Chapter 5: Assault

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Erwin wakes up in a room and she looks around: the room was almost completely dark except a single lamp hanging above her head. Then she realized her arms were tied behind her and she was sitting on a chair. I'm kidnapped by someone! She screams for help, but it appears that no one could hear her. As she stops to take a breath, a cloth was shoved into her mouth, then a strip of tape covered it. The person behind Erwin wrapped the tape around her head tightly. 

"Stop struggling and don't make me mad. Or else I'm gonna use this on you." The person says, then waves something in front of Erwin. Under the dim light, she sees a long needle, its silver color shining. The thought of this thing piercing through her was enough to keep her from struggling. "Now th at is what I like, a good Rommel cosplayer who would behave."

Rommel. The German general who was reborn. Where was he? 

In the meantime, Rommel had escaped the room where he was imprisoned, killing two guards in the process. He was navigating through the gigantic base, and hiding from any person he saw. This isn't a bloody university, it's a criminal organization! They've got guns and all sorts of bloody stuff, I'm gonna find Riko and get out. Rommel kicks down a door labeled Firearm Storage and finds shelves of machine guns, assault rifles and pistols. In a corner was multiple boxes of grenades and sticks of dynamite, as well as panzerfausts and lunge mines leant against a wall (why would they have these things). Rommel gets a Kel-Tec AMR 30 which could carry 30 bullets, as well as an M4 Carbine and two grenades. He puts some ammo into his pocket and heads out, coming face to face with two University gunmen carrying M16 rifles. Taking out the pistol he fires two shots at their heads, blasting their blood all over the walls. He kicks open a door on his left while holding the M4 and comes face to face with more soldiers. 

"Mr Rommel, put your guns down and surrender! We have more people than you, and if you do not comply we shall shoot you!"

"Shut up, you anime ripoffs of America!" Rommel fires his machine gun and ducks behind the door befor throwing a grenade. It explodes and kills every single person in that room. Rommel reloads and heads out of the area, looking for Erwin and shooting everyone in his sight.

"Mmmmphf!" Erwin screams in a muffled voice when she heard gunshots near her. The room was now empty but she was still stuck to the chair. This is getting too scary for me, and I'm still not free! She rocks the chair forcefully, but it causes her to lose balance and topple forwards, hitting the ground hard with her face as her cap fell to the side. Struggling to get rid of the ropes and tape but to no avail, Erwin sees a cloth in front of her and pulls it away with her teeth. It fell away, revealing a door with a window at the top. Just then she hears footsteps outside and froze in fear. The next second, a gun fires, then a blood splatter covers the window, blocking the light. Erwin gasped in fear at the shot.

"Damn that hurt..." Rommel winced as he bandaged his left arm. A bullet had gone through his flesh, but thankfully it wasn't too deep. He had tied a cloth ripped from a corpse around the wound and was trying to focus on something else, so that the pain wouldn't be so strong. He was currently in a room with the door blocked by some chairs. "Don't worry Erwin... I'll get you and we'll get out of this hell..."

"Get her the f out of here!" Rumi shouts to the two girls behind her. They put their rifles away and kicked down the door. Seeing light in front of her, Erwin looks up and sees that they were here. 

"Get away from me you bastards! Rommel is going to-" Rumi smacks her head with her rifle and the two girls picked up the unconscious body, cutting away the tapes and ropes and bringing her away. The team of specially trained soldiers then left upon her orders to bring Erwin away. Rumi looks at the room where Erwin had been imprisoned and walked to the table at the side. As she gathered the documents on the table, she felt a person behind her. Raising her fist to attack, the university girl punches at Rommel. He grabs her hand and she spun around. For the moment, both of them made eye contact, then Rommel slams her head against the wall. 

"Where the f is Erwin!" 

"You bloody reborn Nazi!" 

Rommel was infuriated and he breaks her shoulder joint with a powerful twist as he held onto her arm. Rumi cried out in pain then fell to her knees. Rommel kicks her in the stomach then continued landing punches on her while cursing in German. When he got tired and stopped, Rumi looked at him with pleading eyes and whispered, "Please, no more..." Rommel glares at her body covered in blood, then takes out his M4 and fired a round of bullets into her body. 

"All of you will pay with your lives, for what you have done to Erwin."

Erwin wakes up again and finds herself lying on a concrete surface. Her hands were handcuffed behind her and her mouth was covered by a piece of tape. After getting herself into a sitting position, Erwin observes this new room. It was concrete on all four sides, with a single metal door that had no doorknob nor window. A single LED light was above her, but it was only enough for her to barely see her surroundings. Just then, a terrifying inhuman howl came through the door. Erwin flinched at the sound of that. It didn't sound like any sound a creature on earth could make. At least, not to her knowledge. The next second, the door swung open and a gun was pointed at her head.

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