Marcel's Return

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Well you knew i had to eventually bring to last one the one that choose to be a vampire over rebekah. Well Jeremy chose an alternate decision which we will explore in another book but the descicion will be discussed in this and thats it just saying why but i couldn't leave him out tho but he's not going to appear right out of the bat.

So after Caroline left Rebekahs asks Jeremy what  she asked the witches which he motions their room 

" Ok Jer so what did you ask them "

" Ok Bekah its about Carolines kids " 

" What about it "

" Well you remember when Freya mentioned the merge "

" Yeah "

" Thats what it was I was just making sure we got everything "

" OH ok and did you, but you asked Davina "

" Oh just wanted to know what she knew "

" Oh i see so your trying to help "

" Yes "

" Well thats nice "

" Just trying to help and not have it actually happen "

" Why "

" You went away during this time but when they turn age ( 18 ) the have to combine and the strongest one takes over the body "

" The weakest one "

" Gets consumed and dies "

" Oh i see "

" Yeah "

" Thats nice you, like I know you to be "

kisses him 

" Lets head downstairs "

Jeremy and Rebekah come downstairs 

" What were you talking about "

" Just what were she wanted to know you know how she is Freya, in a good way "

" Yeah "

" So then when should we expect hope back up here or who's going to see her next time "

" I'll go i know its obvious but it seems she connects with me the most "

" Ok thats fair enough, so Freya goes next time "

Which sets for when everyones memory of hope returns 

" So Jeremy you saw here last when do we expect to see her back here "

" Well she said she wasn't sure when, after all she lost her parents plus her uncle as well as you lost two brothers we all lost someone so she pretending to be fine but we all know because were doing the same thing "

" Im Surprised Jeremy Gilbert he tried to kill your sister he killed your aunt "

" Well Kol that was years ago and i can tell he's changed but that doesn't excuse it but i forgave overtime and he was chased by his father throughout time "

" So you understand him do you "

" Well I'll like to think i came to understand him a little "

" Well you kinda have to to be in the family "

" Yeah i guess so, but we all know who understood him the best "

" Caroline Forbes "

" She is family and always will be "

" Yes Bekah she will "

" So apparently Lizzie went to an alternate world where hope wasn't born and Caroline was married to Klaus, so in a way "

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