A New Beginning

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                I had a good life. Not really rich, but not poor. My mom was kind, gentle, and beautiful inside and out. My twin brother was always there for me when I needed someone. Strong, silent, straight forward person. Doesn't sugar coat things, says it how it is. He wouldn't care if it hurt your feelings. But it was all taken from me at a young age. I was only a teenager when it happened. The night when a fire erupts throughout my home, killing my mother and brother and taking everything from me. I had barely managed to escape. Wondering the world, alone.

I was attacked and almost raped but managed to escape, but not before he stabbed me. I passed out from the blood loss and woke up in the hospital. Doctors informed me that i had died for a few moments but i was going to be fine and that a family was here for me.
Ever since that day, i have been a part of the Kriticos family, but i kept a small little secret to myself. Ever since i died for those few moments and was brought back. I've been off, strange. I can see and touch the dead as if i was one of them myself. Of course i didn't tell anyone, i don't want them afraid of me or want them to think of me as crazy and with me ending up in the asylum.
Right now, present day time. I slipped into the kitchen, sitting down at the table. " No one be loud, or ill fuck you up." Maggie, the nanny of the house, whacks my arm, " You have a child in the room. Words." even though shes the one to talk, she curses right and left in front of Bobby, the boy child of the man who took me in. " You're the one to talk." mumbling out as a glass of coco was placed down in front of me. I mumbled a thanks to Kathy, the girl child of the family that took me in. I don't really get along with this family, but i put up with them because they took me in and are taking care of me. I'm a mental case, unable to take care of myself is the reason why i'm here with them. " Today in 'Death of America'. Cancer rates are down, but suicide is sky high. We have a special treat for you today. A body was found this morning, decoloplated." I choked on my coco, quickly cleaning up the mess that i made. " Hey, ' decapitated' " Maggie correcting him as she helps me clean up the mess. " Bobby find a healthier hobby." Kathy chimes in as she places down food, walking back to the stove. " Leave me alone you guys, I'm recording."
Sitting there in the kitchen, sipping my coco, listening to the family go about their morning like normal. I wasn't much of a talker, i just kept quiet and to myself. A knock made me jump, more coco spilling from my cup. " Dammit." Muttering to myself looking over as a sharp dressed man stepped into the kitchen. I instantly got a bad vibe from him, I'll be keeping my distance and my eyes on him.
I stayed in my seat, my eyes drifting from him and down to the computer that he had opened up. " I represent the estate of your Uncle Cyrus Kriticos." I raised my brow but said nothing. A random uncle having some stranger come to our home out of nowhere, wonder what for. " We had an Uncle Cyrus?" Hearing Kathy question Arthur as he responded, " Had, I had only met him a couple of times as a dad. My dad said he squandered the family fortune." Kathy's eyes lit up at those words, " We have a family fortune?" Excitement clearly in her voice, " No Cyrus squandered it." I tap the table, " Enough, lets get on with it shall we." Eyeing Ben with a hurry up look. Ben gives a nod as he continues, " Cyrus recorded this 6 weeks ago, he asked for it to be played for you on the event of his death." Raising my brow at that, it was like he knew he was going to die, strange. Ben presses play as Cyrus pops up on the computer screen, " Arthur, it's good to talk to you again. Sadly if you are watching this now means I'm no longer among the living. Happily that makes you and your family my sole beneficiaries. I've instructed my lawyer, Mr. Moss, to deliver the essential elements of my last will and testament. Give it to them Ben." Listening to what Cyrus had to say, my hands folded together as my elbows were on the table. Ben slides over a key to me as i lift it up, " a key?" Handing the key to Arthur, " A key to what?" Arthur questions as Cyrus continues, " A key to your new house. This house is the fruit of my life's work. It is a one of a kind home. It is my home actually, my home. I have no complaints, I've led an interesting life. I've seen some amazing things, but the only thing i regret is i never got to know my nephew Arthur, nor appreciate the love of a family like you have. This house is my attempt to make up for that. Enjoy. Perhaps we'll meet again. In another life."
This whole situation was off to me. The recording, the lawyer. It was off. I guess I'll find out for myself if this is real or not.
Later that night, we are on the road, driving towards the houses location, following after Ben. I was sitting in the back seat next to Bobby who is playing hangman with Maggie. " S-U-F... Suffocate i got it i win!" Rubbing my temples at how loud he is tonight. I felt the car stop moving as i looked up spotting the house, " oh God." Slipping from the car. The feeling in my gut just got worse.

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