Tyler Part Two.

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A/N Here is a line I made but couldn't use . . .     

 " Although I supposse good dog doesn't really describe you now does it? "

Klaus grins as Caroline enters the room, Bonnie following after with a faint smirk on her face. The two meet eyes for a moment, their expressions matching, before they turn to watch the coming train wreck.

Tyler had flinched as the door opened, even though it made no sound that was audible to human ears. On the other hand, Caroline simply came to a stop a few feet away from the hybrid, a frown on her lips as she glanced at the shackles weighing him down. " Tyler. "

The wolf reeled back again, as if he had been struck. All he could think about was the fact that Caroline was actually here right now. Of course that wasn't a response that any of the others were quite satisfied with. . .

Bonnie because it wasn't enough, although she did doubt at this point if anything would be enough to satisfy her after what he did. Klaus because blood hadn't truly been split yet, the wolf hadn't even begun to break and he wouldn't be satisfided until the hybrid was nothing more than a siniffling shell of what used to be. Caroline on the other hand wasn't satisfied for one simple reason. . .

Tyler refused to look at her.

He refused to look up and see the pain he had caused her. He refused to look up and see the life that he abandonded. He refused to look at all the promises he broke and the friendships he chose to wreck when he went after Bonnie. He refused to face her, and that was not acceptable, not when she could make him.

A nod to Klaus was all it took. One simple nod and Tyler was grabbed forcefully by his chin, claws digging into his skin as the hybrid was forced to finally look at her. Caroline let out a a satisfied hum as brown ment raging blue. " After everything, the least you could do is look at me when I speak to you. " Tyler's face scrunched up at her words, the skin healing around Klaus's claws. " Look at the girl who you said you loved - "

" I did! I - I mean, I do love you! " Tyler looked slightly frantic as he worked around the claws holding him in place, wincing with every word that came out his mouth. " I - I will always love you. "

Caroline nodded thoughtfully as she placed a finger over her lips mockingly. " Yes you cleary do. . . After all love is kind isn't it? " The blonde was satisfied with the way Tyler flinched backward at her question, satisfied but far from done. " Love is patient. " Her blue eyes hardened as the young vampire stared holes into the others head. " Love is selfless. Love is giving. Love is to think of another even when you sleep. . ."

Tyler had seemed to defate with each word she spoke. Yet still Caroline was far from done. " So based on that, let's take a look back and see just how much you loved me. " With eyed hard as diamonds the young vampire began to recount their entire relationship, her memory of each event clear as glass. " We started out with a kidnapping and torture, " Caroline lifts a finger as she lists off their relationship, her eyes mocking as she gives him a once over. " Don't really know of it feels right or weird that we end in the same place too. "

Bonnie laughs before speaking up. " You know you really don't have to say more. Torture and kidnapping are probably easier for the mutt to understand then emotions. "

While Tyler's face twists in irritation, Caroline simply looks as though she is thinking it through. Finally, she nods with a shrug. " Your probably right. I doubt the doggy understands emotions at all, what with the way he played with mine. "

A ringing sound interrupted the two girls conversation, followed by a deep sigh as Klaus checked his phone. Retracting his claws from Tyler's face, he let the hybrid's head drop as he wiped his bloody hand on the wolfs shirt. " Marcel. "

Bonnie nods at his explination, guesturing towards the cell door. " Go, the mutt will still be in need of your special brand of training when you return. " Klaus openly laughed as he left, the door creaking ominosialy behind him. When the door finally closed Bonnie turned to Carioline with a wicked grin overtaking her face. " Which entry do you want to try out first? "

~~~Scene Change~~~

Voices could faintly be heard over the weak grunts Tyler was letting out. Yet it was only when Caroline paused in the middle of dousing two spiked forks with vervain, that Bonnie moved. Heading towards the door, a sigh escaped her lips as she glanced back at Caroline. " Wait for me yeah? I wanted to see this one. "

As soon as her friend nodded, Bonnie set off to yell at whatever idiot was inturrupting her. The closer she got to the top, the clearer the words became. So clear in fact, she could soon make out exactly what the Miklesons were fighting about this time. 

" Is that what it is? " Rebekah's voice, Bonnie noted as she reached the ground floor. " You are once again worried that you will be left behind. " The blonde paused to scoff at her brother, right as Bonnie reached the room they were aruguing in. " Has history taught you nothing?  " Deciding to lean against the wall and listen for now, Bonnie went unoticed as the yelling contiuned. " We don't abandon you, Nik, you drive us away! "

A slightly hystarical laugh left Klaus's  lips as he began his retort. " Is that so? What have I done lately, other than cooperate? " As she listened in, Bonnie could picture the way Klaus would turn to each sibling as he spoke. " I bow down to you, brother, to make up for daggering you. For the greater good of our plan to reclaim our home " She could hear the pain in his voice as he adressed his sister. " Looked the other way, sister. While you repeat the same cycle with Marcel, falling again for a man you shouldn't be with, while he controls the empire that we built! That he took! " Tears, just barely visble would be floating in his eyes as he finally gave into his emotions and talked his way through it. " Now, I make no excuses for past sins. But in the one moment when you two could have chosen to stand by me - to believe in me - to believe my intentions for my own child were pure. You chose to stand against me, to side with my enemies. I wanted our home back. Now I have it. So I'm going to live there. And the two of you... you can stay here together... and rot. "

Bonnie chose that moment to walk through the door, enjoying the look of shock as she walked straight to Klaus's side. She was sure she made quite a sight, Tyler's blood splattered across her face and hair, dripping from her clothes. " Oh don't worry, its not mine. " Horror still painted Elijah's facial features, yet as she contunied to speak, that horror turned to guilt. " I was playing with that stray dog you both forgot about. " Hayley chose then to walk through the front door, her eyes widending dramatically. " While you both were making out in a bayou,  " Placing a hand over her stomach, Bonnie smirked as she gazed up at the trio with fire in her eyes. "  and you were conspiring with a man who'd probably find some reason to kill my daughter the moment she was no longer a child, " They both flinched violently, knowimg she was right. " We caught a doggy and finally made this place safe, for all of us. However as our daughter is our  top priority, and you've all proven shes not yours, you can all stay here. . . And rot. "

With that Klaus hands the dagger over to Elijah, who takes it numbly. The pair then leave the house, only briefly pausing outside to await Caroline who had been listiening in the entire time. Withing seconds she joins them, a mutilated Tyler slung over her arms. 

A/N Short chapter since this is mostly set up, but I'll be having some fun with the next one!

Love and Appreciate every single one of you!   

- Sami

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