The Search for Bobby

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               Slipping around corner after corner in the search for Bobby. "I'm surprised the kid hasn't heard everyone's screaming for him. It's a big ass house yes, but he still should be able to hear us calling his name." Keith randomly said as we turned around another corner, " Hey glass family Robinson, you're wasting your breath. This is ectobar glass, he wont hear you. This is shatter proof and sound proof." Keith groans out, "And now that i just wasted brain cells wondering it when all i had to do was wait." Poking at my brother's cheek with a grin, " Teaches you to be impatient." In return I get a glare from him. " So what are these?" Watching Maggie run her hand underneath writing on the glass. " That's a little harder to explain, they're containment spells, ghosts can't cross those." Kathy's face turned amused, " Ghosts?" Rolling my eyes at this, another non-believer, just like Arthur. " Yes Ghosts. The supernatural realm has its own set of laws. For ghosts, it's spells. Whether written or spoken, they have to obey whatever the spells say." Keith whispers out, "More information drowning my brain right now."  I stood there, thinking about that night. The night I barely escaped one of the ghosts, ' Maybe some sort of spells were preventing him from leaving that building. No, there is a theory that ghosts haunt a certain place. God I'm over thinking this.' Mentally shaking my head, following after my family. " Jasmine, what was it you were thinking about?" Looking up at him, " That one ghost i encountered before." Keith nods, " Go on, I'm listening. " Knowing what he wanted to know, " Just walking home one night as it began to rain, not wanting to get soaked, i decided to wait it out in an old abandoned building not realizing that it used to be an asylum. As i was searching through the building waiting for the rain to stop, i came across the ghost. He attacked and tried to ..... rape me." Whispering out lowly the last bit as i looked away from Keith, my arms wrapping tightly around my form. I could feel Keith's eyes burning holes into me, " Describe this man." His voice held so much anger in it as i looked up at him, " Keith, enough. I don't want you getting hurt or worse, death, because of me. There isn't anything you could do honestly. You can't see nor touch the ghosts like i can." A low growl escapes him but he drops it and walks past me and down the halls. 

               From the looks of it, Maggie is curious. I wouldn't say she is a non-believer. " The entire basement is filled with ghosts." I knew he was right, I've seen them all myself. " In this basement?" I face palmed at such a stupid question, " Of course in this basement, what is it with you people? If it was next door, i wouldn't give a shit." Keith gives off a deep low chuckle at that, " Maggie was it? You can't blame him for his little outburst. Some of the questions you people ask are fucking stupid. Do you guys not have any brains? Are you all fucking that stupid and don't know how to listen?" My eyes widened, " Sorry Maggie, don't mind my brother, he doesn't have a filter." Informing her, "My family doesn't know how to fucking listen, they hear what they want to hear and tune everything else out, but that doesn't give you the right to speak to someone like that." Lecturing Keith.
              Dennis pulls out some glasses, i knew what they could do. "I can prove it." He sure can, supernatural glasses. " Spectral Viewers. You can see the ghosts with these." Glancing over his shoulder at me, " Unless you are like her and can see them without it. Still wondering how that is." I shyly look away from him, wrapping my arms around my form, saying nothing. Maggie glances over at me, her eyes are widened, " Wait, how is that possible?" Seeing as she was curious about it herself, " I died for a few moments before the doctors brought me back. I'm guessing that is the reason why." Shrugging my shoulders looking away from them. Maggie places on the glasses, looking around the area, " I don't see any ghosts." I swear no one fucking listens. I quickly look up at Keith giving him the ' don't you dare' look, knowing how he is. Keith saw my look as he was indeed about ready to say something but closed his mouth and looked away. "Because they're locked downstairs." His voice says it all, he was losing his patience. I watched Dad and Kathy looking around for Bobby, wondering how they can't see him through the glass. It is a glass house for crying out loud. " Alright that's enough, this is not helping. Do me a favor and stop with all of the haunted house nonsense. At least until we find the kid and find a way out of here." Hearing Arthur pry me out of my thoughts. Dennis speeds past me, slamming his hand on the glass. I looked over, wondering why he was freaking out only to face palm at everyone's stupidity. Dennis just said they are all down in the basement, " No! No! Wait! No! What are you doing? What did i just say? Did i say there was a petting zoo downstairs? NO! There are ghosts downstairs Arthur." I couldn't help but chuckle softly at him. His outbursts are called for. Everyone here is stupid. Keith growled out lowly before he bursts, " Ah fuck! Sorry, I'm saying it. Smack me all you like. Next time someone says something stupid, you're getting punched." Shaking my head at this, pinching the bridge of my nose. " Right, right, but you also said, that they are all locked up. Right?" I could tell by the look on Arthur's face he had to ignore what Keith said.  Dennis shakes his head about ready to leave, " No, no way." Arthur stops him, panicking, " Hey! Wait! Listen, I'll make a deal with you. I'll pay you whatever Cyrus owned you, just help me find my son." I eyed Arthur intensely. He is a great father and was a perfect husband to his late wife. If it wasn't for him, i wouldn't be alive. I owe him a lot.
               Everyone was watching and waiting for Dennis, " Unbelievable. Get out of my way." Wishing he didn't take him up on his offer, he should have just left. He has the chance to leave and get out of this place, but instead, greed took over him. That feeling was back. The really bad feeling i had when i saw the house. We are ALL going down into the basement, where all of the ghosts are at. Who knows what the shifting of the walls are doing. Goosebumps formed on my body as the small hairs on my arms stood up. This time though, the feeling was intense. Shivering as i followed down the stairs. Heading straight into the heart of darkness.

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