Chapter 4

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Emma's pov

,,Who the fuck do you think you are bitch?" I heard the boy snapping at Sky.

She doesn't say anything.She just stares at the guy.Leaving my hand,she makes one more step toward the guy.

,,Or what, do you want to join?" The boy say with a smirk in his face trying to touch her waist.

But he didn't even could touch her cause she grabbed the first thing she saw and then broke it to the guy's head.

She didn't say anything just stared, as if she just did not broke a guy's head.

Not after a long time people start coming to see what's the whole fuss about.

And without saying anything Sky just grabbed my wrist again and dragged me out of the house.

She still didn't let me go and we were close to our room.I didn't want her to. 

I was to tired and drunk to care too.

I didn't ask anything the whole time and she didn't try to speak either.As always.

When we finally arrived to our room she just basically dragged me to my bed.She made me sit and then she left just so I could change and she come back with a glass of water.

After I drink it she broke the silence,,Do you need to use the bathroom?" I shake my head.

I was feeling cold and not even my blanket helped. I hated the cold.

I guess she saw this because in the next second she made her way to her bed,take her blanket and then come back wrapping around me.

,,Aren't you going to feel cold?" I ask trying to have a talk even though I'm drunk and tired.

,,I got used it by now" she say while she sits on the floor.I want to ask what does she means by this but i know i would get no answer.

We just stay like that in the darkness and I could feel my eyes closing but yet I was fighting,I don't know why,but I guess I didn't want tomorrow to come.

,,Aren't you tired?" she ask in low voice.

,,Why?" I ask,Fuck it was the alcohol speaking at this point.

,,Why what?" She ask still in her cold voice that I could feel for some reason.

,,Why all this,why treat me like shit and suddenly protect me from some random dude?Is this your way of saying sorry after everything you done?ha don't expect forgiveness just from this." I say trying to find a answer only she can give.

,,No" she just say after some time.

,,No what?" I ask feeling angry already.

,,I don't want you to forgive me and dont even  stop hating me just from this" she say even more cold than usual.

I stayed silent trying to understand until she spoke again ,,Or will you forget all the hours in the detention for no reason,all the waste of money,the way I literally payied a guy do date you and take your virginity,the time I put you in the hospital...Do you want me to continue?"

I can't believe just what I heard.She had no guilt, actually I could tell she was proud of herself, that's how much she hated me,but since we are on the subject-

,,Why do you hate me?"

How is the story until now,shoul I keep going or?

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