Chapter #2 Drewballs and dark spells

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Harry's perspective

It all happened so fast, we ducked and the spells collided above us. When we got up figures were around us in a circle, all pointing their wands at us.

"Stop! That's my son" Mr Weasley yelled to the people surrounding us. Then he approached us, with Ginny, Fred and George behind him. "Are you lot alright?"

"Which of you conjured this?" Said a man with a harsh tone. He had a moustache and a slightly wrinkled face. He was still pointing his wand at us.

"You can't possibly..." Said Mr Weasley to the man.

"Do not lie! You have been discovered at the scene of the crime!" Said the man harshly.

"Crime?" I asked

"Barty, they're just kids," Said Mr Weasley to the man, who I presume his name is Barty. Wait He thinks we did this?

"There was a man. Before. There." Charlotte said from beside me, pointing at the spot where we saw him.

"Yeah, he ran over there," I said

"Follow me," Said Barty and the other people surrounding us followed him to the place we pointed at.

"Charlotte, Harry, who?" Asked Mr Weasley turning to us.

"I don't know. I didn't see his face" I answered, then we looked at Charlotte.

"I don't know either. I saw him well, but I didn't recognize him" She answered. Then we all went back to the portkey, got back to the Burrow and said our goodbyes to Audrie and Charlotte, who were going back to the Avery's.

I still wasn't going to talk to Charlotte about what happened back at the world cup, but I knew we couldn't avoid it for long.


We got to platform 9 3/4 and got on the Hogwarts Express. Ron and I were looking all over the place for an empty compartment to wait for the girls, whom we've not seen yet. But of course, when we got to one compartment, we saw Audrie, Hermione and Charlotte.

"Took you long enough" Said Charlotte, while looking out the window. Hermione was reading The Daily Prophet and Audrie was looking for something in her bag.

"Bloody hell. How did you get here so fast?" Asked Ron, while saving his luggage.

"Magic," Said Audrie. While looking for a book in her bag and starts to read. I don't get how she and Hermione like to do that all day, but I guess that's one of the many reasons they get along so well.

After that, Ron sat beside Audrie and I sat beside Hermione. The train started moving and we left King's Cross. Soon enough, we heard a voice from outside the compartment.

"Anything from the trolley? Anything from the trolley?" Said the old lady from the trolley, then she reached our compartment and asked us.

"Anything from the trolley dears?"

The Exchange Students and the Goblet of FireNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