Chapter 1

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Ellie P.O.V

It's Monday morning and I was walking down the long corridors of San FranSokyo high school. I was on my way to my locker when I heard the voice of my best friend
"Morning Ellie!" Her sweet voice spoke
"Hey April." I said with a monotone voice
"Why you so grumpy?!" She asked
"It's Monday. It's early. I'm tired. How are you so freaking energetic?!" I sassed
"I get enough sleep. I don't stay up all night on social media!" April laughed. I smiled and continued to walk to my locker and April followed me.
"Hey, what class do we have first?" April asked me as she went to her locker, which was opposite mine.
"Ermmm..." I say as I check the timetable "chemistry." I sigh
"Ugh. I hate chemistry!" April whined
"Yeah well...sit by me. We'll make it fun" I say. Me and April always have fun when we sit together. We always mess around and it's hilarious...but it does go a bit too far sometimes. Once we both got an after school detention because of it! But that doesn't stop us. When we got to class, we were some of the first ones there so we just talked for a while, until Mr. Willis came along, that is. I hate Mr. Willis and I'm pretty sure he hates me too. The class went on for what seemed like forever and next we had art. I loved art and it was always a relaxing lesson for me. As I was grabbing my books out from my locker, I felt someone crash into me.
"Uh...sorry" he said nervously. I don't think I've seen him before. I observed his looks. He had untidy black hair, big brown eyes, a cute button nose and naturally pinky-red lips. He was wearing a red t-shirt with a blue hoodie over it, he had some beige shorts and some high tops too. He looked pretty nice
"It's okay" I said and the boy smiled and walked off. I think he's new here and I have to say...he's pretty cute. April nudged me
" think he's cute huh?" She teased
"Wha?-no!" I responded quickly, causing April to giggle
"Come on, let's get to art" she said as she walked toward the classroom. As I walked through the door, I saw the boy talking to my art teacher. Guess he's in this class too! I sat down in an empty seat and got all of my art supplies ready. April came and sat on the right hand side of me and started yapping about some shoes she bought when she and I noticed the boy walking over to me. He sat on the left hand side of me and spoke
"Hi. I didn't get to introduce myself earlier, I'm new here and I was a little nervous. I'm Hiro, Hiro Hamada" the boy smiled
"I'm Ellie, Ellie Craven" I smiled and shook his hand _
Hamada...where have I heard that name? Oh well. doesn't matter. I just have to make sure this boy settles into our school nicely, I guess.

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