Arriving at Hell's front door

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            As i stared up at this house, the only thought that came to mind was, ' What did i get myself into?'. I slipped up to the house, peering through the glass. I felt eyes on me as i turned my head, spotting a guy dressed in a power guy jump suit. " Is this your place?" He questions me and the only response i gave to him was, " I hope not." His reaction was a simple eyebrow raise. "Hey, you know when the owners are coming so we can get our job done?"  Another voice rang through my ears as my eyes traveled over. They soon widened as they landed on a young male approaching the Power Guy. "... K-Keith..." Stuttering out his name, turning my body towards him before i darted towards him, " Oh my God. Keith!!" The young male turns towards me before his eyes also widened, " Oh my God!" Catching me in his arms as he twirls me around, holding tightly onto me. " I thought you died in the fire! Please tell me this is real, that you are actually here!" Sobbing out softly into his chest. " I'm here. I thought the same as you. I was in the house searching for our mother but a board came out of nowhere and slammed against my head knocking me out. I'm so happy that you are alive." Feeling his face buried in my neck as he sobs out as well.

              Roaming around the outline of this place, trying to take in everything. " So you work as a power guy?" Questioning Keith as he was next to me, waiting to get inside the house to do his job. My eyes are trying to adjust, but everything is so dark inside so it's somewhat hard. " Yes. I have to make a living for myself you know." Hearing him chuckle as i punched his arm, " It wasn't meant to come off like that. I just thought you would have a different type of job, being a power guy doesn't suit you." Muttering out to him as I slumped over in defeat as i slipped over to the crowd in front of the entrance, putting my weight onto my right side as i crossed my arms, waiting to enter this place. " How about you?" Hearing Keith question me as I looked up at him, "I can't work. I'm mentally and slightly physically disabled. Mostly mentally. I've been through a lot since you and I have been separated." Watching Keith's eyes narrow downwards, " Now isn't the time. I'll explain everything later." Seeing him relax and give me a nod. " So Jasmine." My eyes traveled over to Kathy, " Who is this guy?" I wanted to face palm at this, but it's plain as day that she isn't the brightest person, " My twin brother, Keith." Looking up at Keith, " Keith, this is Kathy. The daughter of the man that took me under his wing." Keith eyes the young woman before him before giving a nod to her and a small smile, " Yeah, he's not much for words when it comes to other people." Kathy gives a smile and nods back to him, " Nah it's fine. I can tell that you two are related. I just wanted to make sure for myself before i just assumed. It's a pleasure to meet you Keith."  Once more, Keith just nodded at her. " Yep, strong silent type." I cracked a grin at Kathy when she said that before looking at Keith, whispering out, " She has a crush. Be aware." Keith nudged my side muttering out, " Behave." In return, a pout came to my features.

