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Bonnie had to fight off the smirk that threatened to take over her face at the words as they escaped the woman's mouth. Obviously she was expecting the " Poor pregnant Bennet " to be confused over the foreign language.

Idiots, all of them.

As if she was not raised by her grandmother, who was not only an occult professor but a woman who had traveled the world in her youth.

As if she was the kind of person who would sit still and do nothing when handed the powers of a god.

No, between the basics her grandmother had taught her, and the things she had learned on her own, Bonnie knew exactly what the woman above her had said as she clutched that necklace for dear life.

" End of all witches huh? " Bonnie smirked from were she sat at Klaus's desk ordering onesies and toys for her little one. " Klaus is gonna get a kick out of that one. "

Just then, as if her words had summoned him, Klaus appeared at the door. " Get a kick out of what Little Witch? "

Bonnie rolled her eyes at him as she looked up from his laptop screen. " How long were you listening in? "

Klaus's smirked at her. " Long enough to hear my name. Fantasying about me Little Witch? "

Bonnie scoffed as she got up. " In your dreams Wolfie. " Bonnie paused to give him a michivous smirk before coniuning on. " No, I just learned something intresting about the little one today. . . "

With a single eyebrow raised Klaus leaned a little closer, a small smirk of his own streching out the corners of his lips. " Oh? Do tell Little Witch. "

Bonnie's smirk slowly faded into a smile as she placed a hand on her slowly growing stomach. " They are apparently going to be the end of all witches. "

Klaus threw his head back as he barked out a laugh and Bonnie couldn't help but note just how many dimples appeared on his face when he gave a true, geniune, smile. Unfortuntly ( although she would forever deny it ) Bonnie was cut short from her observations when Klaus spoke up again. " I grow fonder of this child every day. "

Bonnie smiled up at him, the love she already had for her child shining through her eyes. " I do too. . . "

~~~ Scene Chnage ~~~

Within those few days of peace before anything else happened, Bonnie finally managed to convince Carioline to go home. Although it was no easy task. . .

It had taken a combination of reminding her of her mother who was still in danger from any vampires who remained. Then when that almost failed, remind her how if she didn't go back the only vampiric infulence Elena would have, was Damon. And finally now that she was actually thinking about it, gently pulling out her best puppy eyes and flooding her own eyes with tears to say. " Care I have to put my own college experience on hold, please don't make me be the reason yours gets held off too. . . " With that the last of Carioline's resolve crumpled.

Now Hayley sat beside her flipping through a book, trying to find anything on her family within the Mikelsons vast library. Bonnie herself was looking ( glareing ) at a candle across the room, frustration welling up within her the longer she stared at it. And Rebkah sat across from the two, flipping through a magizine, even if she wasn't paying much attention to it. Actually all her attention was going to the woman who had come in a few moments ago.

Agnes, one of the elder witche, sat directly across from Bonnie. Her dark brown eyes were sparkling with false concern, her lips pulled into a frown as she spoke. " You are overdue for a checkup. "

Bonnie in the OriginalsWhere stories live. Discover now