Oh Look, a Wild Aunt has Appeared!

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  Bonnie had been debating with herself for two weeks on how to tell her friends. Or rather if she was going to tell her friends. At first she was leaning towards No then Hell No. But then she remembered that Rebekah Mikelson knew because of Elijah. So she started considering the idea. After all, if the blonde bombshell knew, it was only a matter of time before everyone else did too.

Finally, she decided on how to do it. Taking a picture of the ultrasound pic, she went into her photos and edited it with the caption " Judgey 2.0 brought to you by the Original Big Bad " inspired in part by Damon's stupid nickname for her. Then she started up a group chat and sent the picture to it, no context, before immediately turning off her new phone. 

Just because she told them did not mean that she was ready to deal with the headache of them knowing. 


Two weeks later, as Bonnie was reaching her forth month of pregnancy, she heard a crash come from the living room. Eyebrows raised and curiosity peaked, she went to investigate. Only to catch Klaus looking very sheepish at Elijahs dead body on the floor.

Bonnie bust out laughing as she took in the dagger sticking out of Elijahs front, and the fact that he had clearly been dropped. " You are so lucky Hayley isn't here. I thought the all mighty Hybrid would be a little more subtle. "

Klaus's face was the picture of surprise, what with his lips parted and his eyes gone wide. But slowly he pulled himself together and picked up his brother from the floor. " Yes well, you don't get many chances to mess up one of Elijahs suits. "

Bonnies eyes twinkle in amusement. " Yes, because that's the reason you dropped your bother on the face only moments after daggering him yet again. " She agreed with him in a completely serious tone. 

Klaus simply rolled his eyes. " And yet I hear no judgment from you. . . "

He had trailed off at the end, clearly both curious and a little too used to being judged. But Bonnie simply smirked while barley sparing Elijahs body a second glance. " Well, if you didn't have a plan, I doubt you'd be giving away one of your most valuable weapons. " She started walking off, before calling over her shoulder. " Besides, it was bound to happen at some point with this family. " Klaus's lips parted in shock at her faith in him before seeing her pause again. " Oh, and Klaus? Get someone to fix the damn air conditioning, it's fucking hot in here. "


It took only two more weeks for Rebekah to get worried enough to show up at the plantation house. She pulled up in a red sports car, coming through the door like a hurricane. Only she wasn't alone like Bonnie had predicted she'd be.

No, instead a second bubbly blonde followed threw mere seconds after her, looking pissed. Bonnie gulped at the sight of her best friend. She should have known. . .

Slowly, very slowly, Bonnie began making her way from around the corner, preparing herself.to get chewed out. 

Yet because of how slow she was moving, Hayley had arrived first, and she was holding a fire poker? " Who the hell are you! "

Bonnie's eyebrows raised in surprise; this was going to be fun.

 And true to her prediction Rebekah did not disappoint. Slamming her keys down on the table she sighed in exaggerated relief. " Ahh you must be the maid. My bags are in the car get them, will you? "

Hayley slowly advanced down the stairs, waving her poker slightly as though trying to prove a point. " Hello, not the maid? "

Rebekah and Caroline exchanged a look, before Rebekah spoke once more. " Well then who the bloody hell are you? Because your certainty aren't Bonnie! " She paused eying the poker with a dangerous glint in her eyes. " And if you wave that poker at me one more time, I'll drive it through your head! "

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