          Keith and I had slipped away again to study the lower half of the house. The lights of it turned on allowing us  to see through now, getting really bad vibes from this place " Jasmine, Keith, you coming?" Hearing Kathy question us as we turned giving a nod and slipping over, entering the house with them. I took in every detail of the things inside this place. Everything was so shiny, " Hmm, a sword." Running my hand along the handle of it, not being stupid and running my hand down the blade like most people would. " You still have a fascination over sharp objects i see." Glancing over at Keith, grinning at him,  " Don't touch anything, at least until we get some property insurance." Retracting my hand when i heard Arthur say that. I slipped over to Kathy, standing next to her, " Arthur we got some papers to sign in the library after that ill like to take all of you on a tour of the house." Rolling my eyes at this man. He was extremely creepy, seems way too cheery for a lawyer sort of guy. " Great i don't want you guys moving from this spot." Ignoring what he said as i slipped towards the basement. The Power Guy was walking over to Keith, " You coming?" The guy seems off, most of them would have gotten to work and not snooping around peoples homes. I'll have to keep my eye on him as well now. "Stop being a people hater Jasmine." Hearing Keith murmured out to me as he walked away after Power Guy. 
       Moving quietly down the stairs so i don't attract his attention to me. Slipping around, my hand sliding across the glass wall. I watched Keith go do his job, but this other guy. He was stumbling down the halls, holding his head letting out soft groans of pain. " Are you alright?" Questioning him as his attention was now on me, " What are you doing down here?" Ignoring my question. It was my turn to ignore his question as i gently placed my hands on him, " Here, come with me." He immediately moved away from me, " Don't touch me, ah shit!" Groaning out, holding his head. I raise a brow as my eyes scan the area, slowly widening at what I'm seeing. "My God, what the hell's wrong with Cyrus." From the looks of it, they are ghosts, cause I'm pretty sure no one can survive having railroad spikes hammered all over a person's body. Keith comes around the corner, " What's going on? Jasmine, what are you doing down here?" Hearing Keith questioned me, before I could answer him, the other guy questioned me, " Wait you can..." He cuts himself off with a groan of pain, sinking down to his ass. I looked behind him, "Watch out!" Pointing to the ghost. Keith raised a brow, " Watch out from what? There is nothing behind him." Power Guy stands up quickly, turning around, placing on some glasses. Watching him back up and away from them, " Hey come on!" Yelling out to me as he turns and slips out of the basement. Keith takes a hold of my shoulders, turning me towards him, " Jasmine, what is going on? You are acting strangely, talk to me." A deep frown rests on my face before looking down, " There is so much you don't know about me now, Keith."   I turned around ready to slip from the basement, but stopped as my eyes landed on HIM.
             Walking slowly home from a friends house. Glancing up at the sky as i felt a rain drop drop down and land on my shoulder. My dumbass forgot a jacket even though i knew it was supposed to rain that day. A deep heavy sigh leaves my lips as i rushed to the nearest building, entering it. Turning towards the outside, my arms wrapped tightly around my shivering form. ' way to go dumbass, now you are going to be late.' Thinking to myself.
              Glancing around my surroundings thinking that i might as well take a look around the building I'm in, seeing as the rain wasn't going to be stopping any time soon. " Looks like an abandoned asylum." Thinking out loud to myself as i began wandering down the halls. I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight, " Hmm, claw marks." Running my fingers down the carvings on the wall. My eyes snapped over and down the halls, hearing a noise. " Probably just a wild animal." Once again, speaking to myself. I have a habit of doing that. Slipping from the room i was in and began walking down the hall, wanting to make sure that animal was alright, if it was an animal.

             A smile rose up to my lips, staring down at the small kitten. Kneeling down to it, holding my hand out. I must have startled it as it turned and rushed off down the halls, " Hey, it's alright, come back here. I won't harm you." Slipping around a corner, slamming into something, " Oh ow.." Rubbing my face before my eyes traveled up, staring at what i bumped into. No words were escaping me as my eyes widened, " Oh God." I turned to rush down the halls, only to be slammed roughly to a wall, a hand wrapped tightly around my throat. " Ah!" Crying out, squirming in the man's hold. My hand slipped up to his hand, nails digging into him. It didn't seem to faze him as he used his other hand to claw at my shirt.
               Unable to get myself free from his iron grip on my throat, " L-let me g-g-go!" Gasping out, losing air greatly. My knee slams up and hits him in his balls. Feeling his grip on my loosen as he steps back, holding his precious male parts. I took my opportunity and rushed down the halls and away from this man. He must have recovered seeing as i could hear him running after me, a psychotic laughter erupting throughout the building.
            Reaching the exit, about ready to leave before my hair was grabbed and i was yanked back into his iron grip once again, slammed to a wall with his form pressed tightly to my backside. Tears filled my eyes but i fought them back, I had to stay strong, don't give up. Fight this man, fight him off of me. I placed my hands on the wall as i used every ounce of the strength i had in me, pushing backwards. It surprisingly made him stumble back and off of me. I slipped out of the building, rushing off down the road, heading home.
           He must have recognized me as well seeing as he was clawing at the wall, staring at me with insane filled angry eyes. Prying my eyes away from him, I grabbed Keith's sleeve and dragged him out of the basement with me, running after the Power Guy.

13 Ghosts: Jackal x JasmineWhere stories live. Discover now