"𝘏𝘦𝘳" 0.5

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Jaden walked into the room "I'm sorry Sam" he said, laying down next to me with Jasper in between. "Don't apologize to me. You should be sorry that you scared the shi-..the crap out of your son" Jasper was still facing me. He was upset, and I would be too.

Jaden let out a sigh "Jasper...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" Jasper turned to face him. Wrapping his tiny arms around Jaden.

Jasper was sleeping. Jaden pulled me out to the hallway "I fucked up..I think" He said, his eyebrows furrowing together. "You think?" Sam questioned "Yeah I-" he looked down before continuing "I think I slept with someone...but I don't really know"

"What do you mean 'you don't know' Jae?" She wasn't really mad. Just confused "I got pissed and went out with a few friends. Got drunk as fuck and uh...I woke up in Mollie's room..I don't know if anything actually happened because I left before she woke up" Now maybe Sam was a bit..angry. Mollie?? Really??

"Wait- Mollie as in bitch who hit on you in the park Mollie?" Sam asked, already knowing the answer. "Yeah. I don't-" Sam cut him off "No. Don't even say anything. I'm not mad. If I'm allowed to be with someone else than so can you" He looked back up at her "so...are you guys official now?" Sam shook her head "No but that's not what I mean. Now imma go take a nap with Jas. Try not to get into any fights with my brother please"  Sam walked back into the room. Laying beside Jasper.


Sam woke up from her nap to yelling. She groaned, sitting up and tucking Jasper back in. He was still asleep. She walked downstairs to be met with Mollie, Jaden and Anthony standing near the couch. They were all yelling at each other. She shook her head and walked towards the kitchen. She didn't feel like getting involved this time even though she knew she would have to at some point or they'd never stop.

She walked over to the fridge and got a drink before walking back into hell. She shoved her way passed Anthony, standing in the middle of everybody "K. First of all, Mollie, what the fuck are you doing in my house?" She rolled her eyes and replied with "I came here to have a private convention with Jaden" she crossed her arms over her chest, looking between me and Anthony "Have a private conversation about how you slept with MY KIDS FATHER??" Sam said, quickly getting frustrated. Her voice raised as she stepped closer to Mollie.

Once again Mollie rolled her aqua blue eyes "HAVENT YOU ALREADY FUCKED PAYTON?? SO WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE!?" She screamed stepping even closer to Sam so she could yell directly In her face. "WE DIDN'T FUCK! AND THE DIFFERENCE IS PAYTON DIDN'T HAVE A FUCKING KID WITH YOU!" Sam was heated. She thought that it didn't bug her...but it did. She couldn't help to think did Jaden also feel this way? Was this all her fault? "WELL HE FUCKED ME TOO SO THERE ISN'T-" Mollie was cut of by Sam's fist making contact with her cheek. She fell onto the floor and Sameera jumped on top of her. Punching her continuously as Anthony begged for her to stop and Jaden just stood there. Frozen in shock.

Anthony ran over to Jaden. Completely disregarding the fight from before. He placed his hands on his shoulders and shook him back and fourth. "DUDE GET HER!" Jaden snapped back and ran over to the girls. Mollie laid there. Still and coated in blood. Jaden pulled Sam off and into a different room while Anthony checked on Mollie.

"Sam what the fuck? What happened back there?" Jaden noticed the tears streaming down Sam's face "I- I don't know" she sobbed. "Can you just hold me?" She asked in a shakey voice. He didn't say a word, he just pulled her into a tight hug. They sat like that for a few minutes until Jaden spoke up "I'd love to stay like this forever but we gotta clean up your hands. They look pretty bad" he said as he held one up in his hand. Sam let out a sniffle.

Jaden lifted Sam up and placed her on the bathroom sink. He took out some peroxide and spilled it on the gauges in her knuckles Sam hissed in pain as she waited for it to bubble up a little "Damn girl is that teeth marks?" He asked with a chuckle as he wiped off the peroxide. He bandaged her hands up and she pulled him into another hug "I love you. I always will" it broke his heart to know that because of this whole situation they wouldn't get back together anytime soon. Sam had Payton. He was good for her, but he knew no matter who he met he would never get over Sameera Reeves. Never. He wants Jasper to grow up knowing his parents loved each other as much as they really did. He was jealous too. Jealous because Payton had never done anything to hurt Sam, it was only a matter of time before Sam fell completely in love. He didn't want that. All he wanted was her.

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