Pravda has Russia- sorry I mean the Eternal Soviet Empire, and BC Freedom is in an alliance with them. As for Anzio, I can only assume they're safe, or the Italians got to them." Miho explains to Darjeeling, and the commanders went off to plan the next part of their battle against the Nazis. However, something was coming from the fog.

"Miho-San, our watchtowers have reported that a ship is coming! We are activating our defenses!" The school commanders rushed to the side of the Oarai school ship and saw something. It was approaching fast, with the size of a battleship and the speed of a cruiser.

"The Nishizumi... it's here." The anti-ship defense guns turned on and fired their rounds at the Nishizumi, but every shell either bounced off or dealt no damage. The Nishizumi's two 1-meter guns turned to the school ship and everyone froze. Just a single shot, and they would all be dead. However, instead of firing them, the guns turned to something else and fired. The fog cleared from the explosion and revealed... navy ships, from many countries! They fired at the Nishizumi, which turned itself at these new threats. U-boats sank multiple navy ships, but there were aircraft carriers as well. Fighter jets of the newest version took off and flew towards the Nazi ship, attempting to take it down. The many anti-aircraft guns fired, but they weren't enough. One of the pilots, however, noticed a long flight deck at the side of the battleship. It was empty. 

"Everyone halt, retre-" before the pilot finished, his aircraft blew up. A squad of aircraft flying in a Nazi symbol was nearing them. It was the Neuer Luftwaffe. The fighter jets fought with the nazis while the Nishizumi launched torpedoes and fired its cannons at the allied ships' futile attempts to take it down. A couple of its anti-aircraft guns and secondary guns had been destroyed, but they didn't contribute at all. In return, multiple ships were destroyed and many lives were lost. Seeing that there was no way to win, the allied ships retreated, but just as they left, one of the ships fired a torpedo into the u-boat dock which was under the ship. The section had a diagonal surface for the u-boat to be pulled into the ship, and it was covered in a sheet of metal when there are no u-boats. This creates a shot trap, which allowed the torpedo to ricochet, blow through the metal sheet and explode inside of the Nishizumi's u-boat dock. Maho orders for their ship to retreat after firing their guns at the attacker, which was cut in half by the shells. 

The KMS Nishizumi enters the New Berlin Port and was welcomed by cheering crowds. They had heard of its victory against the allied ships (which was exaggerated by Nazi newspapers) and all came to behold this metal giant themselves. Weighing over 147000 tonnes and being 2.4km long, this was truly the pride of their empire. The unsinkable führerin of the seas, as what they called it.

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