The First Tribred

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Well i said this would happen so were back at it again with another Mikaelson appearance comes another Jerbekah chapter and when Rebekah comes in the Show for her appearance you know its going to be one long chapter so buckle up for that one but for now it was just Freya that came so you know I got to do the before  Freya leaves and Why there wasn't enough time for Freya and of course Jeremy. Im going to be honest i didnt think we would get a Jerbekah viable episode this early but  im not mad. Ok if you like hhr tho ( i know this isnt a hp book but still its one of the other ones i write ) go to

so Jeremy and Rebekah got up and made  coffee and just sit like a nice normal day.

Fyi this is right before Josie calls Dorian about the Merge book which you know so while Jeremy and Rebekah have their morning dorian and Alaric have their little time

Flash to Salvatore school 

" Alaric Josie called and i knew it was time. i made this for when the merge so they can write to each other and say they forgive each other whoever wins. When she called i knew it was time. This is inevitable, and so is this are you going to stand with her or against her and i think its time to call her Family."

" Your right, Thank you my friend."

" yeah "

then as they were having breakfast Jeremy gets a call form Alaric 

" Alaric whats up "

" i know this is quick but how fast can you get down here "

" why "

" Hopes going through it "

" what, umm we cant ill get Freya to go down "

ends the call Rebekah gets out of the chair from the table 

" what is it "

he looks at her and says 

" its time "

" what but we cant "

"im getting freya dont worry shes tell her "

Jeremy calls Freya 

" jeremy whats wrong "

" Its Time "

" what now "

" yeah Alaric just called me its happening we need you to get down there now we dont have enough time to do so "

" ok i can get there quick "

" good can you explain "

" that there wasnt enough time "

" yeah thanks "

Jeremy gets off the phone and looks at Rebekah and goes and hugs her and puts his chin on her forehead 

" should we tell Kol and Davina "

" i think we should wait "

" what about when our becomes one "

" lets hold off for once "

" ok "

" I know its all weird and new though, but lets see how it goes its our family after all shell do it better than the rest of us "

" i know its just i really do with Niklaus Elijah and Hayley were here to see it "

" Oh i bet they're seeing from wherever they are "

" yeah tru i wonder if Hayley did get that dance "

" Oh you know they did and probably enjoying life "

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