Chapter 10: Stalin's Organ

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 After checking that they were out of sight, Noriko stops the car and the Volleyball team came out, then pulled out Paccheri and told her to kneel on the ground. Taking out a rolled up volleyball net, they tied Parccheri up. 

"Wait, what are you guys going to do with me?" Noriko gave her a grin and kicks her down, then they carried her to the edge of their school ship. The ocean waves could be heard down below, smashing into the metal hull of the ship with tremendous force. At this height, if someone were to fall they would likely die from the impact, even if they survived, they would still drown.

"I think the fishes like pasta, don't they?" 

"No no no please don't kill me! I didn't do anything wrong! Please let me go!" Paccheri's pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears, as her captors prepared to throw her over the railing. Cannelloni and everyone in the Tubular Pasta Fleet, I will miss you all. The Volleyball team flung her over the railing. Paccheri's screams slowly faded away as she slammed into the water. There was blood, and her body sank down. Light Cruiser Paccheri of the Tubular Pasta Fleet was dead.

"Dead for sure. Let's go back and-" before Noriko could finish her sentence, an artillery shell slammed into the deck and exploded, vaporizing all four of them in an instant, leaving a charred circle with a three meter radius on the floor, marking where they had died.

"Sorry, Paccheri-chan. May the Führer bless your soul." Cannelloni retracted her cannon and flew to the largest collection of people, in the city square. "Fellow members of the Tubular Pasta Fleet, our work is done here! May you receive the Führer's blessings, the almighty one who created all of us! Leave the rest for our comrades in the Neuer LuftWaffe division!" The Tubular Pasta Fleet retreated, with each girl transforming into a warship as she headed off, following their commander. 

"So they're gone? Wait a minute, what's that in the distance?" Mako points at a cluster of black shapes in the sky that were nearing them every second. When they were close enough, the crowds gasped at what they saw, and some people fainted from shock. It was a formation of white and blue aircraft flying in a Nazi symbol shape. The fighter jet in the center began to land, then transformed into a girl. 

"Hello everyone! I'm Nacreous, commander of the Neuer LuftWaffe! You can call me Nacrii-san! We're here to kill you!" The rest of the Neuer LuftWaffe turned into girls as well. Everyone was ordered to lie down on the floor. A couple of people refused to obey their orders, thinking that their cheerful commander would not be so cruel to kill. They were wrong, as the next moment bullets ripped through their bodies. 

"Nacrii-san, what will happen to us?" someone in the crowd asked, and she turned around.

"A free of charge, one way trip to the afterlife! Ready to board your flight?" Nacreous gave the signal and the Neuer LuftWaffe aimed all their guns at the people who were lying on the floor. "Three, two, one- AAAAH!" A 600mm Karl Gerät shell struck the deck and the buildings nearby exploded. "Retreat retreat retreat! What the hell was that!" Nacreous screamed as she flew off with the rest of the Neuer LuftWaffe. Everyone climbed up and turned to see what was coming. It was the Kuromorimine Girls Academy school ship, with the University Karl Gerät on their deck. The two ships stopped side by side, and Miho Nishizumi jumped onto the Kuromorimine school ship. Instead of seeing Erika, Koume Akaboshi was there.

"Koume-san, where is Erika?" 

"After your sister joined the Nazis, Erika took our last aircraft and flew off to join them as well! We saw the planes that flew in a Nazi symbol, and from our radar your school ship was in that direction, so we came to help!"

"But what about the Karl Gerät? How is it with you?"

"You'll have these two to thank! They told us about the University's true plans, and we sabotaged their base!"

Miho as well as the Oarai sensha-do team turned and they saw Riko and Rommel walking towards them. 

"Erwin san, you're all right! We were so worried for you when you disappeared! And Rommel, you're back as well!" Hippo Team ran to the two of them and Rommel reassured them that everything was all ok, and they have sabotaged the university.

In the meantime, Katyusha, who was now 178 cm tall, was having a meeting with her subordinates as well as Russian officials.

"Comrades from the East, the Reich has once again attacked us! But do not worry, for we have what we need: Stalin himself! All we need is a body for him to possess! You see, Comrade Stalin's death was not actually what it seemed. The Soviet scientists had came up with what can transfer his soul into a container, as Stalin was suffering from health problems and he would be able to live forever, as long as he could get into a living body. The operation was successful, and the container of Stalin's soul was buried 200 meters under his house. We've now retrieved it, and we also have the body. Nonna, bring her out!"

The door opens and Nonna comes in with what appears to be a table on wheels. Someone was tied to the table with leather straps and their head was covered.

"Comrades, we will begin the operation of reviving Stalin himself now!" 

Nonna removes the bag and revealed Klara. The Russian transfer student in Pravda. She struggled and tried to run, but Nonna held a knife to her neck.

"Comrade Katyusha, please don't do this! Find anyone else, not me!" Katyusha ignored Klara and gave the signal to begin the operation. Nonna wipes Klara's forehead with alcoholic liquid, and she takes out a 12-inch needle. Klara closes her eyes. She was going to die, so why not say her last words now. "Katyusha, you bastard." Nonna impales Klara's forehead, then takes out a syringe containing yellow light. She connects it to the needle and pushes down the contents. Klara stopped moving for a few seconds, then her hands began to twitch. Nonna pulls out the needle and cleans the wound, then poured some green liquid over the wound. The flesh began to heal at an extraordinary rate, and soon it was as if nothing had happened. Nonna releases Klara, and she stands up.

"Where... am I?" Stalin was confused at his surroundings and he didn't know what was going on. Then, Klara's memories flooded into his mind. He knew everything of this world now, how it had went after his supposed death. He was determined to turn it back to what it was.

"Comrade Stalin, we shall serve under your rule of the Eternal Soviet Empire! Please give us your orders!"

"Eternal Soviet Empire, this is very good. Now, I order you to bring me my army. As for you, Katyusha, you will be my organ in this orchestra of dominating the world. The musical organ of Stalin himself."

"Ura for Comrade Stalin, and long live the Eternal Soviet Empire!"

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