Chapter 10

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Emma's pov

Her hand is cold and for some reason I'm burning.Her eyes are emotionless and mine are full of too much emotion.Her lips are so soft as if mine are made of stone.These differences ... I hate them.I hate everything about her and me.

I hate this moment.

I hate this cold, this black because it reminds me of her. It makes sense now. And that's how I realized she didn't remind me of anything, everything reminds me of her.

It makes me sad that I still think we can be friends when she made it clear that she has no intention.

It makes me sad that in a few moments she will move away from me and I will probably already forget how close she feels to me, the first time she is so close and I don't want to let her go.

Only then do I realize that she is hiding us when i hear sounds,but I don't move, let her  be the one to get away from me.And then she does.

She removes her lips from the opposite side of her hand and then removes her hand too.

"I hate you," I say loud enough for her to hear me. I have no idea why I said that, but maybe I wanted her to remember it, or maybe i wanted to remind myself.

She opens her mouth to say something, but I stop her with the last sentence, "Can you explain to me what the hell just happened?"

She looks left and right and then she looks at me and nods, "Let's go back to our room and on the way I'll explain''

After about 2 minutes as we walk away, she breaks the silence, "Is this your first time at the campfire, isn't it?"She didn't look at me.

"Stop trying having a conversation when we both know you're not capable off and you better tell me what all that monkeying was about?"

She finally looked at me and I could see her lips trying to stop a smile.Beautiful.She is beautiful.

"You're so beautiful in the dark when I can't see you," she replies as her smile finally appears.

The smile caught my attention so much that I hardly noticed that she called me ugly,but i did.

And what if she thinks i'm ugly and I think she's beautiful? What if i thinks she's beautiful, girls can appreciate each other.I am straight anyway.

While I was in my mind I heard her say, "Almost as beautiful as in the sunlight."

She probably thought she hurt me and try to make me feel better.Failed, some people are not made for relief.

"So ,you can't even see me in the sunlight?'' I say, trying to tease her.

She appears surprised and then I can swear that she started stammering, "N-no ... not that ..."

I'm pretending to be stupid.And then after a few moments her gaze becomes serious and I think maybe she realized my game.I was wrong.

"In my eyes you are as beautiful as lake on a winter morning."My heart stops beating.


Hey, I know it's been almost two months since I posted but it was because I didn't think the book had anything interesting and it seemed like a waste of time.However, I was happy to see over 600 readings.

If you think i should continue it ,please leave a comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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