Chill. 0.4

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Anthony carried Jasper up to his bedroom and tucked him in. Neither Sameera or Jaden had been home yet and it had been hours. Anthony then walked to his own room and tried to call Jaden but his phone immediately went to voice-mail. He then tried to call Sam and she didn't answer.


Anthony scrolled through instagram coming across Payton's post from earlier that day, explaining where Sam went this morning. He decided to check Jaden's feed to see if he had posted anything recently. He had no new posts but he posted on his story. A picture of him and two other people holding shot glasses.

Sam still wasn't home so Anthony made the decision to DM Payton, to his surprise he responded fairly quickly.

(Payton Anthony)

Hey, I'm Sameera's brother. I noticed that you two went out today, have you seen her since?

Yeah, she's with me

at your house? Jaden said she was going to be home hours ago and then he left and I haven't heard from him either

Hey bitch it's Sam. Jaden is probably gonna be moody and I don't really understand why but I went with Pay bc I didn't wanna be around him if he was going to be an ass :)

Pay? You two got niknames for each other already?

Oh stfu. Bye Ant, I'll be home in the morning. Tell Jas I luv him

Will do, see ya

Anthony turned his phone off and plugged it into the charger next to his bedside table. He turned around and pulled his blanket over his shoulder. instantly falling asleep, exhausted from chasing Jasper around all day.


"Stop it dork!" I yelled shoving Payton off me, he kept acting like he was going to wrap his arm around me but instead he kept tickling my sides.

I grabbed the pillow out from under my head and swatted him with it. He rolled off of me, laughing causing me to smile. His laugh was adorable.

We were getting along quite well, we were already like best friends and we only met in real life today.

We stayed up all night, playing COD and messing around.


I woke up face down on a plush, light pink carpet "where the fuck am I?" I mumbled to myself. I pulled myself off the floor, instantly my eyes drifted to the girl asleep in the purple chair. Mollie...oh fuck-


"are you sure you don't want to stay a little longer?" Payton asked making puppy dog eyes. "Sorry, I can't. Anthony can't handle Jasper for that long, Jasper gets really hyper sometimes and-" He cut me off.
"it's ok, next time just bring him with" he replied. "Are you sure?"

"yeah, of course" he smiled.


Sam walked through the front door. Her ears filled with the sound of people arguing and Jasper crying. What the actual fuck? She walked around the corner, stepping into the kitchen where the chaos was spewing from. Jaden and Anthony stood on either side of the kitchen island yelling at each other. All Sam could really make out was "what the hell is wrong with you! You have a fucking child"

But she was more worried about the little boy in the corner. Jasper. His hands were over his ears, his eyes were squeezed shut and there were tears running down his red face. "CAN YOU TWO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ACT LIKE ADULTS!" She screamed towards the two. They paused and looked over at her. Barley realizing she was there.

  "Jasper is scared, and do either of you care? No. Chill the fuck out"
She snapped. "Sam I-" Jaden started but Ant cut him off "Don't fucking talk to her" She rolled her eyes and picked Jasper up.

Sam walked into her room sitting Jasper on the bed "Are you OK Jas?" She asked pushing his hair away from his face. He shook his head, sticking his bottom lip out. "Awe come here buddy" Sam laid down with her arms out. Jasper crawled into them and she held him tightly, trying her best to comfort the young boy. "It'll be OK lil dude. I promise"

HEYYY so I'm back. I'm really trying to write more but tbh I feel that my break was good for me. I have so many more ideas now and I feel like writing. Before I had major writers block and all my chapters were shit BC I wasn't trying that hard. This chapter was like half way written for a long time so I decided to finish it BUT DON'T WORRY I won't be discontinuing the series. Love y'all, and thx for the reads <3

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