Chapter 3

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Emma pov

I finally arrived to the party.They are many people here but not the people I want to find.

Looking in the crown of horny teenagers,I finally get sigh of him.

Like I said tonight i'm going to demonstrate that he is mine,no I'm going to demonstrate that I can get what I want.

But then suddenly his figure disappeared and I can't see him anymore.

Still being in the crown I feel strong fingers wrapping around my waist.Disgusting.

I turn around only to find a boy whit a smirk in his face,and then I feel his fingers making they way to my ass.

He is pressing his body on me probably thinking I enjoy this.Well I don't.

,,Get your hands of me" I said  trying to push him away.

But I't doesn't work.He is now touching my ass and then with another hand he is trying to touch my boobs.

Soon after I feel someone's else fingers wrapping around my waist.Is still a male hand but it's not that rough.

He is pushing me in him and then  say ,,Let her go" I know this voice, it's Valentino.

I look to him and i can see his serious face.The  other man is leaving and so are Valentino fingers.

,,Are you ok?" He asks fluttering me a smile with his perfect dimples.

"I am right now" I say making our way to the bar.

After getting there he let me choice a drink and then  he tasted first to see if I'd doesn't have something suspicious.

We have been talking a lot,flirting also but he didn't make any moves to me or try to touch me even though we been drinking a lil bit too much.

And after some time, next to him comes a boy telling him that his sister has a problem.

He was going to leave but then he stopped ,,Wait for me,it's not safe and I haven't drink so much so I can take you with me and my sister"

I nodded and then he left.I relly wanted to wait for him but I relly need to the bathroom right now.

But then I feel someone following me and when I turn my back I see that guy again.

,,Come on princess no need to pretend you actually can resist" he is saying will wrapping his fingers against my waist again.

I'm too drunk to can say something or do something .I guess that's why Valinto said to wait for him.

And then suddenly I feel cold fingers wrapping around my wrist and in the next second I'm being pulled away from the guy.

I know this fingers,no i know  this cold.

Looking up to the person who is in front of me and who still haven't let go my wrist,I see the only person I didn't expect to save me.

Fucking Sky.

She is looking with her dead bored eyes to the  boy who was basically forcing himself in me.

I hate her eyes.Her tall figure.Her dark hair  who looks so good and scary at the same,like it could cut you or something. I hate the tattoo on her neck who makes her look even hotter.

Yeah,I fucking hate her.



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