Chapter 6: The Raptor Of Raseiniai

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"Stand up and come with me you goddamn cosplayer. Move!" Erwin stands up and followed the person, who brought him to a locked room with a sign saying: Top Secret. After knocking four times on the door, she heard the sound of a lock turning, then the door opened, revealing Azumi, the member of the Bermuda Trio who graduated from BC Freedom and was also the one who brought Erwin to this place.

"You may leave," Azumi says to the guard who exited the room and closed the door. "As for you, Riko Matsumoto, I would like to show you my greatest creation, a living weapon which I have brought back to life." Azumi turns to a blackboard and began to write on it, while explaining what this was about. 

(History fans beware: this is a fictional story)

"So you see, in the Operation Barbarossa, there was a battle, The Battle Of Raseiniai. A single Soviet KV-2 fought off many German tanks and artillery for an entire day, on June 24th, 1941. However, what most people have heard is wrong. The KV-2 wasn't fighting alone. Before this, on March 6th 1940, the Project EHC had began. This was a Russian project which intended for not only infantry and tanks to fight, but also animals. After many rounds of selection, they couldn't find an animal to use against the Germans. Then on June 9th 1940, an extraordinary discovery of the Soviet archeology department had turned the program into something new: they had discovered intact velociraptor fossils under a hill, and they could still extract complete DNA from the fossils! In August 1940, the first prototype velociraptor was made. It was just as deadly as the velociraptor from a few million years ago. The soviets had no complete control over this creature, but it was a living weapon that could cause a lot of damage to the enemies. On June 24th 1941 the first prototype was sent to the battlefield, and it had massacred the Germans. They were completely unprepared for this predator. Multiple tanks and vehicles were destroyed, as well as some artillery. This made the KV-2 less overwhelmed against the remaining Germans, who killed the velociraptor with artillery and anti tank guns. Two months after the battle, Luftwaffe bombing had destroyed the Soviet Scientific and Research Department, but some equipment as well as DNA was saved. I had a boyfriend from Russia, whose grandfather was a researcher in Project EHC. They had given me the required DNA as well as important equipment to recreate the velociraptor. Now, behold Prototype TROR-01, The Raptor Of Raseiniai!"

Azumi pulls away a cloth, revealing a metal cage which contained a velociraptor.It realized that Erwin and Azumi were nearby, and roared at them, showing rows of sharp teeth that could rip through flesh like knife through butter. Erwin moves back in fear, but Azumi walks to a closet and takes out her BC Freedom Sensha-Do jacket, then put it on.

"The Soviets had no complete control over this creature, which was a flaw in their program that cost the lives of many while containing it. But I thought of this and added an additional component into its brain: When it sees me wearing this, the brain nervous system makes it automatically obey my orders. Therefore it will be able to understand what am I saying. Furthermore, it will not obey any other University soldier, as only it only listens to someone with my hair color, height, voice and the Sensha-Do jacket." Azumi explains to a frightened Erwin standing at the side. 

"But... why not the University? You're on their side aren't you?" Erwin asks Azumi, who sighs at her and began to explain.

"While the BC Freedom High School may appear as a regular Sensha-do school in Japan, it is actually a French terrorist organization which worked with the Soviets in the past, in biological weapons and genetically modified creations. Their current leader, Marie, is not as harmless as she appears. She is the head agent of the organization, currently known as Империя французского Лука.  There's much more to St. Gloriana and Kuromorimine as well. St. Gloriana is a British spy agency in Japan, which plans to use ww2 Japanese documents in order to create weapons to dominate Europe. As for Kuromorimine, the Nishizumi family was the one that helped Japan join the axis, thus their relationship with Nazi Germany. I'm also in Империя французского Лука, and I came to the university to sabotage it. They've been trying to get our documents so they have evidence to get us in trouble with the government. If you look at their schools you may see nothing wrong, but every single person might be an agent, and their bags might just be carrying a deadly weapon or some secret file. Now, enough of that."

Azumi opens the door of the cage and TROR-1 came out, unsure of its surroundings like an animal released into a new environment. Looking directly into its eyes, Azumi tells it to feed. The prehistoric predator walks to a bucket with a sealed lid. Its claws opened the lock on the side and opened the lid before feeding from whatever that was inside. Its snout raised up after feeding as a drop of blood ran down the side of its neck. 

"As long as it can see me clearly, it will be able to obey all of my orders. Now, tell the world of what you have seen. Warn them of what is coming. But they will never be able to fight back against this living weapon, a predator that was born to kill!"

Azumi went into another rant of how great she was, how Империя французского Лука would help her to dominate the world, but Erwin considered her words. As long as it can see me clearly, it will be able to obey all of my orders. An idea came to her mind. Picking up the bucket with all her strength, Erwin splashes its contents onto Azumi who was not expecting her to attack.

"Aaah, the f did you do to me, German? TROR-1! Kill her!" Azumi's face and body was covered in blood and what appeared to be fresh animal organs. The velociraptor was confused at the scene that was unfolding before its eyes, then the scent of blood entered its nose. The velociraptor sniffed the air, then leapt at Azumi, who was no longer its commander, but now food.

The predator's 13cm-long, sickle-shaped claw dug into Azumi's stomach like a hot knife through butter, tugging her intestines out as the claw was retracted. Before she could even scream, the raptor's sharp teeth, which were shaped like steak knives, cut through her lower half and sprayed the blood everywhere. Erwin screams at the disgusting scene and runs out of the room, shutting the door behind her as the prehistoric predator slammed itself against the reinforced steel door, then its claw grabs the door handle and forced it open. It was out, without anyone to control it. Unlike its ancestors from millions of years ago, it didn't kill for food. It killed for sport.

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