Lil Dude 0.1

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A YEAR LATER (I know it's not entirely accurate)

"You did it Jas!!" Sam yelled with enthusiasm as Jaden led Jasper to his first steps.

Anthony walked out of the guest room, clapping his hands.

In the past year Anthony and Sam had made up, Anthony ditched Livia. He didn't want to ruin his relationship with his sister over a girl who didn't have his best interest at heart.

Anthony had been staying with Sam and Jaden lately. A few months after Jasper was born Sam decided she wanted to have her own place and Jaden moved in because he couldn't be away from Jasper.

Sam agreed to Jaden moving in and Anthony had been staying with them because he wanted to be around Jasper a bit more.

Jasper had been learning how to talk, like most one year olds he could only say a few words and short phrases. Things such as

Bobo/Dada (that's what he calls Jaden)
Moomoo (his stuffed cow)
Shit (a bad habit he picked up from both his parents)

There were a few other things but that was mainly it.

SammyR just posted

❤💬🔄Someone's walking❤

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Someone's walking❤

Luvanthony: still waiting for him to say my name😶

Jadenhossler: Proud of the lil dude❤

Tellmeno: You're using him for clout. You and Jaden aren't even together, that shows you're both just using him and it's sad.

Morguemami: long time no see! It's crazy that you have a kid now!

Blondewiglol: The fact that Sam posts pictures with her ass hanging out then posts pictures of her baby..pathetic whore💀

Samdie: he's kinda ugly

Zellakella: My little Jasper! He's getting so big
-⤵SammyR: He isn't YOUR little Jasper, Zella.

Idfcatall: What ever happened to you and the Keller's?

Lilykate: He's so cute! Miss you guys❤
-⤵SammyR: Miss you too Lils!!💕

Imbuiltdif: I hate the name Jasper Anthony Hossler

Marykeller: dear sam, I wish things would have turned out differently. If that little hell child wasn't born you would still be with us. We hope you understand why we don't accept you.
-⤵James.j.keller: Sam is a whore Mary.
---⤵SammyR: Jasper isn't a "hell child" tyvm snooty bitch. Get the hell out of my comments. Jasper means so much to me and I'm not going to allow you to talk shit about my child.
-----⤵Zellakella: do not talk to my parents like that Sameera. You're letting Jaden get to you. He's nothing but a disrespectful asshole who needs to get his shit straight.
-----------⤵SammyR: Say it to my face bitch.

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