Nightmare Begins

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                Stumbling around the corner, my hand over my chest feeling my heart rapidly thumping in it. I have asthma, obviously. The Power Guy glances over before entering the room, " Arthur? Arthur, we need to talk." I heard him say as I entered the room and sat down, letting out soft pants. My asthma was bad. Keith slips in after me and helps me to a chair, " Breath." Muttering lowly to me. "What's the deal with the breakers?" My eyes snapped up to him with a glare but said nothing. " There's nothing wrong with the breakers, I'm not the power guy, my name is Dennis Rafkin." Keith raised a brow, " Nothing wrong... alright then. Why the hell are we here?" Ben looks over, eyeing him, " You're Dennis Rafkin?" Which makes Arthur question out, " Who's Dennis Rafkin." I groan out at this shit, " What a fucking dumbass, go on Dennis. " Which causes Arthur to eye me with a, ' what did you just call me?' look. " My office warned me about this guy." I snapped my eyes over towards Ben, " Shut up and let him speak, no one cares." Dennis glances over towards me with a thank you look before speaking, " I lied to the power guy people so i could get inside this place. They told me to bring you along for experience." Answering Keith before he goes on with the other shit, "This is going to sound completely whacked but stay with me. I used to hunt displaced spiritual energies with your Uncle." Obviously Arthur wouldn't understand, " Dennis. Just skip past all of these cold names and get right to it. " Dennis glances over to me before nodding, " Ghosts. I used to hunt ghosts with your Uncle Cyrus." Eyeing Ben and Arthur both, giving them a 'hurry up and comprehend' nod, " Goats?" I face palmed as Dennis freaks out slamming down his hands on the table, " Ghosts! Ghosts Goddammit listen to me!" Keith stares at Dennis the entire time before looking down, not saying anything. I looked down, running my hands through my hair. I was thankful that i never mentioned to Arthur about my ability or whatever you wanna call it. From the looks of it, he doesn't believe and would honestly make fun of me for it. An immature lowlife. I looked up hearing them laughing at Dennis, proving what i thought was true. I was right about him. " Just because you don't believe in ghosts, doesn't give you the right to make fun of others that do. Stop being an immature lowlife and grow up." Dennis stares at me intensely before looking down, " Thank you..." I barely heard what he said before I gave a nod to him, "I'll explain everything as soon as you get you and your children outside." Arthur stares at me intensely before he looks away. I guess deep down he knew i was right. Damn straight i was. " Cyrus has containment cubes all over the basement. I don't know why they are here, I don't know why he brought them here. I'm not staying around to find out. So if i were you..." Ben cuts him off, " Well he isn't you. Don't bother listening to this guy. He has been harassing my office ever since your Uncle died. Claiming that Cyrus owed him money. So let's get down to business and ignore your crazy daughter and this guy." I stood up and walked towards him, taking him by his collar and bringing him close to my face, " Wanna say that again to my face this time you pansy ass mamma's boy?" My voice was very low, very dangerous. Ben takes my hand staring into my eyes before he reverts his gaze, " It's what i thought." Shoving him back down in his seat before i eyed Arthur, " Believe what you wish, but DON'T make fun of others for what they believe in. " I looked over as Keith walks over to Ben and cracks him clean in the jaw, " Next time you call my sister crazy, I'll do worse. So i advise you keep your trap shut." My eyes were slightly widened at that. A smirk rose to my lips before i reverted my gaze, sitting down as my eyes landed on my lap. " You alright?" Hearing Arthur speak as i looked up once more, following his gaze who was resting on Dennis. Dennis was leaning against the table, holding his head. Arthur approaches him and gently touches his arm causing Dennis to fall forwards, shaking madly on the floor.

