Powering Up The Machine

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            It's hard to scare me, and frankly i don't care much for death. He could have killed me and i wouldn't care. Well of course, i would have been dead, but you get the idea. Death doesn't scare me. I was scared that he was going to finish what he started back at that asylum. Looking at Keith as we made our way down the halls in the search for Kathy and Bobby. I peered through the glass seeing Arthur and... Jean. " Oh my God!" Rushing off down the halls towards their location as fast as i could go. Most people would think that me calling her Jean instead of mom would be an insult, no. I was close with her, but i never thought of her as my mom, like i mentioned before. " Why are we running again!" Hearing Keith called out to me before he saw them through the glass as well, " Oh." 

                  Approaching them, " Jean!" Her spirit turns around as i flung myself at her, wrapping my arms tightly around her, hugging her. " Jean." I felt her wrap her arms around me, holding me there to her.  " Oh my God. I can't ... i .." Trailing off, " I love you." The first time i said it to her. One thing i regretted, is i never said it to her. Thinking it would hurt the memory of my real mom. I go to pull back and look up at her only for her to vanish off, " No!" Tears filled my eyes as they slipped down my cheeks, i fell to my knees, " No! Don't go, come back please." Keith leans down and gently rubs my back, " I can't begin to understand your feelings towards this family. But I am here if you wish to talk about this." Arthur slips up to me, kneeling down, " Come, we have your brother and sister to save. " Standing me up to my feet and walking with me. He points to their location as i give a nod, rushing with him to them. 
           I intensely eyed the ghosts, my eyes were huge. " This can't be real. I can't be seeing this." Arthur places his hand on my shoulder, " Trust me, I've been saying that this entire time. Now if i am the 13th ghost. " I eyed him with a frown, " I was right about her. I knew i should have trusted my gut. She is Cyrus's partner. She knocked out Maggie and her and Cyrus took me and Keith hostage. Apparently Cyrus wants me for something and was threatening Keith's life. I don't know what. But well, here i am, escaped. " Arthur eyes me intensely. He knew by now then to question, and from what he has witnessed, he finally believes. He looks down, " So Cyrus is still alive." He looks up before spotting Cyrus at the end of the hall, I watched him rush down the halls towards Cyrus, " You son of a bitch! Release my kids you bastard!" I watched them go at it as i backed myself up to the wall behind me. Debating if i wanna go help Arthur or not. He needs to man up and learn how to counter someone who is attacking him. Slipping up behind Cyrus only to get a blade to my neck, " Don't think i forgot about you. Once he is dead and my dream is for-filled, you will be by my side as i will be using your gifts for my own gain, now sit down beside him. Or your brother gets it. " Glaring at him before i placed my hand on his cane blade thing and squeezed tightly, " You don't frighten me gramps. You will NOT tell me what to do. I will NOT be controlled.  And you will NOT threaten my brother." His attention was stolen from me as he glanced around. Someone was messing with the tapes. Arthur takes the cane lid thing and slams it against Cyrus making him fall to the ground. I slipped over to Arthur and helped him to his feet, " About time you attacked him, he stunk badly." Earning a chuckle from Arthur. I backed him up to the glass. I didn't see the ghosts in the center anymore. " Oh my God. " Instead they were heading in our direction, or more like Cyrus's. " Yeah, he's screwed."
              I stood there, watching Arthur leap into the center of the machine. A smile rose to my lips as i watched him make it without being cut to bit by the blades. " You're coming with me." Snapping my head in the direction of the voice seeing Jackal heading towards me, " Oh fuck no." Backing away from him before tripping over my own two feet. Keith rose a brow before his eyes trailed over spotting Jackal walking towards me, " Oh mother fucker, leave her..." He got cut off as he was tossed roughly to the side.  Approaching me," Don't bother running from me. " Yanking me up by my hair and dragging me away. The house was blowing the fuck up right now. Glass was flying everywhere and cutting into me. It wasn't affecting him due to he's dead! I couldn't see where i was going. " Let me go! I can walk on my own!"
             He tosses me down to the ground as he stares at me, " Get to work." Knowing what he wanted as i scrambled up to my feet and eyed him. God those eyes of his were so very intimidating, but then again, sexy. Blinking at my own thoughts before i moved closer to him once more. I did however see a hook. I latched my hands onto it and pulled. Unhooking the cage and taking it off of him. His wild hair was big time messy. Traveling my eyes down to his before they widened. He was glaring at me, " What did you do to me? I feel different." Taking my shirt and pulling me closer to him, " What did you do to me!" My eyes were still huge, " I didn't do anything. You told me to take off your cage, i did!" He released his hold on me and looked down at himself, " I'm... I'm not dead anymore! How the hell?!" Looking away from him, expecting the worst, but nothing happened. " I don't understand it myself. " Slowly looking over at him, " I'm.. sorry." His eyes narrowed before he closed them, "Whatever. Go find your family." I eyed him for a moment or two before i turned and stumbled through the debris of the house. " Wait!" Hearing him call out from behind me, " Does this mean we are linked?" Glancing over at him before shrugging, " I wouldn't know, guess you will know if i die." Turning and walking again, " You honestly think I'll leave you alone now. You are now forever stuck with me." My eyes fell closed, " ... oh shit." Keith stumbles up to us, " Like hell she is." Jackal turns his attention towards Keith before smirking, " Don't make me kill you boy." I stepped in between the two males as they both  were trying to be alpha, " Don't start with this shit."

13 Ghosts: Jackal x JasmineWhere stories live. Discover now