"Tell Jasper I love him" 0.8

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Sam's POV

I woke up at 3am to the sound of Jasper crying in the room next to mine, I was honestly shocked. Jasper wasn't much of a crier anymore, he was a very quiet kid and considering he's almost a toddler he usually sleeps all night. I let out a groan and got up, dragging my feet to Jasper's bedroom door. "What is it bud?" I asked closing the door behind me. He was standing in his crib pointing at the floor "Moomoo!" He yelled. I shifted my gaze to the floor, seeing his stuffed cow laying there. He must've dropped it somehow. I picked the plushy up and handed it back to him but he still continued to cry. I picked him up placing him on my hip "what's wrong lil dude" I asked, bouncing him slightly. "S-scared" he stuttered out another word he'd never said before. "Of what?" I asked but he just leaned against me, it was obvious he was still tired.

I didn't feel like dealing with getting him back to bed so I carried him to my room. I sat him down, laying down next to him. "Goodnight Jas" I said as I turned on my side. I heard a yawn and felt him curl up close to me. That was all I remember considering I fell asleep very quickly.

I woke up again at 7:30am to the sound of loud arguing. I turned around to check on Jasper and he was still asleep, which was good. I quietly got up so I didn't wake him and then walked downstairs. Jaden and Payton were stood in the living room screaming at each other. Wow what a great thing to wake up to. "What the fuck is going on?" I asked walking into the room "Your boyfriend is fucking nuts!" Jaden yelled to defend himself but Payton quickly counter acted that statement "Me? I'm nuts?? You're the one denying me from seeing my own fucking girlfriend!" He yelled back "I'm not 'denying you' you sensitive bitch! All I did was tell you she was still fucking sleeping! It's seven in the fucking morning and you show up to our  house demanding she comes with you! Sounds like you're the crazy one here man" the argument kept proceeding, everytime they went back and fourth they got closer and louder.

"Jaden YOU ARE NOT HER BOYFRIEND stop fucking acting like it!" Payton yelled getting in his face "guys-" Jaden cut me off "At least I respected her space when I was her boyfriend, unlike your dumbass! You do realize that she has a fucking kid right!" He yelled back. At this point I was stressing out, no matter what I said I knew this wouldn't end well. "You have a kid" Payton said crossing his arms. That's when I got pissed, I thought he didn't care that I had Jasper.

I ran up to Payton and shoved him away from Jaden "Payton I get you guys don't get along but Jaden and I have a kid together and-" that's when he punched me, right in the nose causing my head to fly backwards and into the couch. As soon as I hit the couch Jaden stormed over to Payton and swung at him knocking him off of his feet. That's when Anthony walked in the front door, I have no idea where he was. "What the fuck?" He said confused. Payton then lifted himself off of the floor and ran towards Jaden and swung at him but he missed, that's when Anthony got involved. He grabbed Payton by both of his arms and pulled him back "What the actual FUCK is going on!?" He yelled. Jaden tried to go at Payton again but Anthony stayed between them, keeping them apart. He looked over at me for a second and we made eye contact. That's when he realized I had a bloody nose. "Who the fuck hit my sister??" He questioned. Nobody said anything for a second and then Jaden spoke up "It was that piece of shit standing behind you" Anthony turned to Payton "you? Aren't you her boyfriend? Is that what good boyfriends do? No. It's fucking not! Get the fuck out of my sister's house! We don't support assholes like you here!" He pushed Payton towards the door "then how the fuck is he here" He said pointing towards Jaden "Get the hell out of my house!" I yelled. He looked at me "Fuck you all" he said holding his middle finger up in the air then walking out.

Anthony started locking the door and Jaden ran over to me "are you ok?" I shook my head, still holding my nose. I could feel blood dripping out of my nose and hitting my hands. "I'll go get you something to clean this up" he said getting up and walking into the kitchen. Anthony walked over to me and helped me get on the couch "has he ever done anything like this before?" He asked sitting next to me "uh...yesterday he threw his phone at me. Like really threw it and it hit me in the face, he didn't even apologize or anything. He just grabbed his phone and left" Anthony sighed "you're breaking up with him right?" I nodded "obviously" I chuckled.

Jaden walked back in with a washcloth "ok lean your head back and move your hands" I obliged. I held my hands in front of me so I didn't get blood anywhere, Jaden folded the washcloth and placed it under my nose "Ok hold this here" I brought my hands up and held it where he placed it "Jaden" Anthony said out of nowhere "yeah?" By the way Jaden said that I could tell he was nervous "Thanks for taking care of Sammy. You always look after her and I'm glad she has someone like you in her life" Jaden looked at me then back at Anthony and they fist bumped "of course" It's crazy how close they've been getting again.

"Ok, I don't know about you guys but I'm going back to sleep" I said getting up and walking to my room.


I woke up to Jasper trying to shake me awake. I opened my eyes and saw Jasper sitting next to me, his eyes were all red and puffy and there were big tears streaming down his face "Woah, why are you crying buddy?" He was sobbing "Bobo!" He yelled "want daddy? Is that what's wrong?" I asked confused "Bobo gone" he said quietly. "Did he go out?" I asked again "gone" he said again. I got up, I figured Jaden had went to the store or something and didn't let Jasper go with him. I picked Jasper up and walked downstairs "Jaden?" I walked into the kitchen but he wasn't there, I checked the living room then went back upstairs to our old room "Jae?" I opened the door but he wasn't there either. The room looked different though, a lot of stuff was missing. That's when I panicked. I took Jasper to his room and told him to stay there.
I ran to Ant's room and asked if he had seen him but he said he hadn't since this morning. I tried to call him but it instantly went to voicemail. I walked back in my room, looking for Jaden's keys. He often left them in my room but they were gone. That's when I realized the picture frame, that was on my bedside table, no longer had our family photo in it but instead was replaced with a piece of lined paper.

I pulled the back of the frame off and took the paper out. It was a note.

Dear Sameera,

I know you're probably confused. I had to leave, I'm going to change my number and remove all contact from you and Anthony. It's not your fault or his, it's mine. I know it's cliche but leaving it's what's best for you and Jasper. I hate to leave my son like that but if I stay around things will never change. I want you to know you mean the world to me, you always have and you always will. I know I'm a shitty dad for doing this but I just couldn't stand in the way anymore. You need to move on, we both know we aren't good for each other but no matter what we'll always go back to each other. I don't want to stop you from living your life anymore. Tell Jasper I love him. I'm sorry.

Tears started flowing. I don't want to lose him. I tried to call him again but the call didn't go through. I started sobbing, I ran downstairs and swung Anthony's door open "Jesus Sam yo- what happened?" I handed him the note. He read over it and then pulled me into a hug "I'm so sorry" I couldn't stop crying. He can't be gone.

I walked upstairs and opened Jasper's bedroom door. "Jas...we need to talk" this was going to be hard. Jasper loved his dad more than anyone else, they had a special bond. He was still crying, I could tell he was scared, he won't remember this talk when he's older, that what's going to make this harder. When he's old enough to ask about his dad I'm going to have to re-live this day all over again. "Daddy's not coming home buddy" another tear rolled down my face. I pulled him onto my lap "he loves you so much. This isn't your fault, I promise"

Well... that was something lol

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