         I sat there, my knees to my chest with my arms wrapped tightly around them. Keith kneels down to my eye level, " We need to talk, I'm not waiting until later. Now is a good time." A deep frown once again found its way to my lips. I let out a sigh before nodding, " Homeless after our mothers death and the destruction of our house. I was attacked and almost raped. I managed to escape but not before he stabbed me. I woke up in the hospital. The doctors informed me that i had died a few moments before they managed to restart my heart. Arthur and his late wife took me in and took care of me." Looking down sighing out. I took Keith and pulled me closer, " But, ever since that day. I've been well, off. I can see and touch ghosts as if they were still alive. Laugh all you like, I don't care if you believe me." Keith stares intensely at me, studying my face before looking down, taking in everything i just said to him. Nothing was said from him for a long while before he managed to say," I believe you, I'm sorry i wasn't there to protect you." Pulling me close to him, hugging me tightly.
         Arthur was helping Dennis stand up to his feet, " How's your head?" Watching what was happening, a deep frown on my face. " Not good." Watching Dennis rubbing his head, glancing over not seeing Ben, " Where's the suit?" Eyeing me as i shrugged, " I wasn't paying attention, talking with my brother." Answering him, " He is probably down in the basement like a dumbfuck." Causing a small grin to form on Dennis's features as he nods, " Wouldn't surprise me." Hearing him mutter to himself as he fully stood up, slipping off his 'power guy' outfit and into a suit. My gaze snaps over, watching as the walls begin to shift. I stood up from my spot, "It's time to leave." Hearing Dennis speak out suddenly, " I agree." I moved towards the doorway, heading towards the exit of the house, only to come across a glass wall that wasn't there previously, " The hell?" Keith eyes me, " Alright, so down in the basement, did you see ghosts? Is that why you were so strange. Frozen?" Looking up at him before moving around him and down the halls, searching for a way out. " Jasmine, answer me. I can't begin to understand if you don't answer." A sigh leaves my lips before i give a nod, " Yes, I saw them. One of them i encountered previously in my life." Keith was about to question more but got interrupted, " Jasmine!" Hearing Arthur call out to me. I glanced over my shoulder and around Keith, watching him rush up to us, " Stay with me. We gotta find Kathy, Maggie and Bobby." Arthur's gaze went up to Keith, " I don't think we have met before, who are you?" Keith glanced over at him before looking at me chuckling, " I'm Keith, Jasmine's twin brother." He muttered something to himself but i couldn't make out what he said, " Arthur. Do you mind helping me find my children?" Keith glanced at him once more before giving a nod, " Sure, where was the last place you saw them?" Arthur points to the spot on the other side of the glass, " Alright, let's get going. It shouldn't be too hard, this is a glass house after all." 

            I slipped up the stairs, entering a bedroom seeing Kathy's coat on a chair, " Arthur." Getting his attention as i slipped over to a door, entering it, " Kathy." Scaring her, " Let's go." Before Arthur bursts in, " Kathy, what are you doing up here? I told you to wait downstairs." Keith slips over to the sink picking up some glasses, " Never seen glasses like these before. Wait, didn't that Power Guy have glasses like these?" Looking over at Keith before nodding, " Apparently they allow you to see the ghosts. From what i saw that is. He didn't seem to see the ghosts until he placed them on." Shrugging before moving past him and Kathy and over to the bathtub. I peered around the corner of the shower curtain. ' Thought for sure i saw a person laying down here.' Thinking to myself before i turned around, hearing my name being called.
           Following Arthur as he made his way down the stairs, " I'll find Bobby, but i want you four out of here." I saw Kathy's face, plain as day that she was wondering why Arthur was freaking out suddenly. I take her arm shaking my head, " Don't question, just do as asked. There isn't any time to argue. Trust me, you don't want to know." Kathy stares at me, seeing the look in my eyes, before giving me a nod, coming around a corner, " What happened to the door?" Standing there in the middle of the room, " Beats me..." My eyes trailed over to Dennis who was sitting in a chair, I gave him a nod for a hello. Keith slips over to Dennis and sits down, " Better still be getting paid for coming all the way out here." I eyed Keith before shaking my head, some things never change. "Son of a bitch! I cannot believe this, I'm going to have to break it down." Arthur yells out as I quickly stepped away and to a safe distance, watching as he took a chair and began slamming it to the glass repeatedly. " Why isn't the glass breaking?" Questioning to no one but myself as Dennis makes his presence known to everyone but Keith and I, " Quite dramatic, but you are wasting your time. It's all sealed up." Arthur who was being an ass, spoke up, " What do you mean, ' all sealed up'?" I let out a sigh, knowing where this was going so i just stayed back, waiting for it to happen. " What part of that code are you having trouble cracking? The entire house is sealed up." Choking out a small laugh as i covered my mouth to hide my grin. Keith gives me the 'behave' look as i once more give off a pout. "There must be another way out." Hearing Kathy chime in. " I've looked." " We'll look again after i find my son, now get up." I watched the look on Dennis's face, he wasn't moving any time soon which earned a chuckle from Keith. " Way to stand your ground." Clearly hearing it in Keith's voice. " That's alright. I'll wait right here." Dennis said before eyeing Keith with a, ' shut up' look.  Arthur turns around towards Dennis, " I don't know what's going on. I don't even know who the hell you are. And my son is missing, so until those questions are answered, I'm not letting you out of my sight, now get up!" I tightened my fists at this, annoyed by his sudden commands, " Bobby isn't his responsibility, honestly it is Maggie's job. Dennis shouldn't have to help look for someone who isn't even his family." Arthur glances over towards me, " Enough of that. You always have..." He gets cut off by Dennis, " It's fine, I'll help look just breath." Standing up and walking off with Arthur. " Did the lawyer split?" A smirk rises to my lips as i slipped along after them, " Probably right in half with all of these shifting walls. " Cracking a joke, leaving the room to help find the brat of the family. " Jasmine, seriously, behave." 

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