Reaching the Library

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              Rushing around another corner only to come across a dead end, " Perfect! Another dead end. Ok genius, we found the stairs, now how do we get to them?" Arthur questions Kalina as i eyed the ghost that was trapped behind a glass that Arthur was leaning on. " Get away from the glass Arthur. " Looking over at me he raised a brow, " What, why?" Questioning me before i shook my head, " Just do it." Kalina and I were backing up from him as Arthur turned his attention towards the ghost, following after us. Turning around to watch where i was going so i wouldn't run into a wall or an awaited ghost ready to kill us. I looked up seeing the crazed mother fucker from before. I eyed him intensely, " Looks like I'm not going to lose him easy." Muttering to myself, " Of course not, you are his next victim." Hearing Kalina respond to me as Arthur and her rushed past me and down the halls. I backed up and away from him, following Arthur and Her.

             Kalina stops suddenly, staring down at her book, flipping through some pages, " We need to get to the library, it has spell protection all around it." I began scanning the place, " And where is the library from here?" Looking over at her, i followed her gaze, " Screw this, let's start climbing up." Seeing her nod at me, " I was thinking that as well." Chuckling out, " Great minds think alike." I looked up before sighing out, " Alright someone give me a boost." Watching her lend me her hands as i slipped my foot into her hands as she boosted me up. I pushed the glass up and out of the way and pulled myself up and through the glass. I laid on my stomach and held my hand out for someone to take it. Kalina gives me a flare as i set it aside and grabbed the book setting it aside as well before finally i grabbed her hand and pulled her up and through the opening with me.
                 I stood up and dusted myself off, " Ahhh!" Hearing screaming coming from beside me. I looked over spotting Dennis, Keith, and Maggie as they came around the corner startled by our sudden appearance. Keith slips over and examines me right away. He comes across the claw mark as his eyes narrowed. " Who?" My eyes shifted away from him, " It was that ghost." Keith growled out lowly, " I knew i should have gone with you." I was about to say something but got interrupted once more, " What the hell are you doing here!" Looking around me as the walls began shifting, " Hey! Remember me!" Panicking as i reached down with Kalina and Maggie, pulling him up, " Thanks for taking your time!" I gently pat his shoulder, " Breath, don't panic" Saying in a calm voice, hoping to help him. " Go down the hall, turn left, then right." Dennis eyes her intensely, questioning her, " Where are we going?" Glancing up at him, already annoyed, " Trust me, Ok!" It caused Dennis to groan out, " Arthur?" " Just trust her." He said standing up, " Ok, if we are going, let's go!" Maggie screams out suddenly, " Who the hell is she!" Causing me to face palms, " Now isn't the time for that Maggie!"
              We came around a corner, spotting the library just right ahead from us, " Arthur, what happened to Kathy?" Frowning at the mention of her, " I don't know, she disappeared." " How do you lose an entire family in a glass house?" I held in a laugh cause he has a point, how do you lose an entire family in a glass house, it's glass for crying out loud. Keith chuckles hard on this, " Maybe just teleported away saying, ' fuck you guys, I'm out of here.' You never know man." Right there caused me to die laughing, smacking his arm. Arthur glanced over at Dennis with him a ' shut the fuck up'  look then up at Keith with the same look before turning and walking down the halls again. I managed to stop laughing, turning around, eyeing Dennis, " You alright?" Hearing a groan from him. Dennis glanced up and was about to answer me before he pointed behind me, " Turn around! Watch out!" My eyes widened but it was too late, i was tossed roughly at a wall. I rose my arms up immediately, shielding myself from what was about to happen. The mad man from before was back and has me in his hold. Tearing at my flesh, my clothing, anything that he can get his claws sunk into. Keith rushes up to try and defend me, but he is useless. He can't touch the ghosts like i can, " Dammit get your filthy hands off of my sister!" But was tossed aside roughly by the ghost as the ghost continued his assault on me, " Jasmine!" Hearing Dennis cry out my name, rushing off towards Kalina, " Kalina! Give me the flare!" I fell to the floor, bloody and in pain. Next thing i knew, i was being dragged down the halls, " Get her go get up!" Dennis was spazzing out, " This is not the time to be a girl! Run! Stop dragging your ass man! Go! Oh my God! Go! Run!! Now's not the time to sit around Jasmine! Run!" Entering the library, " Get the door! Close the door! Go! Go! Go!"

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