3 // Long Journey

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The decathlon team had been on the road for about four hours now. Most were curled up in their seats, soundly sleeping. Well, except for MJ, who was stuck in her book.

And Peter. Despite his heavy eyelids and limp limbs, the constant drone of the engine made it impossible for someone with enhanced senses to sleep, even with his headphones. Usually the headphones were enough, but the sensitivity of his hearing depended on the day and situation. Right now, they were going crazy.

Usually this only happens when he's danger, or when he's feeling especially anxious, but even then it wasn't usually this sensitive. Peter longed for sleep, but his super senses were betraying him. Guess being Spider-Man had its disadvantages.

Sighing, Peter got out a small notebook, and flipped through the pages until he found the right one. He took a small, worn-down pencil out of his pocket, and started scribbling down numbers and measurements.

May as well but this time to good use! Peter was designing a new and improved version of his web shooters. Mr Stark and him had upgraded his suit with nanotechnology, but they had yet to do the same with the web shooters.

He knew he'd probably get bored on the trip, so the kid had snuck some recourses and nanotech into his back before he left. That way he could continue designing stuff while on the tour.

Perhaps the web shooters could look like ordinary bracelets rather than the bulky pieces of metal he kept in his pockets; in case Spider-Man was needed. Slowly, the page became covered in all sorts of calculations and sums, far too complicated for even some of the avengers to understand.

Peter was jolted out of his work by the bus screeching to a holt. Huh? Why were they stopping? Peter looked outside the window, and realised they'd already reached their destination. Wow - he'd been scribbling for three hours straight.

He looked back at the notes, and realised he'd just finished the design, so if anything it had been even longer than three hours. Funny how you just loose track of time like tha-

"Okay class, we've arrived at our destination! Please collect your bags, and regroup inside the hotel. Can the front row please do so now."

Peter continued taking in the surroundings as row after row was called. Just as his row (the back row) was called, he noticed the green light flash again. Was it some faulty LED? Strange.

Shrugging, Peter ran ahead to where Ned and MJ were exiting the bus. It was probably nothing. He hurriedly collected his duffel bag and joined the rest of the team inside the hotel lobby.

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