A Nightmarish Romance Begins

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               ( Warning: mention of rape, murder and the usage of the word whore. )

           Approaching my family with the newly reborn Jackal and Keith. I closed my eyes running a hand through my emo hair. " You guys alright?" questioning Arthur and his family before looking down at my hands as they were tightly up against my chest. I was very nervous and honestly, scared. Jackal was studying me the entire time, never once taking his eyes off of me. I literally felt his eyes roaming me, studying me, it was that intense. Keith growled out lowly at this, " Stop fucking staring at her you sick fucking creep." Jackal's gaze travels over to him, " Mind your tongue boy." Keith glares harsher " Or what? I can touch you now bastard, I'll fucking kick your ass." Jackal moves towards Keith, " I'll like to see you try." I quickly stepped in between them, " Enough both of you! Keith, please. I don't want you harmed or killed. He's just staring, enough of that. Please." Keith growled out lowly at this.
                  Arthur helps Kathy and Bobby off of the spinning wheel of death thingy as he approaches me before stopping staring intensely at Jackal with fear. He was standing in front of Kathy and Bobby protectively, reaching out and pulling me and Keith over to his side. " Whoa, calm down." Shyly looking up and over at Jackal before it happened. He charges, ripping me away from his embrace. My eyes were huge all over again. " W what you doing!" looking at him intensely. " Shut up you whore." Snarling out at me his glare never once leaving my family. Keith growled out approaching Jackal, " Don't  you fucking call her a whore! Take your hands off of her!" Jackal smirks, " That's right. Step closer to me. I dare you." Slightly squirming around before managing to get free from Jackal's grip, " Keith stop! Seriously I don't want you harmed!" Keith glares at me, " And I don't want this bastard touching you or even near you for that matter!"  A deep frown rests on my lips as my arms wrap around my form." I can take care of myself. " Keith looks away, crossing his arms.  Kathy frowns, " i don't understand, what is it you want with her? First you attack her and I, then you are being protective of her and how is it we are able to see you now?" questions were flying out of her in a confused manner. Arthur eyes Jackal intensely, the fear in his eyes was still there, but also mixed with confusion as well. " what is it you want with my daughter, just who are you?" I studied his face the entire time, "... why you being so protective of me?" He said nothing only growled out looking away from all of us. Arthur reached out and took my hand, " lets go home, Jasmine. "

              A few months have passed since we left that nightmarish hell hole of a house. Having the briefcase full of money at our disposal was pretty nice. Our family will be doing well for the time being. At this moment, i was in my room continuing my college classes, studying up, trying to ignore the intense staring that was coming from Jackal, or as i learned his name, Ryan Kuhn. I peered over at him before looking away quickly and back to my work, " it's hard to study when you are staring at me, i can literally feel your gaze on me. You are alive again and free to roam the world once more, but yet you are staying here and annoying me with your staring." Staring down at my desk instead of looking over at him. Ryan's head cocked to the side, " i thought i made it pretty obvious. I've claimed you as mine woman. " Standing up from his spot on my bed as he approaches behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders, sliding them down towards my bust. I quickly stop his hands and toss them away from the ladies. " Don't touch me like that, hell don't touch me at all. I don't like being touched. " I felt his breath at my ear as he spoke, " Like i said, you are mine, and mine alone. I'll do whatever i please to you Jasmine." Licking the shell of my ear before nibbling on it. i yanked away from him and stood up walking off towards the door. I reached down to open the door, only to be pinned to it, trapped against it. His voice once again was heard against my ear, " When i want something, i intend to take it if they like it or not. " Feeling his hands on my hips, " ... What do you do to me, Jasmine." Murmuring against my ear. My ear was a weak spot for me, so i closed my eyes, biting my lip gently to hide it. " Please don't. I'm not into that...." Ryan's lips rose into a smirk before chuckling, " hmm, you telling me you're a virgin?" chuckling more at this, " Hmm, so you weren't a whore after all." Pulling back and away from me. I turned around towards him slowly. " i'm not ashamed to admit it, but yes i am. I'm proud to be one as well. Sex doesn't interest me the slightest. It never has and it probably never will. I was born asexual. Plus, It's a trigger for me. I told you i was attacked." Wrapping my arms around my form. Ryan studies me intensely before nodding, " i knew i was drawn to you for a reason. "

               Arthur comes rushing up and into my room which causes me to stumble and fall into Ryan's chest. " .... Jasmine come quickly, the news." I pulled back quickly all shy and adorable looking. My face was deep red in embarrassment, before i turned and rushed out of the room. Arthur coming at a good time, a sigh leaves me at this. I came around the corner as the TV was turned up. " breaking news, many women were found dead in alleyways. Their clothes were completely torn off and blood and bruises were up and down their bodies. From the looks of it, these women were raped and killed." My eyes were huge at this before they got even more huge at the realization of who did it. Keith eyes me, " Don't you dare go back up there!" Seeing my eyes, " Jasmine..." His voice is low and dangerous. I shook my head and turned, quickly rushed up to my room, entering it. I eyed Ryan intensely, " ...you raped those women and killed them didn't you?" fear in my voice. Ryan turns around from my closet and studies me intensely, " Yes. " Closing the doors and walking towards me, " They were nothing but whores." Backing me up against the wall, leaning in close to my face. His eyes trailed down to my lips, watching them quiver in fear. " i can't control it Jasmine..... " A frown was on his lips now, " ... i was born with a fucked up mind. Born from a prostitute that never told me right from wrong. I can't control it. " Running a hand through his wild hair, " You can't understand what i go through. Back before i died, i tried to fight the urges, but they were too strong. " Studying my eyes intensely, " i checked myself into a asylum. Those self righteous humans enslaved me and tortured me instead of curing me and helping me. Years of being there, my sanity slipped away. I began clawing the walls until my fingernails were torn off, the doctors bound me to a straight jacket. But i gnawed at it until i torn my arms free from the restraints. Those fuckers then locked my head in that cage and tossed me into a dark basement cell. They kept me there, alone and bound. It caused me to hate any kind of human contact. When they came down to feed me and medicate me, i would scream and cower. I died from a fire that broke out in that asylum. I didn't even try to get out, i just stayed there and died." Listening to him tell his story, a part of me felt so bad for him and wanted to help him. But then the other part of me was so scared and wanted nothing to do with him, wanting to get away from him. Ryan studies my eyes intensely once again, " Conflicting emotions are running through your eyes. Talk to me, it's plain as day that you fear me, but what is that other emotion that's in your eyes?" Gulping at this i didn't want to tell him, i didn't want him to get the wrong idea. I watched him cock his head waiting for a answer. When i didn't give him one, he leans in closer, capturing my lips with his own. It caused my eyes to go huge in shock. My hands instantly began pushing at his chest but they soon were pinned up and above my head. Ryan pulls back after time due to the needed air, resting his forehead on my own, " This is the last time i'm saying this, you are mine Jasmine.." A sudden thud to my door caused me to jump, " Like hell she is. I'll fucking kill you or die trying before i let that happen!" Hearing Keith on the other side of the door. Ryan stares at me before chuckling, " We shall see..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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