Scene 8

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"Bayley, get over here!"

It was early morning, Bay was already up and busy in Skylar's cottage back at the coven. Everyday since Skylar's departure, Bay would do a few touch ups to the home for when the day came that Skylar would return. She knew it might possibly never happen, but she held on to hope.

The coven was located in a small secluded land about five miles from Avery Falls Palace. The Palace had been the home of the royal Werewolves for centuries. The Alpha King had no idea that the Witches and Spirits were conspiring to take over the throne, eventually the world. The last time a creature tried that was the Vampire King, long ago. It ended with all Vampires being hexed by the Spirits. Who was going to aid the Werewolves now against those very Spirits?

"Coming!" Bay shouted, worriedly. Bay rushed out the front door and headed straight to where the voice came from that called upon her presence.

While all the homes in the land were cottages, the home that Bay rushed over to was a white mansion. The five bedroom mansion was built with a symmetrical façade of two stories, three small pedimented gables through the grey roof, roof balustrade, and modillioned cornice. The entrance had a short walkway that led towards the front door. Bay grabbed the handle and pushed the door open as it was unlocked. She stepped in and was standing in the Centre Hall.

"Finally," said Willow as she stood at the top of the stairs. A sweet smile was plastered on her face, but Bay knew she was everything else but sweet.

"Apologies, Willow." Bay slightly bowed to her as Willow made her way down the stairs.

"Come closer, Bay." Willow stood on the bottom step. Bay walked closer and lifted her head to look at Willow. The next second, Willow's hand swung across Bay's face.

"You will remember to call me by my proper name." Willow spat as Bay held her cheek from the impact.

"Forgive me, Queen Willow," Bay whimpered.

"My sweet, Bay. How could I ever stay angry with you." Willow said in the fakest sweet voice as she held a piece of Bay's hair and moved it behind her ear.

"Now, for the reason I summoned you." Willow  started walking towards the sitting room and Bay followed without having to be told. Willow sat on the ivory parlor chair and Bay sat on the white loveseat sofa.

"I know you have been keeping a watchful eye on Skylar." Bay's eye widened in fear and flashed a sickly smile. "It's alright darling, I'm not upset. In fact, I am ecstatic."

At that moment, Willow nodded and two Spirits stood behind Bay. One wrapped an enchanted rope around around her neck that prevented a Spirit from using their powers. The other placed their hands against Bay's temples and quickly recited a chant that would keep Bay in human form and not in her true form. Bay did not sense them in time and stood paralyzed in her seat. Willow continued speaking to Bay's unmoving body, knowing full well that Bay could no longer hear her in the state she was in.

"I know Skylar is planning something against me and you will be my eyes." Willow stood up from her chair and placed her hand on top of Bay's head.

Willow didn't need to recite any chant to see Bay's memories, she was the Queen on the Spirits after all. Willow saw when Skylar told Bay about the Lycan territory and made the plan to get inside the enchanted fortress that even the Spirits couldn't break through. Willow saw when Bay cast the spell to make it look like Skylar was injured. Willow saw as Bay watched Kieran bring Skylar inside the Lycan fortress. Willow zoomed in on Kieran's face and noticed when his pupils flicked for a split second, displaying the beast within. She was shocked to see a Lycan outside the fortress walls. She didn't know how Skylar stumbled upon him, but knew she needed to get Skylar away from him, even more so when she saw the visions Bay had of Skylar's two different futures. She couldn't let one of the visions come true, at all cost.

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