Scene 12

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Kieran was headed towards his room with a tray of food for Skylar. When he reached the door he noticed that it was slightly left ajar. He stood quietly and watched the interaction happening between Skylar and Kate. As he watched his sister crying, his heart began to hurt. It broke him to hear his little sister pour her heart out and it had been happening more frequently ever since Skylar's appearance.

But then, Kieran suddenly became angered when he heard what Skylar whispered. He knew Kate heard it as well and he couldn't believe Skylar would insinuate a false hope for Kate. He pushed the door open and immediately Skylar's eyes locked on his fiery ones. She gently pulled away from Kate as Kieran began to speak.

"Go to your room Kate," his deep voice was calm yet demanding.

"But-" Kate had begun to say but Kieran didn't let her get another word in.

"What did I tell you about coming in here?"

"Yes Kieran," Kate looked at Skylar with a sad smile on her face before walking towards the exit. Skylar wiped her face harshly with the back of her hand to get rid of her tears, she was annoyed at the way Kieran spoke to Kate. Once Kate was gone from the room, Skylar glared at Kieran as he walked towards her and placed the tray on the bedside table.

"Why are you such a cunt?" Skylar shouted at him which was a mistake. In the next second, Kieran's hand gripped around her throat and her eyes grew wide.

"You should watch what you say, I don't need you putting ideas in her head. You might've saved Lydia, but that doesn't mean you can save us all." Kieran spat out his words before Skylar grabbed onto his wrist and used her magic to shock him with an electric orb. Kieran growled as he staggered back, removing his hold of her and she fell onto the bed.

"Next time I'll have you on your knees," she hissed out as she pulled herself up.

"I should kill you," Kieran sneered.

"You wont," Skylar countered back. "Because you wouldn't do that to Kate. You may act like a brute towards me, but in reality you are benignant."

"Don't speak as if you know me," Kieran said through clenched teeth while Skylar continued shouting at him.

"I know you would do anything for your family. I know you would protect them all, even from themselves. You saved me twice and I know if time turned back, you would save me again. Because that's who you are, you're caring and protective. You're not an uncontrollable Lycan, but instead you're the only Lycan here that has any control. So, tell me again that I don't know you." They both stared into each other's eyes as Skylar spoke until Kieran broke eye contact by turning his head away and grunting in frustration.

"Tell me, Kieran!" Skylar was determined to get a response which made Kieran turn to look at her again. Skylar gasped softly as Kieran's eyes were completely golden. She didn't notice the moment he walked closer to her until she felt him grab her by the back of the neck. Then, before she could even blink, his lips were on hers. His lips moved roughly against hers while she stood there in shock with her eyes wide open, but it didn't take her very long to return the kiss. When her eyes closed, the kiss turned slow and gentle as she wrapped her arms around his neck. After a couple of more seconds, Kieran harshly pulled away and turned his back to her as he growled.

"What was that for?" Skylar asked once she recovered from her daze after that kiss.

"I needed you to shut up. You are infuriating," Kieran's voice was low and he didn't turn around to look at her when he spoke.

"You're no pleasure to be around neither," Skylar scoffed.

"Look," Kieran sighed as he finally turned around to look at her, his eyes were not as golden as before. "In a couple of days you'll be fully healed and can leave this place. Then everything will go back as if you were never here...our lives were better without you in it." Kieran's tone wasn't harsh, but to Skylar it felt like a slap on the face. She didn't know why it hurt her to hear him say those words, it made her speechless as she fell back and sat on the bed. Kieran watched her reaction, but quickly looked away and left the room.

He stalked quickly through the empty halls as he was fighting with himself to not go back into the room and take back what he said to Skylar. He knew what he said was a lie because if it wasn't for Skylar then Lydia and her babies would be dead. He didn't know where the urge to kiss her hit him, but he thought that it could only be that she was the first woman not afraid to stand up to him and he didn't know how to handle the situation. He needed to transform into his beast and take a run to clear his mind. It was late afternoon and most of the Lycans were outside just starting their day. This was usually the time when everyone woke up to prepare for a long night ahead of them. As he was ready to transform, a familiar voice shouted his name.

"Kieran!" He turned to look at the person and a small smile appeared on his face. "Get over here, boy. I have not seen you in quite a bit, where have you been hiding?"

"Father," Kieran walked to his father and pulled him in for a hug. "I've missed you. Glad to see that finally your beast didn't take over immediately."

Kieran was almost the exact carbon copy of his father, Ethan. The only difference is that Ethan was slightly taller, had brown eyes, and had mid-length wavy hair. They were standing by the open hut that held clothing. Kate was sewing pieces of fabrics together, most likely making her next masterpiece. There were four other women there and Kieran was hoping to find a specific one.

"Your mother's not here, son. She is in the forest with the rest of them," Ethan notified him.

It had been days since Kieran had last seen his parents in their human form. They both had the misfortune of having to be in their beast forms for most of the day and once they eventually change back they would be too exhausted that they immediately fall asleep. Like the protection outside of this fortress, the forest was also enchanted by the Pixies to help the Lycans go into the temple. If anyone falls asleep in the forest, they automatically get teleported into the temple and on their bed.

"I think I'll go see her in a few," Kieran said as he still had the urge to transform to his best and go for a run.

"I hear that we have a guest?" Ethan asked and stared at his son with his lips pressed together into a line. Kieran answered by nodding, making Ethan stepped a little bit closer to his son. Looking straight into Kieran's eyes, he spoke in almost a whisper.

"Is she... the one?"

Kieran nodded again.

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