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Christmas day 2050

USS Montana is under constant enemy alien attack in the Pacific Ocean. The monster ship has destroyed many of the alien ships, but his crew knows that it's not over yet. Speaking of the crew, many of them were either dead or wounded after fighting for nearly 24 hours non-stop. The commander of The Mad Monster, a grandson of Fleet Admiral Halsey, checks his ship's condition.

Commander: Status Report?

Executive Officer: Turret 3 is down, Turret 1 is still under repair after the shockwave jammed it in place. Worst of all, ammo's running dry.

Commander: Missles?

Executive Officer: They're still operational, but I don't think we have enough ammo to face the final wave, our F-35 sent us the last info of the enemy fleet before being shot down. It tells us that the mothership is also coming in.

Commander: *Sigh* SOB, could things can get any worse?

Executive Officer: Unfortunately sir, yes.

At this point, the commander is getting desperate, his monster ship is heavily damaged and nowhere capable of facing the last fleet. He could call for reinforcements, but that would cost millions of sailors their lives. He knew it all too well since 5 years ago, he was fighting in a fleet of modern destroyers, the 4 Iowa class Battleships, and a supercarrier of the Gerald R. Ford-class, CVN-80 USS Enterprise. Until one day, the enemy launched a surprise attack against his fleet. Of all the ships in the fleet, only Montana, Iowa, New Jersey, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Enterprise survived the massacre. However, All 4 Battleships and USS Enterprise are damaged. The Iowa class sustained heavy damage while Enterprise is critically damaged. All damaged ships will undergo a full overhaul. From the massacre 5000 sailors are killed, this will haunt him forever.

Suddenly, a RADAR operator warns the crew that the last fleet is coming, and just like what the F-35 sent, the mothership is also here. The aliens encircle the badly damaged ship, ready to fire a volley of rounds turning the ship into nothing but metallic debris. 

Commander: *sigh* looks like we have no other choices...

Executive Officer: Orders, sir?

Commander: self-destruct the nuclear reactor, it's the only way to end this.

Executive Officer: .........*sigh* yes sir.

He then addresses his men.

Commander: *from radio* Boys, looks like we found ourselves in a very tight spot. As you all know that our ship is heavily damaged and they will relentlessly shoot at us until we are nothing but blood, gore, and chunks of metal. For this, I've decided to self-destruct the nuclear reactor, make sure you boys make a mail to your loved ones for one last time before the time comes. You all have a minute. It was a pleasure fighting with you men, I'll see you all on the other side. Farewell.

The crew did exactly just that, eventough some don't want to die, but there is no other choice. The commander was also sad that he has to meet his fate so soon, but he knows that what he did to the world will not go to waste. Every war comes with a price, and taking it is never easy, but if it will bring mankind closer to freedom, then he will pass on without any regrets.

Executive Officer: Sir?

Commander: Yes son?

Executive Officer: It was an honor to serve with you. *salutes*

Commander: *sigh* The honor is mine. *salutes back*

The executive officer exits the bridge and heads straight to the nuclear reactor. The commander reminisces his memory about his time before the war. From the time where he met his first love to the time playing with his kids who are around 10 to 15 years old. He also remembered some quotes that kept him going:

'No Sacrifice! No Victory!'

'No Misson Too Dificult! No Sacrifice Too Great! Duties First!'

He then types a message to his family

'Dearest honey

As the war ends for me, I have no regrets, I have seen too much horror. I hope for the best for you and the kids. Our time on Earth is brief, and mine is filled with so much joy, that I can only be thankful for how much I've been blessed. Most especially, for the wonder, you brought into my life. This letter is my last. My crew is under alien attack for a full day, it was getting desperate until we have no choice to set off the nuke. War Makes Men Mad. Though I've failed to keep my promise, I know that my sacrifice has not been in vain. I fought for my country, my liberty, and for the whole world, my honor is assured. Since it was the will of God to separate us on Earth, I hope we'll meet again in heaven.

Keep me in your prayers

Your loving commander


Just as the aliens are about to blast Montana off, the executive officer arms the detonator.

Executive Officer: Sir the bomb's set. On your mark!

The commander closes his eyes and sheds a tear, before executing the order:

Commander: Hit it.

A huge mushroom cloud erupts into the sky. The blast was so big, every last alien ship, including the mothership, are vaporized instantly. when the cloud disappeared, it left nothing but a wide radioactive area around the Pacific.

3 months later, a ceremony was held over the area where Montana self-destructed. the President promoted the commander straight to fleet admiral and awarded him the Medal of Honor posthumously. A buoy with plaque was set on the spot where the crew died where their spirits will be laid to rest. What they don't know, however, is that Montana is not dead, yet. That is when things are about to get magical.

Let me know what do you guys think before I begin Chapter 1. Tx.

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