Chapter 8.5

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10:00 P.M. 2 days before the decisive battle.

After the Black Mental Cube is secured inside the armory and the girls were asleep, Montana decided to head inside and do something no one would dare think of. When he reached the armory, he managed to unlock the security door since he was with the girls when they're gonna to secure it. As he began extracting it, a bright light fills the room and he's thrown to the wall unconscious and time stopped as he wakes up in a different location. It's a hall, but there's something peculiar about this hall.

Montana: Golden tiles, pillars, 7 windows at the left side, this is the Judgement hall from Undertale. That means...

He got up and walks straight forward before stopping halfway and there he met the Head Judge himself.

Montana's thoughts: Sans...

Sans: Heya. You've been busy haven't ya?

Montana: Heh, guess you can say that. You do know what's going on outside of here right?

Sans: Yeah, we do, those Sirens are causing havoc for Azur Lane, not to mention the Crimson Axis helping them.

Montana: We...? Gaster is also here, isn't he?

Gaster: ☟︎︎☜︎☟︎ ☟︎☜︎☟︎ ☟︎☜︎☟︎📪︎︎ ☹︎⚐︎⚐︎😐︎💧︎ ☹︎✋︎😐︎☜︎ 💧︎⚐︎💣︎☜︎⚐︎☠︎☜︎ ☟︎✌︎💧︎ ✌︎ 💧︎☟︎✌︎☼︎🏱︎ 💣︎✋︎☠︎👎︎📬︎︎

And outcomes the Head Scientist.

Gaster: ☝︎☼︎☜︎☜︎❄︎✋︎☠︎☝︎💧︎📪︎ 🕆︎💧︎💧︎ 💣︎⚐︎☠︎❄︎✌︎☠︎✌︎📬︎︎

Montana: Dr. Windings Gaster.

Gaster: ✋︎︎ ✌︎💧︎💧︎🕆︎💣︎☜︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎🕯︎︎☼︎☜︎ ☟︎☜︎☼︎☜︎ 👌︎☜︎👍︎✌︎🕆︎💧︎☜︎ ⚐︎☞︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎ 👌︎︎☹︎✌︎👍︎😐︎ 💣︎︎☜︎☠︎❄︎✌︎☹︎ 👍︎︎🕆︎👌︎☜︎📪︎︎ 👍︎⚐︎☼︎☼︎☜︎👍︎❄︎✍︎︎

Montana: Yeah. To put it simply, I need your powers, which of course I have to fight for it.

Sans: Heh, welp, you do know what difficulty you're gonna face right?

Montana: Lemme guess, Last Breath phase 3?

Sans: Heh heh heh, you are a mind reader are ya? Also, you're aware of what happens if you lose

Montana: Yeah, I'm aware of it. *shrugs shoulders* However, if this can help me fight those bastards, you just have to take it, right?  

Gaster: ☟︎☜︎☟︎📪︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ ✌︎☼︎☜︎ 👎︎☜︎❄︎☜︎☼︎💣︎✋︎☠︎☜︎👎︎📪︎ 🕈︎☜︎☹︎☹︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎☠︎📪︎ ☹︎☜︎❄︎🕯︎💧︎ 💧︎☜︎☜︎ ☟︎⚐︎🕈︎ 🕈︎☜︎☹︎☹︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ 👍︎✌︎☠︎ 🕈︎✋︎❄︎☟︎💧︎❄︎✌︎☠︎👎︎ ❄︎☟︎✋︎💧︎✏︎

Sans begins to twitch like he was possessed by a demon, his skull begins to crack into his eye sockets like Gaster's skull. Montana just stood there as he readies his rigging and his rifle, knowing well that he has one shot one this, and he tends to make it count.

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