Scene 10

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Lydia's screams was all that could be heard in the silence as Skylar cut into her.

"I'm so sorry," Skylar repeatedly whispered as she couldn't imagine the pain Lydia was going through. Kieran was watching along just stunned as this had happened before. About three years back, something was wrong with one of the pregnant Lycans, but no one knew what to do which resulted in the deaths of both the mother and child.

"Kieran," Skylar called on him. "Kieran," she called again and he looked at her at last, breaking out of the trance he was in. "I need you to hold her open. She's healing too quickly, I won't be able to take the babies out."

"Right," Kieran hesitated for a second before moving into position to hold open Lydia's stomach.

There was so much blood covering the bed and both Skylar and Kieran's hands. Skylar placed the knife on the bed and started chanting another spell to help lessen Lydia's pain and slow her blood loss. Lydia's screams decreased and became pants instead. Skylar quickly proceeded to insert her hands into the opening of the stomach to grab the first baby. Skylar felt the head and shoulders, grabbed onto the infant and pulled them out as quickly as she could without hurting them.

"I have the first baby," Skylar announced and right after the baby began to cry.

"What is it?" Lydia asked in between pants as she started to cry at hearing her child.

"It's a girl," Skylar held the blood covered infant against her chest and grabbed a pillow, taking off the pillow case to wrap around the infant's body. Kieran stared at Skylar, fascinated by what she had done and he couldn't help but be in awe. With Kieran holding open the stomach and Lydia being too weak to grab the infant, Skylar placed the baby girl on the bed next to her as she still needed to remove the other baby.

"Lydia, stay with me. I'm going to take out the other baby." Skylar encouraged Lydia so she wouldn't pass out.

Skylar inserted her hands into the opening and started feeling around for the other baby. She finally felt the baby, but instead of the head and shoulders, she felt the baby's buttocks. This position was more dangerous to remove the baby, but Skylar believed she would successfully be able to get the baby out. Skylar grasped the buttocks, hooked her index fingers on the back of the thighs, and gently pulled the baby's body out. Once the arms were liberated from the opening, Skylar had to stop and move her hand so she could grab onto the baby's neck to safely guide the head out.

"Do not let go once I have the baby out," Skylar instructed to Kieran. She was able to get the infant out and announced the gender to Lydia. A few seconds later the baby let out a cry. Skylar grabbed another pillow to remove the pillow case so it could be wrapped around the infant's body and placed the baby on the bed next to their sister.

"We're almost done, Lydia." Skylar grabbed the knife from the bed and cut the umbilical cord from both babies. She placed the knife down and inserted her hands inside to remove the placenta. Once the placenta was out, Skylar instructed Kieran to let go. Lydia's body instantly started healing the opening and Skylar chanted a spell to assist Lydia in healing faster and giving her strength to hold her babies.

An hour later, Skylar and Kieran left Lydia's room to get out of their bloody clothing. By then, Sam had returned in his human form, Kate brought in Jake, and the twin girls were washed up and clothed. They left the family to bond after this happy but terrifying experience. Lydia couldn't stop giving Skylar her gratitude for saving her and the babies, that she named one of the twins after Skylar. The twins were named Emily and Ky.

Kieran walked Skylar to his room in silence because for the first time ever he was left without words from what he had just experienced. He was walking ahead of Skylar as she was still limping and she could see his upper back muscles spasming. Skylar wasn't sure what was going through his mind and she so desperately wanted to find out. Kieran opened the door to his room and waited in the doorway for Skylar to walk inside. As she passed him, she stopped and looked up at him expectantly. She didn't know exactly what she was expecting, but they just stared at each other silently for a few seconds until Kieran finally spoke.

"There are towels in the pantry," Kieran informed. "I'll be back later today." Skylar felt disappointed and couldn't understand why she suddenly felt that way, but she didn't let the disappointment show on her face.

"Okay," she said softly and nodded. She took two steps into the room before Kieran spoke up again.

"Thank you," Skylar turned around to look at him, maybe this is what she was waiting for. "For saving them. I didn't think I could trust you with my family, but now I see I wrongly judged you."

As soon as Kieran said that to Skylar, he didn't wait to heard her respond as he walked out of the room. Skylar just watched the closed door, speechless for a few seconds at hearing Kieran's word. All of a sudden, she let out a squeal. Skylar was so excited that she had succeeded in getting Kieran to trust her, even though she saved Lydia and the twins out of the goodness of her heart and not because she was trying to get into Kieran's good graces. Skylar removed her bloody clothes and headed into the bathroom to wash off and relax. As she relaxed in the tub, she started brainstorming what the next step in her plan was going to be in getting the Lycans to help in stopping Willow and then help her to take over the throne from the Werewolves.

Once Skylar was done with her bath, she put on the dress that Kate had gifted her. She didn't know how long Kieran would take to come back so she decided to contact Bay. Skylar sat on the bed and prepared to meditate. Since Skylar and Bay were connected to each other, they could communicate easily through meditation as Skylar's soul would form into an astral body that would lead to Bay.

About a minute into meditating, Skylar's astral body began searching for Bay and found her in Willow's mansion. Bay was handing Willow a box and this caught Skylar's interest as it was very rare for gift giving amongst the Witches and Familiars.

"You may leave now," Willow told Bay. Willow had no clue Skylar was there because Bay was the only one able to see Skylar's astral body. When Bay turned around to leave, she saw Skylar standing and her eyes widened. Luckily, Bay had her back towards Willow and continued walking out of the mansion. Skylar stood in the room with Willow as she was curious to see what was in the box. As Willow opened the box and took out the ring made from the Lycan skin pelt, Aubrey walked inside the room. Aubrey was Willow's Witch.

"What ya got there, Lilo?" Aubrey had a smile on her face which looked sinister. That was not how Skylar remembered Aubrey looking like, she was one of the sweetest Witches she'd known.

"It's what I mentioned the other day," Willow studied the ring. "This will turn you into a Lycan and take control of them." Because Willow was a Spirit, the ring wouldn't work on her so she had to use Aubrey. Skylar was shocked at hearing this news as she never imagined Willow would be able to achieve something like this.

"Skylar has no idea what's in store for her," Aubrey dangerously said. "Who knew that little *rook would be able to get inside the Lycans' prison."

"We will just have to keep monitoring Bay's mind," Willow spoke without taking her eyes off the ring.

Skylar couldn't believe what she had heard and immediately ended her meditation. She had to figure out a way to get that ring before Willow could hurt the Lycans and ruined her own plans with them.

*Rook - A cheat.

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