Everything's different now .10

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Three Years later

I carried the last box to the moving truck "Are you sure you're going to be ok?" Anthony asked as he handed Jasper to me "Yeah, we'll be fine. Right Jas?" I asked looking down at him "Yep" he said with a smile. I smiled and took him to the front of the moving truck and buckled him into his booster seat "One second Jasper" I shut the door and walked over to Anthony. "It's kind of sad leaving this place" I said looking back at the house. He nodded "At least you and Jas we'll have more space" I gave him a hug "Cya later"

I got into the truck and connected my phone to the aux. I was about to play music but when I clicked on the App I noticed Jaden had a new single. I wasn't going to play it in front of Jasper but I was curious what it was about, maybe he had heard my song.

5months after Jaden left I started writing music again. I have a whole album about the situation, it's called Broken Dreams which is also the name of the first track.

I decided to play something else. Jasper liked the same music as me so the whole time to the house we were just vibing.

When we got to our new house I decided I'd have Anthony come over tomorrow and help me unpack but for tonight Jasper and I could camp out in our living room. When we pulled into the driveway Jasper asked if we could go swimming so I dug through his box of clothes and found his swimming trunks. I didn't feel like swimming though, so instead I sat outside and painted on a canvas while Jasper swam with his little arm floaties on.


❤️💬🔄What a goof 🤍

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What a goof 🤍

Luvanthony: he's so cute

kysplsnthx: That's one fugly child

jxdnjxspr: I love Jas

living4jaden: no wonder why Jaden left you
--samandjas100: what's ur prob??

Morguemami: We need to talk. Hmu pls

Sunnysammy: ILY❤️❤️❤️

Paytonmoormeier: cutie

hatethisbitch: I hope you fall off a cliff

Imasamgirl: When is the new single out!!!
--sammyR: Next week! Watch for the announcement post! 🤍

Jaden's POV

I woke up late as fuck it was literally 3pm. I checked my phone and noticed that Sam posted today. I know, pathetic right? It's been three years and yet i'm still hung up on the girl I can't have because I walked out. How could I be so fucking stupid?

I clicked on her Instagram account and noticed a picture of Jasper. I miss that kid. I know Sam won't except me after everything I put her through but I need to see them again. My son was four years old and I had missed most of his life. I need to make a change.

I got dressed nicely, something I hadn't done lately, and made my way to Sam and Anthony's house. I walked up to the door and knocked lightly. I was extremely nervous to see her again but excited at the same time. The door swung open and there stood Anthony, a shocked expression came across his face when he realized I was at his front door. "What are you doing here?" Was the first sentence that came out of his mouth "I wanted to see Sam. I know I fucked up but I'm trying to do better" Anthony shook his head and looked down "Uh...I hate to be the one to tell you this but Sam doesn't live here anymore. She actually moved out earlier today. She's gone" he said with a shrug. I let out a sigh "where does she live now?" He hesitated for a second but then he said "You know that cafe we all used to go to? You just take a left down the road next to it and you'll hit her house. It's baby blue and is across from the park"

I was honestly shocked he even told me "Thanks Ant" I said with a smile, before he could say anything i was already in my car and driving away. I followed Anthony's directions to Sam's house and pulled into the driveway. This had to be the place, there was a moving truck in the driveway and her jeep in the unclosed garage.

I was so nervous, I knew she was going to be pissed but I didn't want to have to be away from them any longer than I had to. I walked up the small set on concrete steps and knocked on the door. The front door opened and Sameera stood there in complete shock "Jaden?" Before I could say anything I noticed Jasper peaking out from behind her legs. He's so big now.

"Uh- hi?" Was all I managed to spit out, what a fucking idiot. "Hi?" She questioned "Jasper, go upstairs" she mumbled, shooing the little guy away. "I haven't seen you, let alone heard from you in three fucking years and you show up at my front door and say hi?? What the hell Jaden" I could tell she was trying to be calm because Jasper was here. "I-" I couldn't think of anything to say, I wanted to fix the damage I had done but I didn't know how "Well?" She questioned as she crossed her arms over her chest "look, if I could take it all back I would. I thought things would be better if-" she cut me off "Better if what? Better if you walked out on your fucking son instead of being there for him, for us?" Her voice was sharp yet quiet "Sam, I know it was stupid. I wasn't thinking everything through and I guess- at this point all I can do is apologize and try and makeup for it" she sighed "How do I trust you though? You left us Jaden. Jasper was so confused, I had to try to explain to a fucking baby why his dad wasn't coming back home when I didn't even know why myself. That was fucked up." She stopped making eye contact with me, her eyes were now glued to the floor in front of her feet "I would never do that again, I swear. I was so stupid to even leave in the first place, and I know it's not going to be easy but I want to be there for Jasper" I said, trying to keep calm. My eyes were starting to sting preparing themselves for tears, my throat felt dry and my heart was beating out of my chest.

She looked up at me and let out a loud sigh "ok" she said simply "what?" I asked, looking for clarification "We can try it" she replied "wait really?" I was shocked but excited to be in Jasper's life again. "Come on then" she grabbed my arm and tugged me upstairs. The small boy was sitting at the top of the stairs rolling a toy car across the floor back and fourth infront of him "Jasper" Sam announced he looked up and immediately looked up at me. "Jasper remember daddy?" She dropped my hand and picked the boy up. He nodded slowly and hid his face in her shoulder. "He's gonna be around a lot more now, is that ok?" She asked gently.

He picked his head up and cupped a hand beside his mouth and whisperd in her ear, she looked at me and simply nodded.

Sorry for the short ass chapter but aye Jaden's back!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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