Chapter 2

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Emma's pov

Her name is Skylar Carter.No one knows nothing about her other than that she lives with her rich uncle.

We haven't talked after that day,it has already passed 2 days.But sometimes i catch her staring at me.

Right now the sport class is taking place. The only class I have with her and  him.

Valentino. The only good person in my life right now.I've liked him for 3 years.And this year i'm finally gonna make a move.

He is the most popular and handsome boy in the college.Has black hair,magic blue eyes,abs and what else is needed.He is every girl dream.My dream.Imagination that I can't wait to have.

After I realized that I was staring  too much, I look away and I make eye contact with her. My nightmare.My reality.

I don't look away,i never do for some reason.And i can see a smirk forming on her pretty face.She break the eye contact and makes her way way.

Why is she going to Valentino?!She is standing by his his side and i can see them talking and him blushing.I never thought he was her type,but how i'm supposed to know,i don't think she has a type,she just dislikes people.

But even tho she's talking with him she is looking  at me.Again nothing but a game for her.And the realisation hit me,she is doing this to hurt me.It doesn't hurt so badly, because the pain is replaced by jealousy.

Not this time Skylar.Valentino is the only thing i can actually dream of.

And i will show this tonight to the party.


I'm in the room right now,and from the corner of my eye i can see Skylar changing,probably for the party.And also from the corner of my eye i can see how she is  making her way to me.

She looks like a song,like a book.Ironic I'm reading a book right now,a book someone give it to me.

She puts her head above my shoulder and is looking in the book i'm reading.She is close but she still doesn't touch me.Again i feel like i can't breath,and for some reasons i like it.

I pretend i don't care even though i'm really bother by this intimacy.

And then she whisper in my ear ,,You know you can take more than a peek from my body?'' her breath being so close to my ear makes me shiver.Her teasing doesn't work with me so i keep ignoring her.And then her cold body leaves mine.

,,How much do you like him?'' i know who she is talking about and this time i'm not gonna ignore her.

,,What are your plans with him?'' i answer avoiding her question.

I still pretend to read the book and refused to make eye contact with her.

,,Is that hard to belive that i want the best for you.''she say with her usual cold bored tone.

,,You don't decide this'' i say with a calm tone still pretending to read.

She grabs my jaw,,Doesn't matter love,you should know by now''She says smirking and then leaves.

I can see from behind how she is moving her hips especially for the effect and is kinda working.

I hate her.


I know, it's short.

do you guys want to show you some picture with the main characters?

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