Scene 11

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Bay was surprised when she saw Skylar's astral body inside Willow's mansion. She hurried home and waited for Skylar to appear, but after about fifteen minutes of waiting and Skylar not appearing, she decided she needed to go search for her instead. Bay could not physically go into the Lycan's fortress due to the spell put around it by the Pixies. She also could not form into an astral body since she was already a Spirit so she needed to physically go into the Spirit Realm instead. The Spirit Realm was the place where all of the Witches' Familiars came from and it was called Paradisus.

Bay used the ritual to open the portal to Paradisus, which involved drawing a series of sigils with her blood and reciting a spell. Only with the blood of a native of Paradisus can someone enter the realm. The portal appeared and through it, one could see the darkness from within. Bay stepped inside and immediately she transformed into her true form, the black smoke. The portal disappeared as soon as Bay was inside Paradisus.

Paradisus was neither day or night, it seemed as if it was stuck in between. There was a dim light coming from the sky, but it didn't seem to be the sun nor the moon. The light reflected on the body of water that surrounded the realm, which was as clear as glass. The greenery of the realm was perfectly intact and shined as if made of diamonds. There were many hills around Bay which had many structures that appeared to look like abandon buildings if in the real world. Many Spirits were gliding passed Bay. Some spirits were in the form of black smoke and some in a transparent form which took the outline shape of the human body, but there were no identifying features on them.

Bay glided through the realm towards the temple that held the Astral Orb. The Astral Orb looked like a giant crystal ball which held the souls of the Spirits. The Astral Orb decided when a Spirit could go into the real world and it was also the power source of Paradisus. Finally after wondering through the realm, Bay stumbled upon a foggy canal and the temple could be seen up ahead. The temple gleamed white and was studded with chips of mirrored glass. The temple was ornately decorated with striking scenes from Spirits of the past and the scenes would change every couple of centuries. To enter the temple, Bay had to cross a bridge over a sea of outstretched hands, symbolizing doomed souls in hell.

Once inside, Bay was always in awe at the murals along the walls that depicted iconic Spirits of the past. She continued through the temple and finally reached the Astral Orb room. She glided towards the orb and was instantly sucked inside it. Next thing she knew, she was in front of Skylar. Skylar let out a shriek of surprise the moment she opened her eyes and saw Bay's smoke form, but it looked grey instead of black. Right before Bay appeared, Skylar had lied on the bed as she thought through what she had heard from Willow and how she could get that ring.

"Bay, you almost scared me to death." Skylar had her hand against her chest as she took a deep breath.

Sorry, Bay's voice was heard in Skylar's mind. You never came to me after appearing at the mansion, I was worried. Is everything alright?

"No Bay, it's not." Skylar sat up on the bed and rubbed her temple with her hands. "Willow had this box and inside was a ring, I don't know where she got it from, but she said it can change a person into a Lycan. She's planning on having Aubrey use it to take control of the Lycans."

Are you sure about this? That's not possible, onl-- Bay cut herself off as she realized something. So, that's what she sent me to retrieve.

"You brought it to her?" Skylar eyes widened.

Yes. I was sent to see the Queen Faerie, but why would she send me?

"I know why," Skylar replied. "I heard her say that they are monitoring your mind. We have underestimated Willow, I didn't know she was this resourceful."

Good thing I'm in another realm, spells get cancelled out in here. Even though Skylar could not see Bay's face, she could hear the worry in her voice. So Skylar, we have to get that ring from Willow before she finds a way inside here. I will contact you when an opportunity presents itself, where we can obtain the ring. But for now, please find a way to remain inside with the Lycans. I know you want to use them to be on the throne, but there are other ways to get that. I beg you, protect the Lycans, open your heart for others and stop being selfish.

Bay vanished not waiting to hear Skylar's respond. Skylar stood staring with her mouth open at the spot where Bay was lingering. Skylar threw herself back against the mattress and Bay's words repeated in her head. She already felt close to Kate, but she would not admit it to herself. Kieran on the other hand, she was intrigued by him and of all she had witnessed he could do influencing the other Lycans. Skylar thought that Kieran was some sort of Alpha, even though history has shown in that aspect that Lycans did not function the same way Werewolves did.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Skylar gasped as she did not hear someone come into the room.

"Kate, how long have you been here?" Skylar sat up on the bed with her legs dangling on the side of the bed as she looked in the direction of the door. Kate flashed Skylar a guilty smile and slowly closed the door.

"I just came by to see how you are and to apologize for trying to attack you," Kate's voice was full of regret. "I really am sorry, I never would want to hurt you."

"Come here," Skylar said softly to Kate when she saw a stray tear falling from both her eyes. As Kate approached her, Skylar stood from the bed and grabbed Kate to pull her into a hug. "You have nothing to be sorry for, it's not your fault." Skylar rubbed her hand gently on her back to soothe her.

"It's not okay, it's wrong. Why are we cursed this way?" Kate sobbed into Skylar's shoulder and Skylar felt something in her heart that she had never felt before...sympathy.

Skylar didn't realize the emotional struggles Lycans truly faced day to day nor did she realize the silent tears falling from her own eyes. She made a promise to Kate, one she intended on keeping.

"I will find a way," Skylar whispered to herself.

Would Skylar be able find a way to help the Lycans live a normal life or was her promise made in vain?

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