Heart of Darkness

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           I didn't want to be down here, especially knowing that HE was down here as well. My arms are wrapped tightly around my form as i scanned my surroundings. "One sight of him and I'm leaving. The guy was going to rape me for crying out loud." Keith glanced down at me once i said that, " And I'll be there with you protecting you. Just tell me when you are making a run for it." My body was hurting from being so tensed up. My paranoia was intense right now, it wasn't making me at ease. I peeked inside a room, not realizing that it was a containment cube until i saw a symbol on the glass, " Great. Ghosts are roaming around instead of contained." I felt Keith tense up beside me, "Well i got some glasses that i found in the bathroom, you sure they work?" Questioning me as i give him a nod, " Place them on right now."  My arms tightened around my form. " Shit." Rushing up, seeing as i was falling behind my family. I sure as hell didn't want to be roaming around these halls alone. I felt eyes on me but forced myself to keep my eyes forward. I needed to stay calm. Having an Asthma attack right now wouldn't be the best thing. Everyone was still screaming out for Bobby's name, annoyed at that. " You don't have to scream, alright, just, chill." Hearing Dennis speak out finally.

              I almost slammed right into Arthur when he suddenly stopped. " Warn someone when you plan to stop suddenly." Hearing him mutter a sorry before speaking out loudly, " Hold on listen to me, this will take forever, this place is just too big. Kathy, Jasmine and I will head up this way. You three check down there." I raised a brow, " Not a smart move to split up. " Dennis nods, " I agree with your daughter, splitting up seems like a dumb move." Keith butts in, " And I'm not leaving my sister, you can kiss my ass on that part." Arthur glances down at me then over at Dennis, " It's ok, go in a straight line, turn around, we'll meet back here in 5." Ignoring Keith. Dennis hesitates, but nods, " Five, back here. Don't touch anything." Maggie gives off a small whine whispering out to Arthur, " I don't want to go with him." I looked over at Maggie, " I can go instead. " Arthur shakes his head, " No, you are coming with Kathy and I. Maggie it's fine just go with him, you'll be fine." Arthur glances up at Keith, " Your sister will be just fine. I'm sure Dennis and Maggie would need you." I looked at Keith, " Keith, It's fine, just go ahead. I'll meet back up with you. Just. Please. Be safe." I slipped down the halls after Kathy and Arthur.
              I was stumbling around the corners, finding it hard to breath due to an asthma attack. Kathy was trying to calm me down and breathe, " Dad, slow down, she's having an asthma attack. " I waved her off, " I'm fine. Let's get going. We are already lost, and can't afford to wait around for me." Holding my chest, " He wouldn't care anyways." Muttering out to myself, " Don't say that Jasmine." Hearing Kathy speak down to me in a whisper. I looked over at her, " I'm not his flesh and blood. It's fine, let's get a move on." Moving after Arthur before he gets too far ahead of us. Kathy bends down, picking up some glasses. " Those must be Bobby's" Kathy looks over at me, nodding. " Help! Dad! Ah!!" My eyes widened, snapping my head over to the tape-recorder in Arthur's hands. " Oh my God." Looking down at my feet, " Please be alright." Muttering out, feeling Kathy give my arms a gentle squeeze as she walks over to Arthur, " Dad, listen to me, he's going to be ok. We're going to find him." She said looking at him with puppy dog eyes before giving me a nod.

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