Fake 0.7

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Sam sat alone in her room. She had told everyone she wasn't feeling well this morning but in reality that wasn't it at all. Her mind was still stuck in the past weeks events. She couldn't get her mind off Jaden and how different things could be if she really tried. But she knew she would have to find a way to keep her mind off of him because she absolutely couldn't get back with him.

Maybe never.

So many obstacles stood in her way but deep down she knew she still loved him. She always had, even as kids she was always fond of him and yet here she is. Letting things get in her way even if she loved him. Sam rolled onto her side, pulling her blanket over her shoulder. "Fucking stop" she mumbled to herself when she found her mind wondering back to Jaden once again.

The sound of the bedroom door creaking open perked her attention. With a sigh she mumbled a quick "what do you want" which led to the very familiar voice of none other than Jaden himself echoing through the room "Payton's here, I told him you weren't feeling good and he just rolled his eyes...uh- he's still at the front door" he said sounding quite unamused. Sameera turned to face him "can you just tell him to come up?" He simply nodded and walked off. A sigh escaped Sam's lips as she thought about how this interaction would play out. She really didn't want to talk to anyone.

A few minutes later Payton walked through the door "Hey babe. I would've just came up here when I got here but I thought Jaden was fucking with me when he said you were sick" he rambled as he made his way over to the foot of the bed and sat down. Sam wasn't entirely sure why but that pissed her off "why do you always do that?" She remarked, a clear negative attitude in her tone "what the fuck are you even pissed about?" He replied with the same tone of annoyance and anger "You act like Jaden is fucking Satan or some shit, why the hell do you have to treat him like shit every time you come here??" She instigated "Shut the fuck up" he mumbled, but Sam heard.

"Um what?" She said, getting angier by the second "I said SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he yelled chucking his phone at her. The corner of his phone hit the bridge of her nose, immediately causing her to hold her face "i- What the fuck?" She mumbled looking down at her hands, searching for blood.
He didn't say a word after that, he just leaned over Sameera to grab his phone and then he left.

Sam was in utter shock, he had never lashed out on her like that and she would have never expected him to hurt her. She debated on telling Jaden. But, considering the fact that she knew Jaden would beat his ass, so for that reason. She kept quiet.

Sam, however, wasn't stupid. She decided she wouldn't allow Jasper to be around Payton anymore unless it was necessary. Which meant that this relationship couldn't last. Maybe that's how she could get out? But it would have to take time, she needed to give it time. If she rushed she could mess up everything and end up stuck with him for longer than she wanted. Even if Payton had technically assaulted her she still thought of him as someone who didn't deserve to be hurt. That's why she refused to let herself continue to think about what could be. She needed to focus on what was.

Jaden's POV

    Sam walked into the kitchen holding Jasper this morning. She sat him down in his high chair and drug her feet over to the fridge. "I'm not gonna lie, I feel like shit" she mumbled, digging through the fridge. "Well go lay down then, I've got Jas" I said, leaning against the counter "are you sure?"

I nodded "yeah, of course" she shot a small smile towards me "Thanks" she said before she ruffled Jasper's hair and walked back upstairs. Honestly her behavior lately worried me. Sam had been through hell and yet I've still never seen her like this. She seemed so sad recently, it's not like she's walking around the house crying and shit but she definitely wasn't herself. Sam was usually like a magnet, she had all of this energy and life and it would just pull you in. She was always doing dumb shit and making ridiculous jokes that everyone loved but lately she hadn't acted like that at all.

I couldn't help but wonder if it was my fault. Maybe all her problems are on me. I was the reason she started to drift away from her brother, I was the reason she met kailee, I was the reason we broke up, I was the reason her relationship with Zella didn't work out, and maybe now after we hooked up again I am the reason her relationship with Payton isn't working. I shouldn't have started it, I know we can't keep doing this but a part of me thought that things would be fixed after that night. I want to move on, I know that no matter how much I wish I could have her back, I can't. I'm trying so hard to pretend like seeing her with other people doesn't bother me but it does. It all feels so fake.   

A knock on the door brought me back to reality, I figured it was probably Anthony and he most likely locked himself out again. But when I opened the door I saw the last person I wanted to see right now. I leaned against the door frame "What is it Payton?" I said with a sigh "I'm here to see my girlfriend" he said with an additude. Why the hell did he feel the need to rub it in my face like that? "Well Sam's actually not feeling well today, she's upstairs laying down so I don't think right now is the best time" He rolled his eyes "Dude what is your problem, i shouldn't have to ask you if I can see my girlfriend" he said with that same tone that pissed me off. "K well imma go ask her. Yeah?" Before he could say anything I slammed the door and made my way up to Sameera's room. I knocked gently but she didn't respond so I figured she either didn't hear it or she was sleeping.

I slowly pushed the door open and peered in. It kind of startled me when I heard her mumble a quick "what do you want?" I shook my head, trying my best not to sound pissed before I said "Payton's here, I told him you weren't feeling good and he just rolled his eyes...uh- he's still at the front door" I heard her let out a sigh before she turned to me "Can you just tell him to come up?" I nodded and walked back downstairs. I opened the front door "She said you can go up" he didn't say a word back, he just pushed past me and ran upstairs. What a dick.

I started to make some breakfast for Jas. I was getting all the ingredients out and placing them on the counter when I started to hear yelling come from upstairs. So that is what's wrong? I fucked their relationship up just like I did when Sam was with Zella. It's all my fault.

I saw Payton stomp down the stairs and out of the house, slamming the front door on the way out. He wasn't here long...

Back to Sam

A tear rolled down my cheek but I wiped it off quickly. I decided to go check of Jaden and Jasper so I went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and there they were, eating pancakes at the kitchen island. I smiled "you both have syrup all over your face" Jaden started to laugh and Jasper just continued to eat his pancakes (with his hands obv)

I sat at the barstool that was next to Jasper's highchair "Sam, what happened with Payton?" Jaden said out of nowhere "What?" I asked even if I heard what he said. "The yelling?" He said in a questioning tone. "He was just being a dick today so we got into a little argument, nothing serious. He'll get over it" I lied, as quick as I could.
I hated lying to him, I hated living this way. It all seemed way too Fake.

So...Sam and Jaden having second thoughts about their breakup again..?

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