The Attack

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          ( fair warning the ghost that attacks uses an offensive word, whore, if you don't like it ignore the word and move past it.. )

                   My breathing is back to normal now as i followed, beside Kathy, after Arthur. My eyes were on the floor, lost in thought. They may not be my actual family, but i do consider them to be a second family of mine. Sure we may not be close and we bicker and such, but that's what some families are like. Not all families are sunshine and rainbows. Some are cloudy, gloomy, and rainy. Right now, i am worried about them. Bobby is missing, Arthur is having panic attacks. Kathy and I are somewhat stable right now. " Maybe Rafkin was right, and maybe there.." She was cut off by Arthur as he turned around eyeing her, " Kathy! Think about what you are saying." Turning around, walking down the halls once more. " there's no such thing as ghosts." I tightened my fists shaking my head, " Still being an immature brat who can't see what is really going on around here. I thought maybe for sure after hearing Bobby on that tape-recorder, that maybe, just maybe that you could have a little bit of an open mind and realize that Rafkin was right in the end. But no..." Looking up, stopping what i was saying as i stumbled back, my eyes widened. There, standing before Kathy and I, was HIM, " No..." Moving backwards, keeping my eyes on him. " What's wrong?" Worry written on Kathy's face as she looks down, placing on the glasses. Her eyes widened, letting out a terrified scream. The crazed ghost smirks, letting out an excited chuckle. He pushes her down and begins sliding her across the floor, clawing at her. " K-Kathy." Stuttering out her name, frozen in my spot. She was kicking and screaming as he was clawing at her. My eyes were unbelievably huge. Gulping down my fear, rushing over and leaping onto his back. My arms wrapped tightly around his neck, trying to pry him away from her, " Release her, damn you! " He stumbles back, slamming backwards into a glass wall. I groan out at the contact, loosening my grip on him. He took that moment and pried my arms away from him. It caused me to fall off and slide down the glass. The man turns around towards me, a wild smirk on his face. Reaching down and taking a fist full of my hair, yanking me up to my feet, slamming me back onto the glass. " Brave little whore aren't you? Hmm I remember you, thought you escaped me didn't you? Well here we are again. Now, let's continue where we left off. " I stared into his hazel eyes, watching him run a clawed finger down my cheek, making sure to draw blood. " What the hell's going on!" Arthur said as he rushed over helping Kathy to her feet. She was staring at the ghost, watching him do what he is doing to me. " Dad, she isn't alone.. " Before he was able to do anything else to me, he vanished off as my eyes traveled to meet a woman. She came charging over, taking my wrist and began dragging me down the halls. I glanced behind me as Arthur was helping Kathy, rushing after us. " Who the hell are you!" Hearing him scream out to her, " Never mind, just follow me!" Looking at the woman then back at Arthur and Kathy. I looked behind them seeing as the ghost reappeared and began chasing after us. My eyes widened, " He's back! Hurry!" Watching him speed after us, ' God damn he's fast.' Thinking to myself, another habit i really need to stop. The woman rushes past some glass as Arthur drags Kathy past it right before it snaps shut, separating us from that mad man. I watched as he slams right into it, clawing at it viciously. His eyes never left me, the anger, the lust, the hate.
                  The woman released her hold on me as i slipped down to my ass, eyeing the ghost still. I never once took my eyes off of him. " You can see them without glasses?" Hearing the woman speak to me, i was about to answer when Arthur spoke up interrupting me. " Who the hell are you and what the hell was that!" I could hear the panic in Arthur's voice, it caused me to frown. " My name is Kalina Oretzia. I'm in the spirit reclamation business." Turning my attention towards her and away from the ghost, my eyebrow was raised. " What?" Hearing Arthur questioned her, " I free trapped souls, Cyrus." She was cut off by Arthur. Annoyed really, she was answering his questions but he goes and interrupts her, " Forget Cyrus and trapped souls for a damn second, what are you doing here?" I could tell by the look on her face that she was annoyed, " Looks to me like I'm saving your ass." She responds calmly. " Ah! Oh my God!" My eyes snapped over to Kathy seeing her wigging the fuck out. I looked over at the ghost, seeing him taunting and toying with her. I stand up and walk to the glass that he is trapped behind. I'm not sure why i am, but here i am, staring at the male before me, watching his eyes stare right into mine. The desire in them was intense. " Looks like he wants you. You do realize what he used to do before he died right?" I frowned at her question, knowing fairly well what he used to do. It was plain as day seeing as i was about to be one of his victims. I give a nod which somewhat shocked her, " If you know then why are you standing in front of him?" I didn't answer her which seemed to annoy her. I pried my eyes away from the ghost as i turned around, my back towards him now. I felt his eyes roaming around my backside causing me to wrap my arms around my form and give off a shiver. " Give him your glasses come on!" Kathy slips her glasses off and hands them to Arthur, i watched Arthur place them on. I stepped aside so he could see the ghost. I watched his eyes widened, " Oh my God, unbelievable." Looking at him before sighing out, " Now you can stop being an immature asshole to people. " Earning a glare from him, " Another one of Cyrus's victims. I hope to God the barrier spells hold." " Victims?" Hearing Arthur question her, " Cyrus had a nasty habit of enslaving souls. That's why I'm here, i intend to set them all free." I slipped over, sitting down next to Arthur, " We need to find a way out of this place, do you happen to know where?" Questioning her as she shakes her head at me, " i split through an opening in the house when it shifted, don't get your hopes up, it's closed now and it won't happen again. Let me show you. " Pulling out a book from her bag, " This is the Arcanum. Many people died in the quest for this book. It was written in the 15th century by an astrologer named Basileus. In it he describes the making of a certain machine. One that can see into the future. He wrote it while under demonic possession. I can't believe Cyrus built it." I can't believe how crazy Cyrus is, " Built what? What are you talking about?" Arthur questions her, "Basileus's device. We are in the middle of a machine, designed by the Devil and powered by the dead." I stood up from my spot again, " Listen to me, i don't give a shit about any machine, or devil, or Basileus or anything! Except getting my family the hell out of this place." She was very annoyed with him, the look in her eyes was giving her away, " I came here to set the souls in this house free, you want my help you have to help me first." Glancing over going to see if Kathy was alright, " Arthur, Kathy is missing." Tapping his shoulder, " What?" He turned around not seeing her, " Kathy? Oh no this can't be happening!" He stood up in a panic and began looking for her again, " We have to get out of here." I followed her gaze, seeing a small boy, " I agree, Arthur." Looking over at him, " I'm not going anywhere until we find Kathy and Bobby." I sighed at this, " Try telling the little boy that." Causing him to turn his attention to what we were looking at.

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