Chapter 5

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Edited :3/4/2022

Sky pov

,,I never hated you" I say.How could i?She took up all the space in my head,and she was doing it now.

She looks soo tired in the dark and I can tell she wants to sleep,but I also can tell she has curiosity and only has courage right now to ask.

,,Look,stop messing around and just answer honestly the question" she is trying so hard to stay awake.She is not going to sleep unless she gonna get an answer from me,but since she is drunk and almost asleep I guess i should answer.

,,Emma I never hated you,in fact It's the opposite"I love you.Don't make me say it.She looks surprised.

,,You know if I wasn't so tired I would laugh,but since the alcohol is working let me tell you this...You have the worst way to show love"Love. I felt every word she said.

,,I never wanted you to... love me back" I say again.

,,Why?And so what?Even if I don't love you back,
aren't you supposed to chnage my mind?make me happy or something like this?  I don't know try and show me that nice side of yours,you know so you can make myself feel special and  love  you?We could be friends."

She said that pretty fast,does she feel thirsty right now?should I go and get some more water?

,,Stop staring to me like that and answer" she said after some time.

I sigh and then say,,Have you not heard the first time?I don't want you to love me.''Not like that

,,Then why didn't you try and be my friend?" She says.

,,Friends are not close.Not close like I want.If we are friends you will not think of me in the night,everytime you will think of me you will feel nothing,and if we slip you can replace me." I say trying to make her to understand and I think it's working.

,,Do you know what's the closest thing to love?HATE.Hating me will give you feelings you could never have for someone else,sometime when you will think of me you will have that feeling in you stomach that's so close to butterflies and yet so much painful."

At this point nothing it's heard,just our slow breathes.I enjoy this.

,,Hate can be more powerful than love and I don't want you to ever stop hating me.I want to have such an effect on you that you could not be able to forget, because you may forget the feelings and the moments but i don't want you to forget about me."

I have so many things to say but not enough time,I have to make this quick.

,,I know that you are in love with him,and even if I don't show it, it hurts,but it's the pain I want from you." I know I'm confusing,but I still want to be listened.

,,I know that in the books endings  the characters always fall in love,but I will do everything to change this ending.Hate me more than you love him"All my life I cared and made everything for wrong persons and wrong things.Well except for Emma .Loving her was the most right thing i had ever done or would ever do.

After some silence she finally answers,,That will be  so much easier than you think because right now I hate everything about you,I hate you so much that I simply don't care anymore.You want me to hate you?Ha BET.You don't need to worry." She say after I see closing her eyes.

She must be tired after all,she kinda did drunk a little bit too much.And yet she is still trying to stay awake.

I make my way to her and then sit on my knees so now I'm facing her.

She is trying to not break the eye contact but then with my right hand I push her from the back of her head on my shoulder and when I finally feel her relaxed I whisper in her ear.

,,That better be a promise,my love"

Please tell me your opinion about this story,I relly think about dropping.

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