Chapter 13

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Aprils P.O.V

I roll over and stare up at the ceiling. Yes, Saturday! I rub my eyes so I don't fallback to sleep. I feel like I'm missing something. I walk over to my mirror and see how bad I look.
"Wow" I say to myself.
I still feel like there's something missing, or like I'm forgetting something. Until it clicks.
"IM GOING TO SEE TADASHI TODAY" I scream, checking the time. 11:34am and I'm supposed to be there at 12:00 am! I run from one end to my room, to the other- and back again.
My outfit is set. A white lass skater skirt: a short denim top with a mint short cardigan.
"Ready to go".
(By the way, I'm going to see Tadashi at S.F.I.T)


I walk through the doors and am completely lost.
Suddenly I feel a tap on my back and turn around. No one there- I turn back round and there he is.
"Hey April. You like it here" he says with a smile.
"Hey Dashi! So why did you ask me to come here?"
"Oh, well that.. It's a surprise. I'll show you." Before I know it he's dragging me through corridors and through rooms and labs and my mind is just getting lost.
We stop at a door. It looks messy In the room because I can see through the blinds.
"Close you eyes" he says to me with a big smile on his face.
"Why do I need to close my eyes?"
He sighs and covers my eyes with his hands. I was so NOT blushing.
I hear the door open and I walk forward.
"Ready? 1-2-3" Tadashi uncovers my eyes to reveal two wrist bands. It has a little blue screen in the middle.
"Ugh.. ok?"
"I know it looks weird, but let me show you. Trust me, you'll be surprised."
He shoves the bands on either arm and looks into my eyes.
"Ok now, look around you. Find an object and then close your eyes." I close my eyes tightly so he knows I have his trust.
"Now just imagine you can control it and try and move it with your mind"
"Dashi this is stupid" I snigger.
"I know" he laughs with me "just trust me" Sighing I agree and follow his instructions.
Its quiet for a bit until Dashi breaks it.
"Open" I open my eyes to see the book I was thinking of, floating in mid air next to me.
"Da flip?" I'm speechless.
"I know right? It has microtechnology and has a magnet to matter, making it bring in anything that's matter. The bands have a strong force in there material, so it connects to your brain cells. The blue screen controls your the steadiness of it. Without it, it would be like a tornado in here! Amazing huh!" He yells. He scoops me up and gives me a big hug.
"Oh I love you I love you I love you I love you!" Immediately he puts me down, realising what he just did.
It's awkward.
"You know what I meant right?"
"Yeh yeh I totally get you. Friend way and stuff." I stutter in-between.
Its awkward again.
"Well I'll show you to the cafeteria because you might be hungry." Dashi insists.
"What? oh yeh- Right. Lets go then" I smile.
As we're half way down the corridor I see a shadow. But not like a normal one, but one that gives away a spies cover. I look back and it's gone.
My thought bubbles in my head, wondering who might that shadow belong to?

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