1 // Certain Doom

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Hello, I have no idea what I'm doing, but enjoy either way :)
Please feel free to send constructive criticism because I will probably make a lot of mistakes!

In this AU, Peter has been adopted by Tony Stark after the very unfortunate death of May!


Peter drowsily looked out of the window, admiring my familiar route to school. Today was the day! He couldn't believe he'd let the team down so much last year; he literally missed the competition. All the avengers reminded him it was the right decision in order to save the town? The country? The world? No one was sure what would have happened if he didn't trust my instincts, and jump in to save everyone that day.

All Peter knows is that he's going to have to prove himself even more than the rest of the team. He needs to show them that he's capable, and that he's there for them. At least, that's what he kept telling himself. He can't be your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man if he didn't have any friends to protect.

Happy jolted the teen out of his thoughts with a rather intrusive press of the horn. "You alright there Kid?"

Right - Peter was sitting in one of Mr Stark's less flashy cars (a black BMW to be precise) being driven to what will either be his downfall or greatest achievement - this year's decathlon competitions.

"Y-yeah I'm fine! Just a little nervous." Happy's expectation didn't change, but if you knew him, you'd recognise the corners of his mouth creep up into a sympathetic smile.

"You'll be fine, Kiddo." The familiar building otherwise known as school came into view, and he knew this would be it. "Have fun!"

"Easier said than done," Peter mumbled under my breath "BYE HAPPY!"

Sulkily, he dragged my feet up the stone stairs that lead to our school.

"Kid!" Huh? Peter turned around to become face to face with Happy. "You forgot your bag. How came you be expected to stay on a trip for a week without any luggage."

"Thanks..." He slumped the duffel bag over his shoulder, and continued the journey towards his inescapable doom.

At least, he tried. Flash and his goons were quick to trip Peter up on the stairs into the familiar building.

"Hey Penis Parker, why don't you just run away now, like last year? Save us all the bother of-"

"Shut it, Flash!" Peter turned around to be met with a rather bored looking MJ. "No one cares!"

He felt his cheeks turn a large red colour after making eye contact with her. Luckily it wasn't for long, as she quickly stuck her nose back into the open book in her arms. What's she reading? Peter tried to squint his eyes at the front cover, taking advantage of the enhanced senses to read 'Pride and Prejudice'.

"What are you looking at, Nerd?" MJ questioned him without even looking up from the book.

"Just... uuuuh... I've read Pride and Prejudice before!" She looked up from the book.

"Spoil anything and you're as good as dead." She went back to reading, but her face showed the unmistakable traces of a smile.

"Got it..." He answered to no one in particular. Well - it was supposed to be to MJ but it was quite clear that she wasn't interested in the conversation anymore.

With that, the bell rang, and they were off to certain doom. Everyone keeps saying 'have fun' or 'good luck' or 'I'm sure you'll do great', but knowing Parker luck, everything that could go wrong, will.

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