Breaking Tyler Part 1 - Unedited

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( Um, if you didn't come here to watch me take out my anger issues on Klaus/Bonnie's enemies, I suggest you skip this chapter. There will be a brief recap in the next. . . ) ( Oh and this chapter is dedicated to WolfyDB for all of her wonderful ideas ; ) 

Bonnie sat across from a passed out Tyler, waiting for the hybrid to wake up. 

The wolf in question was chained to the wall across from her, the chains having been soaked with wolves bane. His skin sizzled and popped wherever the chains met his wrists, red welts bubbling to the surface as his healing was stunted. 

Turning a page in Kol Mikelson's journal, Bonnie hummed as she heard the hybrid begin to stir. Her eyes sparkled as she scanned the page, waiting just a moment longer before beginning to speak. 

" Crushed by an Elephant. One of the more unique exiqutions I've come come across in my travels. The method sounds exactly as it is. The accused would be pushed into a herd of elephants, allowing the victim to be trampled to death. " Bonnie looked up from the journal, enjoying the sick look that twisted Tyler's face. " Of all the ones I've read, that one seems a mercy compared to some of the others. . . " Tyler's eyes followed her every movement as stood from her seat, leather bound journal left behind. " And I read so very many in the hours you've slept. " 

Bonnie's sage eyes met Tyler's brown ones, waiting for the hybrid to talk. Tyler rolled his eyes at her, grimacing as he tugged on the chains, testing there stength. " Do you really think this will be enough to hold me? "

A small smile graced Bonnie's face as the wolf struggled against his chains, red skin getting more and more irritated. " Oh honey, this is nothing compared to what I have planned. . . " Tyler's naturally dark complextion paled a shade or two as Bonnie dragged her nail across his cheek, leaving a red line in her wake. " In fact, I'm just waiting for our audience to arrive. " Tyler's face twisted in confusion as he watched Bonnie slowly draw back from him, a smirk dancing on the corner of her lips. " Even so, I don't see why we can't have a little fun while we wait. "

Grabbing an obeject to her left, Bonnie couldn't help but be thankful for the Orignal's walk through history. Thanks to them she had no end to torture devices long since put out of fashion, such as the one she was about to use. Not only that, but she also had their knowledge on the subject that had become taboo.

Holding the Metal object in front of Tyler's face tuantingly, Bonnie grinned as she began to explain what it was. " This little thingy, is called a Thumbscrew. " Bonnie fiddled with the adjustible bar, holding the thing by the base as she spoke. " Kol raved about it being used to get information out of people, one of the few not so deadly torture methods they had way back when. " Bonnie's eyes turned cold as she set the Thumbscrew down, looking at Tyler dead on. " Thank goodness your a hybrid! Otherwise I would have to choose one or two ways to make you suffer. " Her voice had a certain kind of tilt to it as she contiuned to speak. " But, since you heal so nicely, we don't have to worry about that. "

Tyler's throat bubbed as he swallowed, before him was a version of Bonnie he simply didn't recognize. A truly diffrent kind of person then the kind hearted witch he had grown up with. For the first time, he began to doubt the decisions he had made. 

Bonnie backed away from the hybrid, sitting by his chained feet. The pregnate woman began to pull up the upper bar, allowing just enough height for her to slip Tyler's toes in. His right foot went first, a single toe inserted into the cold metal slot. 

Placing her hand on the handle, Bonnie looked up at Tyler one last time. " Any parting words before we begin? " At the hybrids silence, she twisted the handle just a notch. The metal bar got closer to its counterpart, putting a slight pressure on the toe. " No? " Bonnie twisted the handle again, her eyes flashing when when Tyler grimaced. " No more yelling that she is a monster? " It was beyond clear that Bonnie was talking about her unborn child, even as she twisted the handle again, pain beginning to show on Tyler's face. " That's okay, I'll just have to make you scream in pain instead. "

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