Chapter 2

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April's P.O.V

Ever feel like your invisible? Well I do. Back turned, on my own. ( well I'm sat next to Mildred but that doesn't make it any better). I feel angry yet happy.-I'm glad that Ellie has found crush ( which in my opinion isn't bad), but I just don't want her to ignore me and- wait what am I thinking? Ellie would never do that to me. She is the most kindest person a friend could ever want. It's not my fault she finds love first and I don't......
"Ellie" I ask, tapping her on the shoulder- Immediately she turns around.
"Oh hey A' what's up" A is what she calls me for short, even though my name is a two syllabled name so it's not that hard to say.
"Can I borrow a colour please" I ask.
"What um yeh just a sec" she smiles and turns back round to turn to Hiro.
"Ok Ellie, a sec" I snigger, doing those 'go flirt with your crush' eyebrows.
Don't you find it strange though? I mean, I'm 4 months older than her and I still haven't got a boy crushing on me...........yet.
As I continue to swim through my thoughts, I glance through the windows that show the corridor. A boy walks past with a cap that I have at home ( and looks fine too).
I tap Ellie on the shoulder, yet not making eye contact and my eyes still staring at that boy.
"Um Ellie, does Hiro have a brother?"
"Yeh, Tadashi, why?" She asks in confusion.
"Um well I think I just saw him and he's fitter than the fridge in Kim Kardashians Mansion!" We both gasp.
Thinking I'd won her over to Tadashi, she quickly adds in,
"But he's still not cuter than Hiro".
My jaw drops and I nudge her.
Maybe this is what it feels like to be in love. And I mean real love. Not the one you find when you see the movie Divergent and are obsessed with Four (the fit guy) for 3 months.
Lost in thought I realise Ellie and Hiro are both staring at me.
"Ugh April, What are you doing?" Asks Ellie, concerned I might need to go to specsavers.
"Just looking how gorgeous He is". Did I really just say that out loud? It just rolled out of my mouth like I was being hypnotised by Tadashi's dreamy eyes.
"Come on" Ellie chuckles, "it's break. End of lesson now get off your lazy butt and come on!" She huffs, rushing me towards the doors.
"Oh um sorry, just can't stop thinking about the beauty I saw on his face."
I sigh, starring into space. (I don't know how long this hypnotisty thing will carry on.
"Oh girl" Ellie Laughs, "Get some therapy".
"Too busy daydreaming". Not realising where I'm walking, I trip over my lace that was loose and fall to the floor.
"Omg bae are you ok?" She gasps.
That rhymes! I thought to myself, but that didn't matter, because people were laughing at me.
Thinking that this humiliation would go on forever, I see a heavenly face come closer to mine.
"Here" he says and stretches out his hand to Haul me up.
"Thank you" I say, brushing any dust of my leather jacket but not seeing who the heavenly face belongs too. Crossing my fingers it's not Jeffery, AKA Nose picker.
"no problem. Now remember to do your lases up. Wouldn't want a accident like That to happen again! I'm Tadashi Hamada." My heart stopped. Literally.(Read it in a book. Things like this can happen).
"Hey um. I'm ......I'm .... I'm" struggling to get my words out, Ellie saves me.
"Yeh um, April" why am I so nervous.
"Well see you around April"
And then he just walks off. Thinking back to what just happened, it all seemed to happen in a blink of an eye! Just like that!
But he's knows my name! And I know his!
Best day ever!

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