Going Out Again

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               I watched Arthur and Dennis slip from this room, greatly worried, but if Arthur said he was going to be alright then alright i guess. I slipped from the room, following after Kalina. I eyed the woman intensely, she seemed so off. I didn't trust her at all. I slipped from the Library, helping Maggie down. She hands Maggie some glasses before moving ahead, " Let's go, come on!" Growing annoyed with the woman as i followed after Maggie.

              I made sure to stay far back from them just in case something were to happen. The way she was rushing around the place, the vibe I'm getting from her wasn't making me at ease. " You feel it as well. Good at least I'm not the only one. She seems very off, that smirk of hers gave it away when she was explaining everything." Looking up at Keith before nodding, " Keep your guard up."
             Once i saw her enter a room with a huge ass rotating machine, i stayed behind and leaned against a corner eyeing her. Maggie stays on the other side of the room holding tightly onto a flare. " Ah the hybrid I've heard about." A voice from behind me pried me from my thoughts as i turned around. My eyes widened slightly, " Cyrus." Muttering out his name as i watched him approach my location, " I didn't expect to see you here. Good, it will save me the trouble of tracking you down."
             Groaning out as i sat up from the ground holding my head. Looking around my surroundings, " What the hell happened?" Muttering to myself as my eyes landed on Cyrus and Kalina. I didn't spot Keith anywhere. ' No. Please don't tell me he is gone. Keep calm Jasmine, he can't be dead. Stay positive.' Thinking to myself. My eyes narrowed at Kalina, " ... i knew it. I knew there was something off about that woman. She was working with Cyrus this whole time. Can she see and touch the ghosts as well?" Staring at Cyrus intensely, studying him. My eyes widened, " Unless he faked his death to lure Arthur here. That mother fucker." A low growl leaves my lips as i slowly stood up to my feet which attracted their attention. " I wouldn't try anything girl. " Glaring harshly at the two before me as i cracked my knuckles, walking towards them, " Or what? Going to harm me, hell maybe even kill me. Been there, done that. I'm not afraid of death." Cyrus chuckles at that, " Alright, then how do you feel if your brother is on the line in place of you?" Nodding over to the corner of the room, " Keith..." Frowning at this, watching Cyrus slip from the room. Kalina gives me a look before she follows Cyrus. I didn't bother to move from my spot, i watched as Cyrus flips a lever and traps Kalina in a small area. That area slowly begins to close in on her and eventually crushes her in between two glass plates. I looked away from that frowning. The look in her eye said it all. I don't think she was fully with Cyrus knowing that he was willing to sacrifice children. I had a feeling she was planning on helping me and the others when the time was right.
             I slipped over to Keith, shaking him awake. " Keith come on, wake up." Keith's eyes fluttered open as he groans out, " Bastard fucking knocked me out. Are you alright?" Questioning me before slowly standing up to his feet, " No need to discuss that right now, lets go." Slipping over to a glass panel. I bent down and opened up a floor panel and dropped down. i may be in the basement again, but at least I'm away from Cyrus. Looking around my surroundings, I didn't see anyone or thing in sight, " Good. " Muttering out lowly as i was heading straight. I was going to find Kathy and Bobby. A smile rose to my lips at the thought of maybe coming across Jean's spirit. She knew i didn't see her as a mother because I already had a mom i was close with, but we were close. I slipped around a corner, " Alright, now where are you?" Keith looks at me, " Going to go look for Kathy and that boy?" He didn't catch the boy's name. He saw me give a nod in response as he nodded. An accent filled voice erupts from behind me, " I'm right here?" My eyes widened, slowly turning my head to glance over my shoulder, " Oh no..." With that said, i sprinted down the halls, dragging Keith behind me, ignoring the pain that is erupting throughout my body. " What the fuck is going on!" Seeing Jackal rushing after us. His eyes widened, " My God, the fuck am i looking at?" He said as he stumbled down the halls, running alongside me. I could hear him chasing after me. Coming around a corner as i cursed out, " Son of a bitch!" It was a dead end. I back myself up to the wall watching him up from around the corner, stalking his way up to me. I closed my eyes, " Good bye Keith. Reunited with you only to die." Keith frowns at this as he pulls me close and holds me tightly to his chest.  A chuckle was heard from him as he slipped up. " Giving up already? Tell me woman, how is it you are able to see and touch me?" I didn't say anything to him, slowly opening my eyes to meet him. I didn't realize he was that close as i let out a soft gasp. A wild smirk spreads across his lips, " Don't make me repeat myself, I'll tear you apart." Reverting my gaze away from him as i shrugged my shoulders, " What is he saying? What does he want?" Hearing Keith ask me, i shook my head at Keith, my eyes never leaving Jackal's eyes, " Died a few seconds and came back." Was all i said in response to his question, which caused him to let out a hum, " Explain." My heart was hammering inside my rib-cage, " There is nothing to explain." He slammed his hands on the glass, growling out lowly at me, " I'm saying, stop being vague!" Jumping at his sudden actions and voice tone, " Alright seriously dude, just leave her alone." Keith could see them now yes seeing as he has the glasses, but he can't hear them. Jackal glanced up at Keith, a smirk resting on his features as he takes him by his collar, " Protective of this woman i see?" My eyes widened at that, " Don't hurt him." Panicking greatly at this, " He doesn't have a filter, he just speaks his mind. I'll answer your questions, just leave him alone." Jackal eyes me intensely before shoving Keith aside and turning towards me. I reverted my eyes away from him and down to my feet, " I got attacked, stabbed and woke up in the hospital. They said i had died a few moments before they managed to bring me back. " Lifting my shirt to show the scar of my stab wound. His eyes traveled down to it before he looked up at me, " Do me a favor and i won't harm you or him." My eyes snapped up to meet his, " W-What kind of favor?" Cursing mentally at my stutter. " Take this cage off my head." Looking at the cage then at his eyes. He was staring intensely at me. Very intensely. I felt my cheeks flare up as i looked away from him, " I'll try." A chuckle was heard from him as he takes my chin and forces me to look at me, " If you are able to touch me, then you are able to help me. Do it, make it snappy." Keith growled out at him touching me, " No need to touch her, take our filthy hands off of her this instant." My eyes snapped up to Keith, " You trying to get yourself killed, stop!" Jackal's eyes traveled up to him before he smirked, testing him. His hand never left my chin. Tensing up at his touch before brushing his hand off of me and moved closer to him. I began searching around his cage, trying to find a small lever-like thing. His gaze never once left me, "Hmm.. Fuck." Glancing over at him wondering what he meant by that before he vanishes off. " Umm?" Blinking rapidly at this before slumping back against the glass, " ... holy shit."  Keith eyes this before looking down, " You alright? Not hurt? Talk to me." I looked up at him, " Yes, I'm fine. So scared that he was here to finish what he started... " Keith pulls me to his chest once more, " I would have done everything in my power to prevent that from happening, now let's go find Kathy and that boy." 

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